May 13, 2023

"Why are we so sick?"




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Why are we so sick? Part 1 continued

Missing Nutrients


Two weeks ago I started a brand new series


Today we are living in a massively polluted and toxic environment.

Trying to find safe food in the grocery store, can sometimes feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

Further, there are many "hidden" toxins in our foods, our clothing, our furniture, our body-care products & cosmetics, and in the very air we breathe that we are unaware of essentially making us sitting ducks when it comes to guarding our health.

One of today's most toxic threats is BROMINE. One significant factor that is contributing to the growing rates of iodine deficiency is bromine exposure. Bromines are common endocrine disruptors. Also classified as a halide, bromine competes for the receptors in the thyroid that capture iodine. In other words, bromine displaces iodine and puts you at risk for a number of health problems. This problem is called the “Bromide Dominance Theory.”

Bromine can be found in a number of objects around us, including the plastics used to produce computers, fire retardants in fabrics (including children's pajamas!!!), carpets, and upholstery, and swimming pool treatments. Common sources of bromine also include certain foods and beverages.

BROMINE is a BIG reason virtually everyone today is iodine deficient if not supplementing appropriately.

IODINE is a micromineral, meaning that it is essential to the health of every cell in the body. Bromine can be found in a number of objects around you, including the plastics used to produce computers, fire retardants in fabrics, carpets, and upholstery, and swimming pool treatments. Common sources of bromine also include certain foods and beverages.

A partial list of conditions helped by IODINE:

allergies - brain fog - dry skin - cysts & nodules - fatigue - thyroid problems

ovarian problems - cognitive problems - menstrual irregularities - weight gain

breast pain/fibrocystic breast disease/breast cancer - feeling cold

gum infection - psoriasis - type 2 diabetes - hair thinning - puffy face

fertility problems - miscarriage - depression - heart arrhythmia

blood pressure - cholesterol imbalance - scars - infections

genital herpes - fibromyalgia - hearing loss - prostate disease

lung conditions - constipation - vaginal infections - eye problems

neck pain - GERD - eczema - resistance to colds and virus

sex drive and in men increased erections & semen when applied to the testicles



"If iodine is so important, how come my doctor doesn't know or didn't tell me?" Or... "Why did my doctor warn me NOT to take iodine?"

The Wolff Chaikof Effect: Crying Wolf? by Guy E. Abraham, MD

Read by clicking the link above, but I will also explain on the air...

Since the 1960s, we’ve known that iodine concentrates in breast tissue. Shortfalls in iodine needs have a highly negative impact on the health of breast tissue.

Another sad fact from the ’60s and early ’70s: That’s when food manufacturers took healthy iodine out of their flours and added toxic bromine (potassium bromate) to prevent caking. I have no idea why they made this choice, probably if you follow the money, you’ll get it.

Iodine & Breast Health

Brominated flours products are banned throughout the European Union and Canada because of their toxic effects. Fluoridated water is also non-existent in those countries, for the same reason.

As usual, the U.S. lags far behind, choosing to protect the food and toxic chemical industries instead of the health of its citizens.

It is impossible to ignore the weight of the evidence against the conscious addition of toxic halogens to our food supply, contaminants that have been scientifically proven time and time again to deplete iodine stores and cause a variety of diseases, including breast cancer.

Learn More

Iodine & Selenium for Heart Health

The occurrence of iodine deficiency in cardiovascular disease is frequent. The thyroid hormone deficiency on cardiovascular function can be characterized with decreased myocardial contractility and increased peripheral vascular resistance as well as with the changes in lipid metabolism.

A study done with 42 patients with cardiovascular disease were divided into 5 subgroups on the ground of the presence of hypertension, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, coronary dysfunction and arrhythmia. When urine concentrations were tested, the most decreased urine iodine concentration was detected in the subgroups with arrhythmia and congestive heart failure.

A study done with 42 patients with cardiovascular disease were divided into 5 subgroups on the ground of the presence of hypertension, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, coronary dysfunction and arrhythmia. When urine concentrations were tested, the most decreased urine iodine concentration was detected in the subgroups with arrhythmia and congestive heart failure.

Learn More

How do I supplement with iodine?

Very good question!

Next week I will go into this in detail.

When someone begins supplemental iodine, bromine, chlorine & fluoride start getting kicked out of the cells in the body they have been occupying instead of their rightful occupant, iodine.

This causes a very important detoxification that can be accompanied by many negative symptoms. Gradually increasing the dose helps minimize this, and I also recommend using a salt flush during that time period as needed.

Again, I will explain in greater detail next week.

"If I am "allergic" to the iodine contrast in dyes in scans,

am I allergic to iodine?"

The radioactive iodine in medical scans is an entirely different substance from the iodine in iodine supplements. Only if you are allergic to iodized salt are you allergic to iodine (and who is, right?)

"I'm allergic to shellfish; can I take iodine?"

Shellfish contains a protein which is a common allergen. Again, only people allergic to iodized salt may be allergic to iodine supplementation."

"I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis and have been told to never take iodine. What can I do?"

You CAN take iodine, and you NEED to take iodine, but the balance here is SELENIUM. For everyone. Selenium & iodine work together everywhere, but when it comes to Hashimoto's or Graves disease (autoimmune), selenium turns off the hydrogen peroxide inflammation produced by iodine alone.

Excellent Resources

I have been reading today several excerpts from Lynne Farrow's book. I first learned of iodine deficiency from Dr. David Brownstein's book. My conversation with Brownstein in 2008 after 20 of my clients in a row tested insufficient for iodine via the iodine urine excretion test can be found HERE.

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