My name is Jazel Mendoza, I come from a military brat background so I moved around a lot growing up. I was born in San Diego, California and was mostly raised in Yokosuka, Japan. Currently my parents are stationed in Virginia Beach, Virginia. 

I am 21, currently studying at Barton College and play for the men's soccer team. I am a senior, planning to go to graduate school to do my MBA straight after college. I am the current President of the PBL Chapter at Barton, Phi Beta Lambda, better known as Future Business Leaders, and I am on CAB, Campus Activity Board for Barton. I was sent to many different cities in NC to speak and perform business competitions. Just recently, I was sent to Chicago, Illinois, for the National tournament and got 3rd place in the nation for Annual Business Report, and top 14 in the nation for Impromptu Speaking. 

I worked two internships before this, which are City of Wilson Human Relation Office, and City of Wilson Parks and Recreation. I worked on many projects for the City of Wilson which are the Job Shadow Program, College Tour of Western NC, Summertime Fun Camp, the Whirligig Festival, County fair, Youth Special Olympics and countless others.  

Welcome to Zebulon, Jazel!