Weekly eNews

March 28, 2024

Love Grows Here

Join Us for Holy Week & Easter Worhsip

Maundy Thursday Service

Tonight at 7 p.m., in the Sanctuary

Join us for our Maundy Thursday Service, in which we commemorate Jesus’ servanthood in the washing of feet and the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. The word Maundy comes from the Latin mandatum novum or the new commandment. “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” (John 3:34) This liturgy is filled with conflicting images. There is the joy of Communion, celebrated with all its splendor, but there is also deep sadness expressed in the stripping of the altar as we prepare the church for Good Friday, for the agony in the garden and the arrest and betrayal of Jesus.

Good Friday Worship

March 29 at 12 p.m. in the Chapel

On Good Friday, the most solemn fast day of the church year, we gather to remember Christ’s suffering and death on the cross. In preparation for Good Friday services, all decorations have been removed. The inexorable truth of Good Friday is that death precedes resurrection. Join us in the Chapel at noon.

Good Friday Prayer and Stations of the Cross

March 29, 12–3 p.m., in the Sanctuary

In addition to our service at noon in the Chapel, we will open our sanctuary from 12-3 p.m. as a space for prayer and meditation and walking the Stations of the Cross. A printed guide for the Stations of the Cross will be provided.

Easter Sunday Worship

Arrive early for brass and organ prelude music and flowering of the cross. Stay for an Easter Egg Hunt for children and a Festive Reception for all!

On Easter Sunday we will welcome all to celebrate the risen Christ with joy. A brass and organ prelude will be offered in the 10 minutes before worship. You are invited to bring flowers to add to the cross outside and bells to ring. Nursery care will be provided. School-age children will stay in church on this special day of worship. We will have bags for them to decorate, butterflies for them to color, bells to ring each time we hear the word “Alleluia,” and other fun ways for children to participate in the service. Join us after worship for an Easter Egg Hunt, snacks and crafts on the lawn, and a Festive Coffee Hour.

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Easter Plans for Children and Egg-Hiding Mission for Youth

Easter Sunday, March 31

Nursery will be open.

School-age children join us in worship!

EYC meets at 9:40 a.m. to hide eggs.

If you’ve been spending time in the Godly Play room on Sundays, you know that we are approaching the end of the purple days in the circle of the church year, which means that Easter is almost here! We can’t wait to celebrate the risen Lord with our families and friends on Easter Sunday, March 31. Our Nursery will be open, as usual, for our youngest children. Godly Play friends are invited to remain in the sanctuary for the entire service with special busy bags full of stickers, bells to ring, and other activities available at the front of the church. We will have an egg hunt immediately after church on Easter Sunday and a festive coffee hour too!

Easter Season Offerings

Easter Formation Offering for Adults: An Introduction to I John

Sundays, April 7 & 14, after Worship

Join us for a two-part series introducing I John, which we will read in worship during the Easter Season. Led by Phil Barrineau, the class will be interactive and conversational as we connect with others around John’s themes and our own experiences. We will meet in the Library after worship. 

Phil Barrineau holds a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Counseling and Human Development from the University of Georgia. He has been a part of this parish since 2007.

Abundant Life’s Tuesday Community Dinners—April 9

Bring a Meal on April 7

Rev. Ginny welcomes us each Sunday with these words: At St. Andrew’s we are committed to feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, and being transformed by God. We help fulfill this mission by partnering with other larger Episcopal churches in Greensboro who each take a Tuesday to cook for Abundant Life, a community ministry housed at the Church of the Holy Spirit. Ours is the second Tuesday, and our next turn to provide is April 9. To contribute, simply fill a 9 x 13, disposable pan with your family’s favorite dish, put it in the church’s kitchen freezer by Sunday morning, April 7, and you will have fed the hungry, welcomed the stranger, and been transformed by God. It’s that simple!

Sign up at the link below or contact Barbara Cooke with any questions at 336-521-0040 or by email using the button below.

Sign Up to Bring a Meal
Contact Barbara Cooke

Children’s Chapel for Easter with Special Music

April 7 during Worship

Join us for worship and Children’s Ministry next Sunday, when our children celebrate Easter with Children’s Chapel. Children will process out of the church as usual but will head downstairs to our Children’s Chapel for a story, thanksgiving, and music with Mr. Riley. We will return for the Eucharistic Prayer.  

