Weekly eNews
July 26, 2024
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You Can Still Help at the Market Bag Workshop!
Friday, July 26 & Saturday, July 27
In the Parish Hall
Please join us as we make fabric reusable bags to be sold at the Corner Market and Deck the Halls 2024. Proceeds will be dedicated to St. Andrew’s “Share the Love” fund which supports our Mission and Outreach programs.
No sewing experience is necessary. All materials and training are provided—we just need willing helpers!
We start at 10 a.m. daily. Bring a lunch and supplies (especially white, cream, black, navy thread) if you have them, and we’ll sew away. On July 27, we will also need help cleaning up / breaking down at the end of the day. Please contact Laurinda Stokes at 502-396-9123 or by email using the link below to learn more.
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Join Us for Worship
Sunday at 10 a.m.
Each Sunday we worship in person and online. We are always glad when you worship with us. Nursery care is available during worship, and we offer activity bags to keep little hearts and hands engaged. After worship, we invite you to stay for coffee and refreshments in the Parish Hall.
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Youth & Adults, Come Sing for Your Summer
All interested adults and teenagers are invited to sing with the Chancel Choir in 10 a.m. worship. Meet at 9 a.m. in the Sanctuary. For more information email Ann Doyle.
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Enjoy Sunday Coffee & Conversation
Join us in the Parish Hall after worship each week for lively all-parish fellowship. In the summer, even refreshments get a vacation on some Sundays, but you can always count on the two most important ingredients, so come enjoy some coffee (or lemonade) and conversation with us this Sunday.
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Updates from the General Convention
July 28 after Worship, in the Cloister
Want to learn more about the recent 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Louisville? Join Rev. Ginny this Sunday after worship for a conversation and sharing of key takeaways. Get your coffee in the Parish Hall and come to the Cloister. If you’re unable to make it but are curious to learn more, please check out the many convention resources available on our diocesan website.
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Special Service Celebrating Rev. Matthews
Sunday, July 28, at 3:00 p.m.
St. Andrew's Sanctuary
Our diocese gives thanks for the ministry of the Rev. Kevin Matthews, retiring campus minister of St. Mary’s House, where he has served as chaplain since 2006. St. Mary’s House was started by St. Andrew’s as a ministry for our college communities. We are happy to host Sunday's celebration. All are welcome.
Gracious God, we thank you for the work and witness of your servant Kevin, who has enriched this community and brought gladness to friends and family; now bless and preserve him at this time of transition. Guide him in the continued use of your gifts. Give him sustenance for temporal and spiritual needs, friends to cheer his way, and a clear vision of the ministry to which you are now calling him. By your Holy Spirit be present in his pilgrimage, that he may travel with the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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What Does Every Living Thing Need?
Shelter, Water, Air, Food—and Compassion Camp!
August 5–9 (9 a.m.–12 p.m.) Ages: 3–10 yrs. old
Cost is $50. Scholarships are available.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church offers a wonderful annual Compassion Camp for ages 3–10, and this year's camp, “What Every Living Thing Needs,” includes daily gardening activities, cooking and baking, art, music, and even a water day complete with an inflatable water slide!
Click on the buttons below to sign up your camper, volunteer to help, or ask Martha a Compassion Camp question. Then join us for a week of fun and learning together!
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Join Us for Breakfast at Green Valley Grill
Friday, August 2, 8:30 a.m.
All are invited to an informal breakfast gathering at Green Valley Grill on Friday, August 2, at 8:30 a.m. We look forward to sharing in food and fellowship with friends of St. Andrew’s. RSVP to Jonathan Stephens at 615-480-3804 or by email at the link below.
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Psalms in the Summer Sermon Series
Begins August 4
The Psalms have long served as a poetic prayer book for God’s people. They express the fullness of our humanity alongside the steadfast mercy and grace of God. Join us for a sermon series exploring the Psalms beginning August 4.
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Hearing the Gospel—All Are Welcome
Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.
Our weekly Bible Study, Hearing the Gospel, meets year-round on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. We read the Gospel for the coming Sunday and discuss what it meant in Jesus’ day and to us today, closing with Noonday Prayer. All are welcome. To learn more, contact Jill Lowe.
