Earthquake Relief:

๐Ÿ’™ Our Hearts are Set on Syria ๐Ÿ’™

February 19, 2023

If you've been following the news of the terrible and deadly earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, you likely know that getting aid into northern Syria has been especially challenging, with far more help able to get into Turkey. That's why it's clear to us that our previous activity in Aleppo, Syria's second largest city, is our doorway to bring desperately needed water aid ~ and so, our hearts are set on Syria.

In 2017 and 2018, we partnered with Sisters of Jesus and Mary to raise up and equip Water Women in the midst of the terrible bombardments of Aleppo. As you can see from the accompanying photos, the Sisters made no distinction between Christian and Muslim women as they conducted our program, exactly in accord with our principles. Our lead collaborator Sister Annie and her sisters understand the spirit of our mission ~ and so, our hearts are set on Syria.

Early on that terrible February 6th, Sister Larraine awoke in Honduras to the news alert on her cellphone, and immediately made contact with Sister Annie, now known for many years and a dedicated and effective humanitarian aid worker in Aleppo. Annie shared her overwhelming personal grief at what was unfolding, yet she never hesitated to say that she would absolutely accept and lead a filter distribution for earthquake survivors ~ and so, our hearts are set on Syria.

By noon, we had a campaign appeal lauched, and to date, over $30,000 has been raised ~ and so, we know that our donor's hearts are set on Syria with us. Sawyer Products soon responded with special disaster pricing that will free up funds for the extra costs of shipping ~ they, too, have a heart for those suffering in Syria.

Waterborne illness is the predictable cause of extended suffering after any disaster at this magnitude. Already, we see reports of cholera and other waterborne disease affecting those who are crowded into refugee camps. We have 15 years of experience and evidence that Water Women + Sawyer PointONE filters ensure the protection of children and other vulnerable peoples as they recover and rebuild their lives. That gives us HOPE for Syria ~ and that encourages us to set our hearts on their needs.

The logistics are daunting, but Sister Annie and her people are hoping and waiting. We plan to ship boxes early next week, each packed with enough filters, buckets and pouches to equip 60 Water Women, a minimum of 300 families served per box for just $4500. (Bonus: we're packing everything in tight with donated hats, scarves and gloves, in lieu of packing material. We have a "back door" that will likely be very costly, but we'll just do what we have to do.

Things will likely be challenging in Syria for many months to come. The societal disruption caused by the earthquakes may well be reflected in increased hostilities. We pray that our Syrian Muslim and Christian Water Women, learning and serving together, will somehow be a force for peace that extends beyond their own streets and neighborhoods. If your heart, like ours, is moved by their vision of peace, if your heart too is set on Syria, please join us in prayer and support for Syrian Water Women and their families. ๐Ÿ’™

This week's photos: Syrian mothers, Christian and Muslim together, in training during the 2017-2018 conflicts. We're proud to count them among our 159,000 Water Women around the world! ๐Ÿ’™

Please Click Here to Donate for Syria

Upcoming Webinar

Appalachia Water Challenges

February 23 2023, 12 PM EST

Registration Required: Click Here๏ปฟ


As Water With Blessings, we hold that every one of Godโ€™s children, everywhere, every day, should be drinking clean water. Thank you for holding this vision with us... thank you for helping Water Women bring the vision to reality.

๏ปฟBlessings for that!

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