EYC is “Filling Hearts & Bellies” with Charles and Shelley Kappauf

April 14, 5-6:30 p.m.

All middle and high schoolers are invited to our next Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) meeting on April 14, 5:00–6:30 p.m. We’ll be planning this year’s Youth and Seniors Dinner (save the date for that—April 21!) with Chef Charles and Sous Chef Shelley Kappauf. We’ll also hear how they care for the people they love with one of our very favorite things—delicious food made with love!

Service, Formation, & Fellowship

EYC Asheville Youth Mission Week is June 9–14

This summer our middle and high school youth return to Asheville to serve our neighbors experiencing hunger, housing insecurity, and poverty in the North Carolina mountains. We’re looking forward to working again with our friends at Asheville Youth Mission.

The cost of the trip is $150 per person, and a $75 deposit is due by Sunday, April 7. Financial assistance is available.

Payments can be made by check to St. Andrew’s (memo “EYC Mission Trip”) or at Abundant (click below, choose “EYC Glory Ridge” fund and add camper’s name as memo).

Please contact Martha Chaires with any questions about payment or our program.

Pay for AYM Online
Contact Mrs. Martha

Come VBS With Us This Summer

August 5–9, for Kids Ages 3–10

(& Volunteers!)

VBS is back and better than ever this summer with Compassion Camp: What Every Living Thing Needs. We have so many surprises in store for our campers this summer, from a water day to some furry and four-legged guests. Mark your calendar for the best week of summer and look for more information to come soon. Volunteers, mark your calendars too! You won’t want to miss this week of fun with St. Andrew’s little ones.

HUGS Camp Applications Now Open for Buddy Campers

2024 Camp Dates: July 6-13

Haw River State Park

The planning for HUGS Camp is underway, and applications for both staff and buddy campers are now open. The 2024 camp will run July 6–13 at Haw River State Park. HUGS is a unique camp for unique people, bringing together young people of diverse abilities. They overcome barriers of real and imagined differences and build bridges of understanding. HUGS is about acknowledging the good creation in each of us and more fully knowing and loving our God through it. The great differences among campers and staff help all of us learn to appreciate and celebrate our diversity as we recognize our common ground.

Learn more or submit an application at the links below.

Learn about HUGS
Buddy Camper Application

Take a Bag and Bring a Bag

Help fill the shelves at One Step Further!

If you have donations you've been collecting through Lent, we hope you will bring them to church this week! You may leave bags in the church narthex and office hallway to be collected and distributed to One Step Further food pantry by our Missions and Outreach Committee.

Especially needed are rice, pasta, beans (dried and canned), and canned vegetables, meats, and fish. Thank you for feeding the hungry in our community.  

Let's get a jump on those baskets...

On Saturday, the Corner Farmers Market will have their annual egg dipping for the kids, with eggs donated by Faucette Farms. They'll lead your little dippers through the process at the Kids' Make and Take table. 

Saturdays, 8 a.m.12 p.m.

The Corner Farmers Market delivers the goods each Saturday in our Kensington Rd. parking lot. Stay up to date on weekly offerings at their website (sign up for a wonderful newsletter!), and Facebook page.

Follow the Market on Facebook

New Dates to Save!

St. Andrew’s Earth Day Celebration—April 21

We will recognize Earth Day (Monday, April 22) on Sunday, April 21, with a Community Conversation after worship led by Palmer McIntyre of the Piedmont Land Conservancy. There will be activities for little hands, too!

Youth & Seniors Dinner Night Returns—April 21

Our church’s youth would like to invite all parish seniors to a dinner hosted by the EYC and Charles and Shelley Kappauf. Come enjoy a selection of the youth group’s favorite dinners and give us a chance to get to know you better. Sign up details coming soon!

Come See the Story of Women’s Ordination in the Episcopal Church, The Philadelphia Eleven—May 9

In 1974, in an act of civil disobedience, a group of eleven women and their supporters organized their ordination to become Episcopal priests. In celebration of the 50th anniversary of their ordination, we will show The Philadelphia Eleven, which documents their story. Joining us will be a special guest, the Rev. Marie Moorefield Fleischer, one of the original eleven. You can see the film trailer now at the link below.

