Weekly eNews

June 6, 2024

This Sunday

Come Support Our Youth this Sunday!

Each Sunday we worship in person and online. We are always glad when you worship with us. We offer nursery care during 10 a.m. worship, as well as activity bags to keep little hearts and hands engaged. 

This Sunday is Youth Sunday. We're excited to celebrate our amazing youth and graduates this Sunday. The youth have hsigned up to be singers, readers, ushers, preacher, acolytes, musicians, and more. We will also celebrate our high school graduates with a prayer and a special gift, and we will commission those leaving Sunday afternoon for a week of service with Asheville Youth Mission.

Be sure to come to church on this special day to support them as they lead our parish in worship and to bless them for their week ahead.

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Reminders for Youth Sunday

Sunday will be a busy and amazing morning, and we can't wait to celebrate our graduates and see all of you shine! We will also be commissioning and blessing our AYM missioners during this Sunday's worship. Please email Martha with any questions you may have.

BUT FIRST... click here or below for Martha's message with all the Sunday details about singing, ushering, acolyting, doing other jobs, reading, preaching, and being a graduate.

Read the Youth Sunday Message from Martha
Ask Martha a Question

EYC Heads for the Hills this Sunday—Send Your Prayers with Them

Departing Sunday at 3:30 p.m.

Returning Mid-day Friday

EYC, Here's that Packing List Again!

Our EYC summer youth mission group leaves June 9 for a weeklong trip serving our neighbors in the mountains of western North Carolina. Please pray for our youth and adults and the Asheville Youth Mission as they serve and learn together. Participants are listed in our Prayer List.

For our participants, please check your email from Martha. And click below for the packing list!

AYM Packing List

Come Join the Choir this Summer

All interested adults and teenagers are invited to sing with the Chancel Choir in worship. Meet at 9 a.m.

For more information, click here to email Ann Doyle.

Abundant Life Community Dinner—Tuesday, June 11

Bring a Dish on June 9

At St. Andrew’s we are committed to “feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, and being transformed by God.” We help fulfill this mission by partnering with other Episcopal churches in Greensboro to cook for Abundant Life’s community dinners at the Church of the Holy Spirit.

Our next turn to provide is June 11, and we are now seeking cooks! To help, simply fill a 9x13 disposable pan with a favorite dish, put it in the church’s kitchen freezer by the morning of June 9, and you will have fed the hungry, welcomed the stranger, and been transformed by God.

Please sign up using the link below. (Be sure to use the tab for the current month.) You can also contact Barbara Cooke at 336-521-0040 or using the "Ask a Question" link below.

Contact Barbara Cooke
Sign Up for Abundant Life

Sign Up for a Sunday for Coffee & Conversation 

Our sign-up sheet for coffee hour refreshments is lonely! Please help us fill the summer slots for Coffee & Conversation. Look for the sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall on the bulletin board.


Add Your Voice to "Courageous Conversations" on Gun Violence Prevention 

Next Class is June 13 at 10:30 a.m.

This summer a small group is using the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship’s six-session curriculum to learn and talk together about gun violence and how God is calling the church to respond. We invite you to join us as we learn about the role of gun violence in suicide, domestic violence, race and racism, and the power and money around guns in our country.  

We hope that Courageous Conversations will help us better understand the issue and consider ways we might respond. Mutual respect and open minds and hearts are all that is required for these one-hour sessions.

We will meet in the Library at 10:30 a.m. on the following Thursdays and hope very much you will join us when you can: June 13, June 27, July 11, July 25, and August 15. For more information, contact Kathryn Crowe at the link below.

Remember to wear orange in honor of Gun Violence Awareness Month.

Contact Kathryn Crowe

No More Bedding (for Now)

A heartfelt thank you from St. Andrew’s Daughters of the King (DOK) to all who have donated bedding for families at the YWCA shelter. We have collected what we can store for the time being and ask that you hold donations for now. The collection will resume seasonally, so look for future collection announcements! If you need to bring donations before our next collection, please leave them at one of our DOK Donation Stations—either the room diagonally across from the Children’s Chapel downstairs (preferred), or the table on the upstairs classroom hall. 

