All Things St. Philip's

May 23, 2024

Need a ride to church? Call the Parish Office at 804-321-1266

Image Credit: â€śThe Trinity” by Kelly Latimore

A Message from our Rector

Reflection on Trinity Sunday


the Impact of Discipleship on the Church

Dear St. Philip's Family, 

This upcoming Sunday is the First Sunday After Pentecost and Trinity Sunday. Trinity Sunday serves as a pivotal moment for believers to contemplate the profound mystery of the Holy Trinity and its significance in their faith journey. Trinity Sunday offers a unique opportunity to delve into the concept of discipleship and its transformative impact on the Church.

The Trinity is not merely a theological concept but a lived reality that shapes our understanding of community and discipleship. It reminds us that God is not a solitary being but a communion of persons, each distinct yet wholly one. This relational nature of God calls us to reflect the same in our lives and communities. We are invited to participate in this divine relationship, to experience God's love and to share it with the world.

Discipleship, then, is the means by which we live out this Trinitarian reality. It is through discipleship that the Church becomes the Body of Christ, embodying the love and unity of the Trinity. True discipleship involves a commitment to follow Jesus, to learn from His teachings, and to be transformed by His Spirit. It calls us to a life of service, humility, and active participation in God’s mission.

The impact of discipleship on the Church is profound. It transforms individuals and communities, fostering a culture of mutual care and sacrificial love. As disciples, we are called to mirror the unity and diversity of the Trinity, embracing the unique gifts and perspectives each person brings. This strengthens the Church, making it a more authentic witness to the world.

Discipleship also challenges us to step beyond our comfort zones, to engage with the marginalized and to address injustice. As we grow in our relationship with God, we become more attuned to His heart for the world, leading us to act with compassion and courage. This active faith not only transforms us but also impacts society, reflecting the light of Christ in dark places.

As we reflect on the teachings of Jesus and the role of disciples in spreading His message, we are reminded of the power of unity, love, and service in building a strong and vibrant Christian community.

Over the past few months I have been blessed to hear stories about how our members are being true to the call to discipleship. I have heard stories of newcomers feeling the radical hospitality we are known for. I have seen displays of members coming alongside those who who were struggling and provide a hand to hold or a shoulder to cry on. I have received notes about the messages in the sermon or a song being sung being exactly what someone needs to make it through the day.

These discipleship moments are the ingredients to a recipe of a church who realizes that EVERYONE MATTERS. It is evidence that LOVE does indeed live at St. Philip's and we are manifesting the Kingdom here on earth.

Trinity Sunday prompts us to deepen our commitment to following Christ and nurturing a culture of discipleship within the Church, fostering spiritual growth, and inspiring others to walk in the footsteps of our Lord. 

It is my prayer that as we recall the power of the Trinity as a celebration of the mystery and beauty of our triune God, calling us to live out this divine relationship through discipleship. As we embrace our identity as disciples, we reflect the unity and love of the Trinity, transforming the Church and impacting the world for the glory of God.

Trinity Blessings,

Rev. Marlene

Worship Services & Formation


Sunday, May 26, The First Sunday after Pentecost; Trinity Sunday

@8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist/ Rite II

@9:00 Bible Study

@10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist/Rite II

Sunday Service Bulletin: May 26, 2024
Bible Study Scripture Reading for May 26, 2024

What's Happening in our Community

Love Lives Here and You Matter!

ECW Scholarship Information

Deadline: May 29, 2024

The ECW is now accepting applications for The Beblon G. Parks Episcopal Church Women Youth Endowment Scholarship Award and The Episcopal Church Women's Book/Technology Award. The deadline for both applications is May 29th. For more information about the scholarships and the criteria for submitting them, please email Tamara Tuck. (Click on the name for email address)

The Beblon Parks Scholarship Criteria
The Beblon Parks Episcopal Church Women Application
ECW Book Scholarship

A Note of Thanks

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who joined us on Saturday, May 18th to dedicate their time and effort towards the upkeep of God's House. Your presence and hard work truly exemplify the spirit of community and service.

While we made significant progress, there are a few remaining tasks that require our attention. In the upcoming e-newsletter, we will provide a sign-up platform for those willing to contribute to these tasks. Together, we can continue to nurture and maintain this sacred space for all to cherish and enjoy. Thank you for your unwavering commitment and support.