Watch Trailer for "The Philadelphia Eleven"

Supporting St. Andrew's

Your Gifts Sustain Us

We are grateful for your gifts that sustain St. Andrew's. If you have questions about your giving, please email Ray Marsh, Bookkeeper, or leave a message at 336-275-1651, ext. 3. Ray is in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

If you would like to make a new gift or a payment on your pledge, please use your choice of these options:

  • Donate at abundant.co/standrewsepiscopalch/give.
  • Use the “Abundant Giving” app, choosing "St Andrew’s Episcopal Church" in Greensboro.
  • Mail a check to St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Bookkeeper, 2105 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403.

Parish Photos

We Pray For

Lenten Resources for Reflection and Prayer:

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Church in the Province of the West Indies

The Church of Christ the King in the Church in the Province of the West Indies operates a reading program, aimed at helping young children develop a love for reading.


From At Work In Our Community Archives - CPWI Anglicans

Anglicanism in the West Indies dates to the 17th century, where clergy came to serve wealthy British planters and merchants. Mission initiatives among the indigenous populations expanded the Church in Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, the Bahamas, Aruba, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Windward Islands. The province officially came into being in 1883. Its Codrington College in Barbados is one of the oldest theological colleges in the Western hemisphere. Founded in 1745 with profits from the sugar cane estates bequeathed to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPG) by Christopher Codrington, the school benefitted for some years from slavery.

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Abundant Life, All Saints’, and Church of the Holy Spirit, all of Greensboro

Those on our parish prayer list: Mary Stalter, Norma Bullock, Moira Ermentrout, Maria Wilmoth, Jimmye Olivey, Patrick and Margaret Miller, Ed Morea, Julie Dameron, Traci and Erik, Barbara Cernansky, Ella Janssen, Gabriel, Charles Claunch, Libby Eberhard, Gwen Snead, Barbara Van Cleve, David Heflin, Jeff Cummer, Charles Kelshaw, David McGraw, Maureen Morea, Carolyn Ritchie, Betty Atwell, Eva Harris, Harold Johnson, Bob Emmaus, Judy Gecinger, Liz Wert, Carol Phillips, Leslie Deaton, Ed Phelps, Tom Walton, Mack Baker, Amber Morales, Lauren, Phillip Marion, Downs Brown Jr., Martha and Jim Kaley, Nancy O’Donnell, Tina Sink Gangi, Florine, Vickie, Heather, Victoria, Dean Barrett, Bob, Leslie, Johnetta Shablack, Doug Baker, Erik Flak, Bill Hill, Elizabeth Nevius, Frank Tatem, Amos Fisher, Pauline Tatum, Jim Tatum

Those serving in our military: Tom Stauffer, Paul Zeigler, Stephen Johnson, Benjamin Phillips, Kenneth Gearhart, Alex Reyes, Michael McNeil, Jordan Payne, Catharyn Nosek

The departed: Steven Ritchie, Ali Avery

Birthdays: Asher Ermentrout, Danielle Feifs, Patrick Miller, Armando Ramirez, Barbara Smith, Nate Taylor

Anniversaries: Ernie Dishner and Paula Boothby, Russ and Mimi Pomeroy

Please send prayer requests to Susan Frye, Parish Administrator, by email or at 336-275-1651, ext. 1. Names are taken off of our prayer list after six weeks. If a name should remain on the list, please let Susan know. Please also contact Susan with birthdays or anniversaries for the bulletin.

Weekly Calendar

Easter Sunday, March 31

Easter Sunday

Easter Worship, 10 a.m. (Sanctuary)

Brass & Organ Prelude, Flowering the Cross, 9:50 a.m.

EYC Arrive 9:40 a.m.

Easter Egg Hunt & Festive Reception, 11:15 a.m.

(Parish Hall & Church Lawn)

Monday, April 1

Easter Monday

Parish Office Closed

Tuesday, April 2

Staff Meeting, 10:30 a.m.

Chapel Open for Prayer, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

EfM, 6 p.m. (Cloister)

Wednesday, April 3

Hearing the Gospel, 10:30 a.m. (Parish Hall)

Choir Rehearsal, 7 p.m. (Sanctuary)

Saturday, April 6

Corner Farmers Market, 8 a.m.–12 p.m.

Sunday, April 7

Easter Worship, 10 a.m. (Sanctuary)

Nursery provided. School-age children join us for worship!

Easter Egg Hunt & Festive Reception, 11:15 a.m.

(Parish Hall & Church Lawn)

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

standrewsgso.org   parish@standrewsgso.org  336-275-1651

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