VBS Signup is Live for Compassion Camp—What Every Living Thing Needs

August 5–9 (9 a.m.–12 p.m.)

Ages: 3–10 yrs. old 

Cost: $50 / child (scholarships available)

All kids ages 3-10 are invited to join us for our Vacation Bible School offering for 2024: Compassion Camp—What Every Living Thing Needs. Sign up using the link below for a wonderful week of worship, compassion, learning, and fun.

Sign Up for VBS Compassion Camp!

EfM is Seeking New Participants

Education for Ministry or “EfM” might also be called Exploration for Ministry. In this small-group seminar program where everyone participates and contributes, you’ll explore the Bible, the history of Christianity and Christian theology, as well as what you believe and what it means to be a person of faith in today’s world. Along with study and prayer, through a process called Theological Reflection you’ll enjoy guided conversations that you rarely if ever have with others on topics as diverse as a loaf of bread and Black Lives Matter. Even though EfM is a four-year program, participants commit to only one year at a time. The critical question we seek to answer is “What is my own ministry in God’s creation?”

A new EfM class will begin in the fall of 2024. The seminar runs September through May, and this will be the 17th year that St. Andrew’s has sponsored an EfM group. If you are interested in enrolling or just have questions, please call Brenda Swearingin (336-423-6876) or Marcia Moore (336-202-6516) or email them using the links below.

Contact Brenda Swearingin
Contact Marcia Moore

Deck the Halls Needs You! 

Deck the Halls, our annual event to raise money for mission and outreach, will be on December 7, 2024, and we can use your help. December is a hectic time for many, and you may not feel that you can give up a whole day during the Advent season. Don’t let that stop you from volunteering! We have several "behind the scenes" jobs that can be handled earlier and done at home or with friends. There are also a few jobs that only require a few hours of your time right before the event.

If you feel that you can volunteer some time or have a specific interest you want to pursue, please contact Marion Seaman to get started early! You can reach Marion at 336-908-6094 or by email using the link below.

Contact Marion Seaman

Take a Bag and Bring a Bag

Help fill the shelves at One Step Further!

Thank you for remembering our burgundy Bag Ministry. Each Sunday you may leave bags in the church narthex or Chapel hallway and take a bag to fill in the coming week. Food is collected and distributed weekly to One Step Further food pantry by our Missions and Outreach Committee.

Especially needed are rice, pasta, beans (dried and canned), and canned vegetables, meats, and fish. Thank you for feeding the hungry in our community.  

Join the "Stream Team" this Summer

Our Sunday morning livestream has become an important ministry in our life together and keeps our community connected in worship. Volunteers will receive training and will work with existing volunteers to help stream our services. Please contact Anderson Burgess at the link below if you’re interested!

Contact Anderson Burgess

Parishioner Podcast Preview

"The Pinehurst Cure and the Road to the US Open"

St. Andrew's parishioner Jim Dodson is well-known as an astute observer and gifted writer. Among other things, he is the author of seventeen books and the recipient of numerous awards, including the United States Golf Association’s Herbert Warren Wind Award for best golf book of the year, which he won twice.

Jim has a national podcast coming out on June 12 about the history of Pinehurst and the road to the US Open. Learn more at the links below, and tune in on June 12.

Hear the Podcost Trailer
Read More

The Corner Farmers Market

Follow the Market on Facebook

The Market is Strong!

Saturdays, 8a.m. - 12 p.m.

In the Kensington Parking Lot

The Corner Farmers Market delivers the goods each Saturday. Stay up to date on weekly offerings at their website (sign up for their newsletter!), and Facebook page.

SUN BUCKS Food Assistance Doubled at the Market this Summer

Families who receive a stipend for summer meals through the SUN BUCKS program can double your budget at The Corner Farmers Market! Bring your SUN BUCKS card to the yellow market info tent. Staff will match up to $50 weekly from your benefits card, issuing tokens that can be spent with the farms and food vendors at the market, who offer fresh fruits and veggies, meats, eggs, fresh baked goods, and more. If you have questions about how the SUN BUCKS match works at The Corner Farmers Market contact Kathy Newsom, market director.