With a grateful heart,

Rev. Marlene

Dear St. Philip's family,

It is truly heartwarming to express my gratitude to everyone who took the time to send thoughtful cards, offer prayers, and show genuine concern for my well-being. Your gestures of kindness and support have touched my heart deeply, and have brought immense comfort to both me and Karen. We are overwhelmed with gratitude and feel incredibly blessed to be part of such a caring community at St. Philip's Church. Your love and compassion have made a significant impact on us, reinforcing the belief that we are valued and cherished. Thank you for being shining examples of love and kindness - you have truly made a difference in our lives.

Harry and Karen Savage

Heidi J. Kim Called as Interim Canon for Discipleship

The Rt. Rev’d E. Mark Stevenson has appointed Heidi J. Kim as the Interim Canon for Discipleship for the Diocese of Virginia effective Monday, June 3, 2024. This is a one-year appointment with the search for the new Canon for Discipleship to start in the second half of the interim year.

Canon Kim will be relocating to Virginia for the interim year.

“It brings me great joy to share that Heidi J. Kim has accepted the call to serve as the interim Canon for Discipleship here in the Diocese of Virginia. Heidi’s gifts are exactly what we need to lay a firm foundation during this interim time. I thank God for Heidi and the work ahead.”

– Bishop Stevenson

“I am humbled for the opportunity to work with faithful Episcopalians in the Diocese of Virginia in this interim role. I especially look forward to reconnecting with the many clergy and lay leaders whose vision and hopes for the diocese helped to inform the creation of this position.”


– Canon Kim

Canon Kim has served as a church consultant for numerous dioceses across The Episcopal Church assisting church leaders in building their capacity to engage in conflict transformation, spiritual formation for racial healing, organizational change processes, and recruitment and hiring. 

You are invited to join St. Paul's Episcopal Church over the week of June 8th and 9th as they welcome Bishop William Barber of the Poor People's Campaign and Repairers of the Breach to Richmond!

Film Screening of Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War on Democracy | Saturday, June 8th @ 2 - 4 PM, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Join us for a screening of the documentary Bad Faith, that traces the rise of Christian nationalist movement, followed by an insightful conversation with Bishop Barber. Register for free by visiting


Poor People’s Campaign: Resurrecting Hope 

Bishop William Barber II, DMin (Disciples of Christ), Co-Chair of the Poor People’s Campaign and founder of Repairers of the Breach, is coming to Richmond June 8th and 9th. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (815 E Grace St, Richmond) will host Bishop Barber during this important stop on his national preaching tour to mobilize turnout for the Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly in Washington D.C. on June 29th. All are welcome to participate in these powerful events of faith and solidarity!

Welcome Bishop William Barber to St. Paul’s Pulpit | Sunday, June 9th @ 10 AM. Bishop Barber will join us for our Sunday service of Holy Eucharist during his national preaching tour. Bishop Barber is a renowned progressive Christian leader, who has renewed Dr. King’s dream of an intersectional movement dedicated to transformational policy changes. All are invited to be nourished by Word and Sacrament as we commit ourselves to activism and advocacy. The service will be followed by a festive reception with leaders from the Poor People’s Campaign. 

Forum: Poor People’s Campaign | Sunday June 9th @ 11:45 AM. Rev. Dr. Alvin O’Neal Jackson (Mass Poor People’s Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly- National Faith Convener) and Rev. Dr. Hanna R. Broome (Repairers of the Breach- National Director of Religious Affairs) will lead a discussion on the Poor People’s Campaign, highlighting their public policy agenda for June 29th and the upcoming elections. Join us for a compelling conversation on the intersection between our faith and bold public policy initiatives.

June 22 revival, learning party in Louisville to feature prayer, worship, music and workshops

[Episcopal News Service] Planners of a revival taking place on June 22 in Louisville, Kentucky, say it will be a time of prayer, worship and music, as well as the chance for The Episcopal Church to say thank you to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry for his nine years of leadership.

The KFC Yum! Center, site of the revival, will be configured to seat up to 8,000 people, the Rev. Stephanie Spellers, canon to the presiding bishop for evangelism, reconciliation and creation care, told Episcopal News Service.

The center is a place where the church can “make a big statement about the love of God and the welcome that The Episcopal Church extends in the spirit of Christ to all our neighbors, including people who might have thought that the church didn’t want anything to do with them,” she said. Curry is scheduled to preach at what will be the 27th revival since he became presiding bishop in November 2015.

