
"Even as COVID19 is interrupting all of our lives, please know: We are here for you. We are here for you now. And our commitment extends beyond this crisis." - Erin Uritus, CEO

How to Celebrate Transgender Employees on TDOV and Year-Round

March 31st is Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) – a day where communities come together to honor and celebrate the accomplishments of transgender and gender non-conforming people. This resource is a tool for your organization’s year-round internal efforts on transgender inclusion. It can also guide your external communications around TDOV.

Perspectives: Brazil

Challenges to LGBTQ equality anywhere affect LGBTQ people everywhere. Check out this video for a sense of the issues that LGBTQ people in Brazil face and the role that companies can play.

Apple Puts Employees Heath and Wellness First During COVID-19 Pandemic
The coronavirus outbreak has forced paid sick leave into the forefront of conversations at U.S companies. More than 30 million U.S employees do not have access to paid sick leave and many are low wage and hourly employees in the service industry. Some companies are taking action to address this. For example, Apple is offering unlimited paid sick leave for their hourly wage employees - including all employees at retail stores.