Supporting St. Andrew's

Your Gifts Sustain Us

We are grateful for your gifts that sustain St. Andrew's. If you have questions about your giving, please email Ray Marsh, Bookkeeper, or leave a message at 336-275-1651, ext. 3. Ray is typically in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

If you would like to make a new gift or a payment on your pledge, please use your choice of these options:

  • Donate at abundant.co/standrewsepiscopalch/give.
  • Use the “Abundant Giving” app, choosing "St Andrew’s Episcopal Church" in Greensboro.
  • Mail a check to St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Bookkeeper, 2105 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403.

We Pray For

St. Andrew's Class of 2024

High School Graduates

Katherine Ann Hackett, granddaughter of Mike & Carolyn Hackett

Asheville High School ~ Will attend UNC–Chapel Hill

Terrance Michael Horne, son of Margaret Ann Horne

New Garden Friends School ~ Will attend UNC–Greensboro for Media Studies

Eli Chandler Inman, son of the Rev. Ginny and Stephen Inman

Grimsley High School ~ Will attend UNC–Chapel Hill

Nathaniel Manz (Nate) Taylor, son of Craig and Anna Taylor

Grimsley High School ~ Will attend UNC–Chapel Hill

Briar Woods, grandson of Ray and Pat Marsh

Morehead Senior High School (Eden, NC)

Zachary Swearingin, son of Brenda Swearingin and Jen Bennett

Grimsley High School ~ Will attend UNC–Charlotte

Higher Education Graduates

William Atwell, grandson of Alan and Betty Atwell

Wofford College (BS, Business) ~ Will pursue an MBA at Wake Forest University School of Business

Grayson Leo Hackett, grandson of Mike and Carolyn Hackett

College of Charleston (BS, Computer Science) ~ Will work for US Government in Cybersecurity

Russell Harter, grandson of Susan McMullen

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (BS, Computer Science & Information Technology / Web Science)

Nathaniel C. Murray, son of Mary Cathryn Murray

Oregon Health Sciences University (MD, Anesthesiology)

A Prayer for our Graduates

In this season of letting go and holding on,

remember the love of God.

The God who formed you and counts the hairs on your head,

the God who dwells in you,

the God who calls you beloved.


In this season of letting go and holding on,

remember the radical compassion of Jesus.

Jesus, who loves you as you are,

who knows your joys and your fears,

who is always calling you to new life. 


In this season of letting go and holding on,

remember the presence of the Spirit,

The Spirit, who infuses your days with hope,

who gives you strength and support,

who knits us together with breath. 


In these days of great change,

remember you are not alone.

Whatever lies ahead, we go with you,

a community praying for your growth and well-being,

a church that tends the Christ light in your name. 


Go forth with God,

knowing that you are loved beyond measure.


—by Kimberly Knowle-Zeller, adapted by The Rev. Ginny Bain Inman

Connect Congregation to College

As you celebrate your seniors’ milestones, be sure to take a moment to help them connect with the faith community wherever their next steps take them. It’s just one thing—filling out a form at the link below—but the benefits of being a part of their new community can last a lifetime.

Fill Out the "Just One Thing" Form

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Province de L’Eglise Anglicane du Congo 

Episcopal transportation in Kindu Diocese in the Congo, a diocese larger than all of Ireland.

From Summary Report from Kindu Diocese | Congo Church Association (congochurchassn.org.uk)

The Province of the Anglican Church of the Congo is a rare African province in that it did not owe its origins to Western missionaries. Instead, its origins lie with two events. First, Apolo Kivebulaya, a Ugandan Anglican evangelist, began work on the Congolese-Ugandan border in 1896, and the Church grew from there. (Thanks to several old biographies, he became known in the West as the “Apostle to the Pygmies.”) Meanwhile, eastern Congolese working in the mines in Zambia and South Africa returned to their homes, bringing with them their newly-found Anglican traditions. As a result, Anglicanism in this massive country is primarily in the east. It became a province in 1992. The Diocese of Brazzaville, capital of the “other Congo” (the former French colony) across the river from Kinshasa, is also part of this province.

