Connecting & Informing the Presbytery of Arkansas
July 3, 2024
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A General Assembly 226 Update - Greetings from your Presbytery of Arkansas commissioners! Pictured from left are RE Willie Morris (Hopewell, Morrilton), General Presbyter Stewart Smith, MSW John Arnold (First, Springdale), and RE/Young Adult Delegate Christian Kasten (Trinity, Little Rock).
For current information and recaps, go to the GA 226 homepage or to the Outlook GA page.
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Please Check Your Church's Directory Page! We want to keep our Presbytery Directory as up-to-date as possible so it will be the most helpful for us all, but that cannot happen without your help. Please take a moment to open the directory (the password is presbyarkconnect, all lower case, no spaces) and make sure everything is correct on your church's page - staff? Clerk of Session? Contact information? If changes need to be made, email them to Julie Price.
Thank you so much!
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Do you know someone who has the right combination of gifts and calling to serve on one of the presbytery committees or ministries? Well, it is Nominations season in the Presbytery of Arkansas and we are looking for more than a few good Presbyterians to help lead our ministries into the next chapter of our life together.
Do you feel called to serve Christ in a new way? The Presbytery of Arkansas needs volunteer leaders with wide-ranging gifts and skills. There are positions open on all committees and ministries. Click here to review the 2024 Nominations Form for information on open positions and the skills needed for each. This form can also be found at Documents.
With a little help from you, the Committee on Nominations will put together a slate of candidates for the October presbytery meeting and before you can say "BINGO!" we will be off and running in the new year with the class of 2027!
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A New Cohort Opportunity! Your congregation is committed to living out the counter-cultural values of Jesus Christ, but how is that commitment changing the behaviors and culture in your community?
Preaching for Change is a 2 year initiative that accompanies congregational leaders as they seek to embody antiracist practices as a way of being. Through the transformative work of worship, these practices have the potential to be a catalyst for change that leads towards liberation. Click here to learn all about this opportunity. Please note, this is not just for pastors, but for CREs, Educators, and Ruling Elders as well.
Applications to form a cohort are due on July 31. If you are interested in learning more about this initiative and the possibility of working alongside other leaders in the Presbytery of Arkansas, join a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, July 16, at 2:00 where you and other colleagues can discuss this opportunity with LeAnn Hodges, the Coordinator for the Preaching for Change Initiative. Contact Julie Price for the link to join the discussion.
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Youthquake 2024! Youth in grades 6 through 12 are invited to attend YouthQuake on September 13-15, 2024! This youth conference is a Presbytery of Arkansas tradition and a highlight of the year. Youth can expect time in small groups, worship, a keynote speaker, music, and games all at our beloved Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center in Little Rock, AR.
Click here to learn more and register!
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Social Media 101, An Online FREE Workshop! The Presbytery's Resource Team has hired media specialist Christen Kinard to lead an online workshop on September 26 from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. This is your opportunity to bring along other people from your congregation that might be interested in learning the basics of building your church's social media presence and why this is so important for reaching people. This workshop will demystify social media platforms and teach you how to use them most effectively in connecting with your congregation and beyond.
Click here today and register!
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Mission Grants 2024, Round 2! Does your church have a dream for a new mission or of expanding a current one, but you don't quite have enough funds? The Mission of the Church Committee is offering grants of up to $1500 for qualifying projects.
Click here to learn more and register. The deadline to apply is July 15!
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$1000 Grants Available From Columbia Seminary - The Wonder of Worship program at Columbia Theological Seminary is offering a second round of grants of $1,000 to congregations nationally looking to enhance the engagement of children in their corporate workspaces.
Wonder of Worship is funded through Lilly Endowment’s Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative. The aim of the national initiative is to support faith-based organizations as they help children grow in faith and deepen their relationships with God.
Click here to learn more and apply. The deadline to apply is July 15!
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Administrative Assistant Opening - Trinity Presbyterian Church in Little has a job opening for an Administrative Assistant. The position is for 30 Hours Weekly. There is flexibility in scheduled hours, and potentially a small portion could be remote.
To apply or for more information, contact Pastor Jeff Price at or
Click here to read the job description.
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Four Free Upcoming Workshops From PRC:
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Westover Hills Presbyterian Church Famers Market, 6400 Kavanaugh in Little Rock, on Tuesdays, from 3:30 – 6 pm throughout the summer.
Besides the delicious fruits and vegetables, fresh flowers and baked goods which are for sale, you will also have an opportunity to sign petitions to put initiatives on the November general election ballot for the following (in order to be counted, signatures are due by July 5):
- The Arkansas Government Disclosure Amendment (Freedom of Information)
- The Arkansas Government Disclosure Act (Freedom of Information)
- The Arkansas Educational Rights Amendment
- The Arkansas Abortion Amendment
- An Act to Exempt Feminine Hygiene Products & Diapers (for children & adults) from Arkansas Sales & Use Tax
- The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment
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Wednesday, 7/04, Office Closed for the Fourth
Tuesday, 7/16, 10:00 am Staff Meeting
Wednesday, 7/17, Montreat Middle School Conference Begins
Saturday, 7/20, Montreat Youth Conference Begins
Click here to see the entire Presbytery calendar.
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The next Update will be published July 18. Send information for that publication to Julie Price by Tuesday afternoon, July 16. | |

Presbytery of Arkansas
9221 N. Rodney Parham Road
Little Rock, AR 72227
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