Community Arts Grants

March 31


Like a pot of gold! You just need to apply by 3/31

Community Arts Grants

Funding Categories:

Arts Education & Teacher Mini Grants: $250-$1500

Performers, Artists, Studio Tours: $250-$1500

Arts Organizations – $500-$5,000

Public Art/Special Arts Projects$1,000-$5,000

Film Projectes: $500-$2,500

more info

Local funds for local projects!

Apply now for a grant - arts help our

community thrive!


It's a simple and easy application process. Just enter your basic contact information and 12 questions about your project and budget. Our goal is to keep this process simple, allowing you more time to continue your art projects.


The Upstate California Creative Corps is a media, outreach, and engagement campaign designed to increase awareness around public health, water and energy conservation, climate mitigation, emergency preparedness, relief, and recovery, civic engagement, and social justice.

$3.38m will be re-granted to artists, and arts and social service organizations, as well as units of government, who will employ artists to this end.

Currently seeking two more panelists.

Panelists selected to serve the Upstate California Creative Corps will be reviewing Placer County’s applications.

Panelists must meet the following criteria:

  1. Must be Placer County residents;
  2. Must be able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of multiple applications based on our Upstate California Creative Corps published program goals and review criteria;
  3. Have the capacity to take part in three (3) mandatory virtual group meetings and 10-12 hours reviewing grants, taking notes, and attending meetings and orientations over a six-to-eight-week period. Each panelist receives a modest honorarium of $150. All reviews and meetings may take place in-person and/or remotely. More information about reviewing grants will be provided at the appropriate time. 

Please help create a diverse panel pool!

Get all the details and apply today:

Placer County Panelist

Info brought to you by


the state partner of California Arts Council, and local partner of Placer County


Placer County promotes and advocates for all arts across Placer County to enrich the artistic culture of our region. The Arts Council is committed to using the arts to drive racial equity and social justice.

Learn about the Arts Council of Placer County Endowment Fund:

Endowment Fund
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