Read more

Update: This story has been updated to reflect the latest proposed timeline of elections, in which the House of Deputies president would be elected June 25 and the vice president on June 27.

[Episcopal News Service] The House of Deputies presidential election is now a three-way race, after Zena Link, an educator and union organizer who previously served on Executive Council, announced May 19 that she will be a candidate for the house’s presiding officer.

“After five years of discernment and over 20 years of preparation, I am ready to announce my candidacy,” Link, a lay deputy from the Diocese of Western Massachusetts, said in a Facebook post. “My journey has been shaped by faith, meaningful work and a commitment to honoring life’s blessings and challenges. With the support of colleagues, I feel called to unify diverse perspectives within the church and act on our shared mission.”

Read more

Online Giving

Questions? Contact Parish Office: or


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Scan - QR Code Make your gift as the plate is passed, by scanning the QR code.

· Online Giving or PayPal - Go to our website and click GIVE

· Text - Text GIVE to (833) 959-2287

· Check - Send to PO Box 27492, Richmond VA 23261

· Online Banking & Electronic checks - Set up payment with our bank

Other Ways to Donate to St. Philip's

Check - Send to PO Box 27492, Richmond VA 23261

Credit Card or Bank Account - Click here

Earn for St. Philip's at Kroger

We participate in the Kroger Community Rewards program. Every time you shop, St. Philip's receives a donation based on how much you spend.

St. Philip's code is GT673.

Learn more and sign up here.

Sunday Services are held weekly at 8 and 10:30 am

The 10:30 service will continue to be livestreamed on Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube. Please note our new Zoom link for the 10:30 am service.

A few guidelines:

  • Masks are a personal choice.

We ask if you are not feeling well, please stay home and follow along with our online service at 10:30 a.m.

If you have any further questions, please reach out to the office at (804) 321-1266 or We look forward to seeing you at St. Philip’s!

By Computer:

Our website

Click Virtual Prayer Services on Facebook:

Our Facebook page

Wednesday Noon Prayer

Dial-in number: (978) 990-5000

Access code: 870051 #

All are welcome!

Prayer List

Please keep these members of our community in your prayers: 

Paul Adams, Ralph and Judy Anderson, Adrian Arnold, Cynthia Bentley, Vivienne Brown, Mary Carter, Yvonne Carter, Alex Corbett, Henry Davis, Francis Dye, Eudora Forrest, Francis Forrest Sr., Eudora Forrest, Lewis Forrest, Ophelia Gabson, Blair Grant, William Harris, Jr., Yolanda Haynes, Ester Hyatt, Gwen Jallah, Bill James, Ayana Malone, Christian Miller, Robinette Miller, Lela Morris, Robert Myers, Cynthia Robinson, Mary Saunders, Nancy Shadt, Barbara Forrest-Thompson, and Clementine Washington.

For those serving in the military, we ask you to bless the members of our armed forces. Give them courage, hope and strength.

Jasmin Buster and Isiah Seabrook

Prayer List Update Many names were added to our prayer list. While we are happy to continue praying for these people we want to check if they are still in a state of needing additional prayers. Names will remain on the prayer list for 3 weeks. If you would like a name to remain on the list longer, please notify Diem Miller.

Rev. Marlene works Monday-Thursday. She can be reached by phone

(804) 356-8216 or email



Monday - Thursday, 9 am - 4 pm

Friday, 9 am - 1 pm

If you have a pastoral care need or an emergency and cannot reach Rev. Marlene directly, contact the Senior Warden, Melissa Greene

(804) 658-9250 or click here to Email Sr. Warden


To schedule a meeting with Rev. Marlene, please call Diem Miller in the office at 804-321-1266

Vestry Members, Staff, and Ministry Areas

Please see the roster at the beginning of the newsletter.

SENIOR WARDEN: Melissa Greene



TREASURER: Vickie Seymour

REGISTER: Carolyn Lanier

ASST. REGISTER: Sarah McDermott


Carol Arrington-Sims

Tim Brown

Alan Foster, Sr.

Joy Lee

Kimion Walker

To learn about a specific ministry or associated programs, please contact the vestry liaison for more information.


Community Engagement

Pastoral Care


Rev. Marlene E. Forrest, Rector

Diem Miller, Parish Administrator

MINISTER OF MUSIC: Dr. Willis L. Barnett


VERGER: Nathaniel Lewis

SEXTON: Richard LeTang

St. Philip's Episcopal Church

(804) 321-1266

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