APRIL 2021
Your Monthly News & Updates
Greetings NTMCA Members!

What do you think of when “Spring” comes to mind? Flowers? Garden? Easter? Sunshine? Longer Days? New Beginnings?
Have you ever heard the saying “hope springs eternal?” This expression was coined by Alexander Pope (An Essay on Man, 1732) and quickly became proverbial. Can you believe this saying is almost 300 years old?
Oxford Dictionary says that it is human nature always to find fresh cause for optimism. I like that! (Optimistic April!)
March Meeting Recap
Thank you to all who attended the March virtual meeting, we had a lot of interest. We even had a visitor, Patsy Patton from Lone Oak.

Our very own Tammy Dixon, Malinda Nowell and Theresa Scott presented timely and useful information on setting the tone for solid relationships with our mayors and councils. This included information on distribution of materials, orientation, training and navigating some tricky political waters. A BIG thank you to Tammy, Malinda and Theresa. Vice President Dianna Buchanan did a wonderful job as moderator. Thank you Dianna!
April NTMCA Business meeting
April 22, 2021

Topic: Five Steps to Move Your Community Forward on the Digital Transformation Spectrum

Synopsis: Establishing a roadmap for digital optimization success to determine your community’s current digital aptitude, assess what steps you will need to take to achieve progressive citizen service delivery, and how to be a change agent in your community. 

Meeting via Video Conference
The Nominating Committee is seeking applications for individuals wishing to serve on the NTMCA Board. Officer positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Historian. 
Board Members must be willing to commit to attend ten monthly Chapter meetings throughout the year. Board Members also meet after regular Chapter meetings, as well as attend Board retreats, as scheduled by the Board President. Board Members typically dedicate two to five hours per week of their time to NTMCA duties. 
Please review the NTMCA Bylaws for detailed descriptions of duties and commitments. Please take the time to give back to our organization through service on the board. This a great opportunity to get to know your chapter members, work closely with other clerks and make lasting friendships.
If you are interested in becoming an Officer for FY 2021-2022, please submit an application to the Nominating Committee Chair Monica Solko, at msolko@lakeworthtx.org by 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 4, 2021
Article Submitted by
2021 Nominating Committee
Monica Solko, Lake Worth Chair
Diane Cockrell, Decatur
Board Liaison Dianna Buchanan
Giving Back is Easier Than Ever!
Donate to the Alyce Deering Scholarship Fund through our Spring Check-Writing Campaign. Pick a donation amount you’re comfortable with ($25, $50, $75, $100 or any amount) and make a check out to the North Texas Municipal Clerks Association.

Include “Scholarship Fund” in the memo and mail to:
City of University Park
Attn: Christine Green, City Secretary
3800 University Boulevard
University Park, TX. 75205
That’s it! You’re done! And you’ve contributed to the continued education of professional municipal clerks across North Texas. 

Looking for some scholarship assistance? Apply now at http://www.ntmca.org/scholarships.html . The deadline to submit applications is May 1 and we have a feeling your focus may be “cast” on a different matter that day.

Article submitted by
Alyce Deering Scholarship Committee Chair
Laurie Wilson, TRMC
Administrative Services Director/City Secretary
City of Carrollton
Welcome Spring! It is that time of year when we recognize one of our members as the NTMCA Clerk of the Year and we also nominate a NTMCA member to be our chapter’s nomination for TMCA’s Texas Municipal Clerk of the Year!  This past year has pushed many of us to higher levels of performance than ever before and truly clerks have again proved to be one of the most valued links in local government operations! This is an opportunity for us to honor fellow clerks who have demonstrated leadership, mentorship, and a commitment to the advancement of the clerk profession. Each of us knows a clerk or two that deserves these recognitions of excellence. Perhaps you reached out to a valued mentor or peer this year for help or encouragement for one reason or another. You may have looked to them for technical advice or expertise for handling issues related to remote meetings, COVID-19 protocols, or other issues. I am sure that help and encouragement came when asked for because that is what clerks do! Perhaps you were part of a seminar or webinar that included an NTMCA clerk as a presenter and they wowed you with their knowledge. A nomination is an easy way to show appreciation to your peer or mentor for their assistance, guidance and/or expertise. Completing a nomination form and submitting it only takes a few minutes. We encourage you to show your support and appreciation of your peer and/or mentor and submit a nomination today.

The deadline for nominations is Friday, June 4th.  The nomination form can be found here: Combo NTMCA/TMCA Nomination Fillable Form

NTMCA Clerk of the Year Requirements for Nomination:
  1. A City Secretary who has been an active member of the NTMCA for at least three years;
  2. Must have provided service to other Municipal Clerks on a local level where the opportunity exists;
  3. Must have exhibited leadership abilities;
  4. Must be a Texas Registered Municipal Clerk; and
  5. Must currently be a City Secretary.

TMCA Clerk of the Year Requirements for Nomination:
  1. A municipal clerk who has been an active member of TMCA for at least five years;
  2. Must have provided service to other municipal clerks on a local level where the opportunity exists, or on a state level;
  3. Must have exhibited leadership abilities;
  4. Must have the Texas Registered Municipal Clerk Certification; and
  5. Must currently hold a municipal clerk position.
Results will be announced at the annual awards luncheon. Currently the annual awards luncheon is scheduled as an in-person meeting for Wednesday, June 23rd in North Richland Hills. Again, Nomination Forms should be submitted to any member of the Committee or the Board Liaison by June 4th. Questions can be submitted to the Clerk of the Year Committee c/o Dianna Buchanan.
Committee Members
Yael Forgey, City Secretary, City of Azle yforgey@cityofazle.org
Shanae Jennings, City Secretary/Chief Compliance Officer, City of Irving  sjennings@cityofirving.org
Angie Miller, City Secretary, Highland Village amiller@highlandvillage.org
Board Liaison
Dianna Buchanan, City Secretary/Director of Administrative Services, City of Haslet, dbuchanan@haslet.org
Article submitted by
Dianna Buchanan – Board Liaison
Here is your Kindness Korner encouragement for April.

Spring gives us the opportunity to see things/life through a new lens. Sometimes we get caught up in the day to day goings on and we do not look for opportunities to do things for people. I like the word “things” because that can mean anything! This makes it much easier to step out when you have sooooo many options.
Have an awesome April!

Sincerely, Traci Henderson, President
Important items of interest:

Brief Reminders for Important Dates & Events

  • May – No meeting – Elections
  • June 23, 2021 – Awards Banquet - Scheduled for in person in North Richland Hills
  • July 14, 2021 – Professional Seminar – TBD – will determine if virtual or in person as it gets closer
  • August 12, 2021 – NTMCA Business Meeting – Scheduled for in person in Richardson
  • September 8, 2021 – NTMCA Business Meeting – Scheduled for in person in Roanoke
North Texas Municipal Clerks Association | ntmca@ymail.com | www.ntmca.org

President: Traci Henderson, North Richland Hills | 817-427-6062

Vice-President: Dianna Buchanan, Haslet | 817-439-5931 ext. 102

Treasurer: Christine Green, University Park | 214-987-5302

Secretary: Lindsay Wells, Euless | 817-685-1434

Historian: Alice Holloway, Joshua | 817-675-1405