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Paul’s, Monroe; St. James’, Mooresville; St. Patrick’s, Mooresville

Those on our parish prayer list: Mary Stalter; Norma Bullock; Moira Ermentrout; Maria Wilmoth; Jimmye Olivey; Patrick and Margaret Miller; Ed Morea; Julie Dameron; Traci and Erik; Barbara Cernansky; Ella Janssen; Gabriel; Charles Claunch; Libby Eberhard; Gwen Snead; Barbara Van Cleve; David Heflin; Jeff Cummer; Charles Kelshaw; David McGraw; Maureen Morea; Carolyn Ritchie; Betty Atwell; Eva Harris; Bob Emmaus; Judy Gecinger; Liz Wert; Carol Phillips; Leslie Deaton; Ed Phelps; Tom Walton; Mack Baker; Lauren; Downs Brown, Jr.; Martha and Jim Kaley; Nancy O’Donnell; Tina Sink Gangi; Florine; Vickie; Heather; Victoria; Dean Barrett; Johnetta Shablack; Doug Baker; Erik Flak; Elizabeth Nevius; Frank Tatem; Pauline Tatum; Jim Tatum; Pia; Henry, Christine, and Emily Davis-Potter; Linda Heller; Macy Maness and Palmer Rose; Katelyn Flowers; Amelia Menston-Sambola; Rafael Morales and family; Mark Courtright; Jeannie Phillips; James; Ralph and Laura Bricker

Those serving in our military: Tom Stauffer, Paul Zeigler, Stephen Johnson, Benjamin Phillips, Kenneth Gearhart, Alex Reyes, Michael McNeil, Jordan Payne, Catharyn Nosek

The departed: Harry Barrineau, father of Phil Barrineau

Special concerns: St. Andrew’s youth and adults participating in Asheville Youth Mission, June 9–14. Youth: Matthew Anderson, Molly Anderson, Megan Chowning, Gigi Frye, Hattie Frye, Sam Inman, Ruby Revell, Jonathan Spinks, Caroline Starrett, Josie Starrett, Lindy Taylor, Lily Wangelin. Adults: Jon Anderson, Martha Chaires, Rachael Revell.

Birthdays: Betty Atwell, Eleanor Baker, Meg Byrum, Bob Cook, Ella Frahm, Haden Hagie, Ed Lawless, Anne Webb

Anniversaries: Jim Baker and Barbara Cooke, Keith and Liz Nash, Glenn and Mary Lou Strohl.

Please send prayer requests to Susan Frye, Parish Administrator, by email or at 336-275-1651, ext. 1. Names remain on our parish prayer list for six weeks. Please let Susan know if you would like a name to continue to be listed. Please also contact Susan with birthdays and anniversaries for the bulletin. 

St. Andrew's Weekly Calendar

Sunday, June 9

Third Sunday after Pentecost

Youth Sunday & Celebration of Graduates

Summer Choir Rehearsal, 9 a.m. (Sanctuary)

Worship, 10 a.m. (Sanctuary)

Festive Reception for Graduates,11:15 a.m. (Parish Hall)

Buildings & Grounds Committee Meeting, 11:15 a.m. (Library)

Asheville Youth Missioners Depart, 3:30 p.m. (Kensington Lot)

Asheville Youth Mission Week, June 9-14

Tuesday, June 11

Staff Meeting, 10:30 a.m. (Cloister)

Chapel Open for Prayer, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Abundant Life Meal Drop-Off (Contact Coordinator)

Wednesday, June 12

ECW St. Anne Chapter Meeting,10:30 a.m. (Library)

Hearing the Gospel, 10:30 a.m. (Parish Hall)

Thursday, June 13

Courageous Conversations, 10:30 a.m. (Library)

Friday, June 14

Asheville Youth Missioners Return, Mid-Day (Kensington Lot)

Saturday, June 15

The Corner Farmers Market, 8 a.m.–12 p.m.

(Kensington Lot)

Sunday, June 16

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Summer Choir Rehearsal, 9 a.m. (Sanctuary)

Worship, 10 a.m. (Sanctuary)

Coffee & Conversation, 11:15 a.m. (Parish Hall)

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

standrewsgso.org  parish@standrewsgso.org 336-275-1651

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