Blue Ray Ascension Symptoms: Feeling Bliss or Sadness; Two Worlds Existing Simultaneously;
Big Shift of Light What’s Happening Now: Powerful Transformation
A very significant event—a shift of light for the ascension of humanity—is taking place. A powerful transformation of higher consciousness is occurring as you enter the new year and all of December. Two worlds will exist simultaneously, as many of you will be able to live and function in both worlds.
Regardless of what is happening in the world, which may appear contrary to the Ascension, the New Earth is rising with increasing Light on the planet.
This acceleration of awakenings and increased light is occurring due to the desire for spiritual ascension of the advanced Starseeds and ascended souls who have incarnated specifically for this purpose, which is gaining momentum and causing a vibrational frequency shift on the planet.
2,000 years of "Light of Stellar Activations from the Pleiades Photon Belt
There is a divine timing alignment occurring as you are ending a huge cycle on the planet, with the accumulation of the recent eclipse causing an increase in the momentum of the ascension process. Most prominently, there are even stronger pulse waves of galactic light from the Sun and the Great Central Sun. From 2012 onward, you have been a part of the Pleiades Photon Belt, 2,000 years of "Light of stellar activations." and higher frequency upgrades from Universal Intelligence.
Downloads and Tonal Signals from the Central Sun Universal Intelligence. 444
Coming from the future are the world events frequency markers that send signals and time travelers from the universe. Where new and revealed information gets released on the planet with downloads and tonal signals through the unity grid connective consciousness to the souls who are able to receive it.
This is occurring not because peace is being established on the planet but because you are required to be the conduit of heaven on Earth. Disclosures of the authentic divine Blueprint Divine Human, your magnificent soul's true essence reawakened.
Many of you have already been experiencing higher downloads, shifts, and tonal information from the Stars and the Universe. And for others, it will be happening and increasing this month in December and through the beginning of the year in the Holy Days.
New Earth Shift Symptoms Embodiment of Ascension
It is suggested to consult a healthcare professional for ascension symptoms as not every symptom is from ascension. And though it may be an ascension symptom, you still may need assistance with the process. These are suggestions; trust your own intuition.
*The Embodiment Downloads from the Ascended Masters
You might experience the illumination from the Divine, the Holy Spirit, or ascended Masters as you are imbued with their essence. Additionally, you might be unable to fully function until the energies are anchored and grounded. Others may experience the presence of peace and compassion and feel this in their environment as a very palpable silky presence.
*Experiencing the Divine Field, The New Earth
Many of you have connected more fully with the Divine field the New Earth and Heaven on Earth. As you are now able to fully hold this frequency, there will be fluctuations where old beliefs and thoughts can take you out of it. However now that you are more aware of the frequency vibration and the embodied of the Divine Field frequency it’s easier to enter back into the field.
*Headaches, drinking more water will assist and take short breaks from your work to relax. It can be a result of your third eye and crown chakras opening and developing to a new level.
*3rd eye area itching
Timeline shifting clinches periods where time feels different and where you shift in and out of time. Time clinches with reality, where for brief moments things do not look like you remembered or missing items that then come back.
*Releasing Sadness and Emotional Purging
As it may feel like the Light is pushing harder, some of you may experience more emotional body release. Remember that doing this service is vital to your soul.
Body Shaking, or it feels like an internal shaking for brief periods of time. This is your energetics being upgraded and expanded. With more access with your vibration with the other dimensions and light realms increase.
*Shifting in the Way You Work and How.
Because you will need more time to embrace and integrate the new energies, you may need to work for a while and then take a break, then work a little while and then break. You may not be able to sit for long periods of time. You also might need a whole day for integrating the higher energies.
Your body needs more oxygen and movement during this process so that it can take in energy. This is an embodiment of ascension.
*Not Matching Up in Relationships, Shifting, Endings, and New Beginnings

In relationships, you will notice the shift in frequency of incompatibility or also find more coherence with others. As you are shifting your vibrational frequency, you may also experience relationships shifting or ending.
*Heart expansion periods of LOVE vibration waves of the heart that seem to be fully embodied.
*Higher Heart Activations with physical and emotional sensations where you feel an upliftment of your spirit.
*Ascension flu, or digestive issues and the release of toxins
Your body is adjusting to various frequencies and how the body can assimilate; this can also be a release of toxins. You are undergoing profound shifts in embodiment.
*Feel like Crying and not Sure Why?
*Waking up in the middle of the night
*Memory issues, forgetfulness, walking into a room, then forgetting why you are there. These are short bouts and cycles where your higher consciousness doesn’t need that information and you can be timeline shifting and timeline self-clinches. This can also be bombardment of other counter energetics that distort the divine field as you are higher awareness is making adjustments.
*Increased synchronicities and connections.
*Seeing or feeling the future in dreams, meditations, or flashes of images.
The wanting and needing for more intimate real connections and communion with others, life, and Nature.
Keep following and trusting your empathetic spiritual intuition, as it is guided by God Source in divine synchronicity. You have a wonderful rhythm and flow that allows you to be where you need to be and do what is right for you in this world. Its divine timing and puts you in the frequency resonance of the Divine Field.
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The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia.
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"Shekinah", a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. BlueRay is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.
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