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Summer Formation in August
Life Together in a Fractious World
August 4 & 18 after Worship
Our society is deeply divided and increasingly polarized. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, caught in a cycle of anger and despair, or retreating into our shell; but we are called to live into connectedness with God and one another. What does love look like in times of conflict? The Revds. Tricia and John de Beer will explore two crucial tools for deepening our life together—listening with the heart (August 4) and speaking with care (August 18). Join us in the Cloister to learn together!
Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God.
— 1 John. 4:7
St. Andrew’s Stories of Liberia
August 11 after Worship
Parishioners Amelia Menston-Sambola and Celeste Williams met at St. Andrew’s two years ago and discovered their kindred Liberian family lineage. In April of this year, they traveled together to Cape Palmas, Liberia, to visit the village of their families and ancestors. Now they are eager to share with fellow parishioners about the beautiful experience they shared, the discoveries they made, and how it has enriched their lives. Please join Amelia and Celeste after worship on August 11 in the Cloister.
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Share a Dish with Abundant Life Community Dinner
Dropoff August 11
At St. Andrew’s we are committed to “feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, and being transformed by God.” To help fulfill this mission we partner with other Episcopal churches to cook for Abundant Life’s community dinners at the Church of the Holy Spirit. Our next turn is August 13, and we are now seeking cooks! To help, simply fill a 9x13 disposable pan with a favorite dish, put it in the church kitchen freezer by the morning of August 11, and you will have fed the hungry, welcomed the stranger, and been transformed by God. Sign up at the link below (be sure to use the tab for August).
Contact Barbara Cooke with questions at 336-521-0040 or by email at the link below.
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Take a Bag and Bring a Bag
Help fill the shelves at One Step Further!
Thank you for remembering our burgundy Bag Ministry. Each Sunday you may leave bags in the church narthex or Chapel hallway and take a bag to fill in the coming week. Food is collected and distributed weekly to One Step Further food pantry by our Missions and Outreach Committee.
Especially needed are rice, pasta, beans (dried and canned), and canned vegetables, meats, and fish. Thank you for feeding the hungry in our community.
Join the "Stream Team" this Summer
Our Sunday morning livestream has become an important ministry in our life together and keeps our community connected in worship. Volunteers will receive training and will work with existing volunteers to help stream our services. Please contact Anderson Burgess at the link below if you’re interested!
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The Corner Farmers Market | |
The Market is Strong!
Saturdays, 8a.m. - 12 p.m.
In the Kensington Parking Lot
The Corner Farmers Market delivers the goods each Saturday. Stay up to date on weekly offerings at their website (sign up for their newsletter!), and Facebook page.
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SUN BUCKS Food Assistance Doubled at the Market this Summer
Families who receive a stipend for summer meals through the SUN BUCKS program can double your budget at The Corner Farmers Market! Bring your SUN BUCKS card to the yellow market info tent, and staff will match up to $50 weekly from your benefits card. Contact Corner Farmers Market director Kathy Newsom, with questions about using SUN BUCKS at the market.
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Quarterly Statements Emailed—Thank You for Your Generous Support
We are grateful for your gifts that sustain our mission and ministry. Second-quarter giving statements were emailed on July 16. If you have questions about your giving, please email Ray Marsh, Bookkeeper, or leave a message at 336-275-1651, ext. 3. Ray is typically in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
If you would like to make a new gift or a payment on your pledge, please use your choice of these options:
Donate at abundant.co/standrewsepiscopalch/give.
- Use the “Abundant Giving” app, choosing "St Andrew’s Episcopal Church" in Greensboro.
- Mail a check to St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Bookkeeper, 2105 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403.
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Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem & The Middle East | |
The Anglican Bishopric in Jerusalem, established in 1841, was intended to assert a “Protestant” presence in the Holy Land, not to create Anglican congregations. But there were missionary endeavors – controversially, an effort to convert Jews – and growing interest in Anglicanism by Palestinians. Eventually an archbishop presided over Anglicans in all of the Middle East. In 1976 the Diocese of Jerusalem came into being, including Palestine, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, and Syria; Jerusalem is its center. The province now consists of three dioceses: Jerusalem, Cyprus and the Gulf, and Iran. Since 2014 Jerusalem’s bishop has been named Archbishop in Jerusalem, acknowledging his role representing the Anglican Communion in the Holy Land. Anglicans have not been immune to the ongoing crises in the Middle East. The 1948 war was devastating, and Anglicans joined other Palestinians as refugees throughout the region. The Christian population west of the Jordan has dwindled from more than 25% a century ago to less than 2% today. | |
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Church of the Good Shepherd, Rocky Mount; St. Andrew’s, Rocky Mount; St. Mark’s, Roxboro
Those on our parish prayer list: Mary Stalter; Norma Bullock; Moira Ermentrout; Maria Wilmoth; Jimmye Olivey; Patrick and Margaret Miller; Ed Morea; Julie Dameron; Traci and Erik; Barbara Cernansky; Ella Janssen; Gabriel; Charles Claunch; Libby Eberhard; Gwen Snead; Barbara Van Cleve; David Heflin; Jeff Cummer; Charles Kelshaw; David McGraw; Maureen Morea; Carolyn Ritchie; Betty Atwell; Eva Harris; Bob Emmaus; Judy Gecinger; Liz Wert; Carol Phillips; Leslie Deaton; Ed Phelps; Tom Walton; Mack Baker; Lauren; Downs Brown, Jr.; Martha and Jim Kaley; Nancy O’Donnell; Tina Sink Gangi; Florine; Vickie; Heather; Victoria; Dean Barrett; Johnetta Shablack; Doug Baker; Erik Flak; Elizabeth Nevius; Frank Tatem; Pauline Tatum; Jim Tatum; Pia; Henry, Christine, and Emily Davis-Potter; Linda Heller; Katelyn Flowers; Amelia Menston-Sambola; Rafael Morales and family; Mark Courtright; Jeannie Phillips; James; Boyd Lankford; Jim and Sue Ligon; Pam Haynes; Javi Chaires
Those serving in our military: Tom Stauffer, Paul Zeigler, Stephen Johnson, Benjamin Phillips, Kenneth Gearhart, Alex Reyes, Michael McNeil, Jordan Payne, Catharyn Nosek
The departed: Lester Lewis “Skip” Lamb, father of Beth Berger
Birthdays: Dean Barrett, Sam Fleming, Jennifer Jones, George Platt, Laurinda Stokes, Meredith Tysor
Anniversaries: Bernie Smith and Joanne Atwell-Smith, Shane and Melanie Carrico, Beth and David Hair, Steve and Vivian James, Myra and Jonathan Stephens
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Please send prayer requests to Susan Frye, Parish Administrator, by email or at 336-275-1651, ext. 1. Names remain on our parish prayer list for six weeks. Please let Susan know if you would like a name to continue to be listed. Please also contact Susan with birthdays and anniversaries for the bulletin. | |
St. Andrew's Weekly Calendar | |
Sunday, July 28
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Summer Choir Rehearsal, 9 a.m. (Sanctuary)
Worship, 10 a.m. (Sanctuary)
Coffee & Conversation, 11:15 a.m. (Parish Hall)
General Convention Recap, 11:15 a.m. (Cloister)
Leave Taking Worship, Rev. Kevin Matthews, 3 p.m. (Sanctuary)
Tuesday, July 30
Staff Meeting, 10:30 a.m. (Cloister)
Chapel Open for Prayer, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Brown Bag Book Club, 12 p.m. (Cloister)
Wednesday, July 31
Hearing the Gospel, 10:30 a.m. (Cloister)
Prayer Shawl Ministry, 2 p.m. (Library)
Friday, August 2
Breakfast Gathering, 8:30 a.m. (Green Valley Grill)
Saturday, August 3
The Corner Farmers Market, 8 a.m.–12 p.m.
(Kensington Lot)
Sunday, August 4
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Summer Choir Rehearsal, 9 a.m. (Sanctuary)
Worship, 10 a.m. (Sanctuary)
Coffee & Conversation, 11:15 a.m. (Parish Hall)
Formation: Living Together in a Fractious World, 11:15 a.m. (Cloister)
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St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
standrewsgso.org parish@standrewsgso.org 336-275-1651
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