All Things St. Philip's

February 22, 2024

Need a ride to church? Call the Parish Office at 804-321-1266

Worship Service & Annual Congregation Meeting

Sunday, February 25, The Second Sunday in Lent

@9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist/Rite I

@ NO Bible Study

@10:45 a.m. The Annual Congregation Meeting

Sunday Service Bulletin: February 25, 2024

Worship Notes for the Season of Lent

During Lent, we will celebrate Holy Eucharist: Rite One on Sundays. We will resume Rite Two on Easter. In Lent, our liturgies will begin with the Penitential Order, and continue with the Trisagion (the Gloria will be omitted). At the fraction, the Agnus Dei will be said and the prayer of humble access will be said prior to receiving communion. Silence will be observed at appropriate times during the liturgy as well. All of this is in keeping with the penitential nature of the season. In Lent, in place of a seasonal blessing, a Solemn Prayer over the People will be used. The prayers come from the Book of Occasional Services. 

Vestry Nominee

Our Annual Meeting is Sunday, February 25th, set to begin shortly after the 9:30 a.m. service, and will be held in the Ruth E. Little Parish Hall. We will not be streaming the meeting. All members of St. Philip's are required to attend.


We invite all members of St. Philip’s to attend this meeting to hear about the status of the church, to go over our financials, and to vote for our new Vestry member.


The nominee, offered by Vestry members, are vetted by Rev. Marlene.


Voting at the Annual Meeting is conducted by ballot. No absentee ballots are allowed. You must be in person to vote.


To vote, a person must be:

·       a confirmed/registered member of St. Philip’s

·       at least 16 years old

·       in good standing with the Church


The term of office for a Vestry member is three years. A Vestry member is expected to participate fully in parish events and encourage others to do so, attend monthly meetings (held the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m.) either in person or via Zoom, and assist Rev. Marlene in dealing with current issues in furthering the spiritual growth and programs of St. Philip’s and take on a major responsibility for some areas of parish life and the programs associated with it.


Below include the 2024 Vestry nominee, complete with short bios and their visions of the future of St. Philip’s. Please read before the Annual Meeting.


Also, please thank the retiring Vestry members Moses Golatt and Nathaniel Lewis for all their hard work and dedication to St. Philip’s. See you at the meeting!

Introducing Kimion Walker!

Kimion’s primary reason to serve on

St. Philip’s Vestry is seeing good people doing good work at St. Philip's and serving on the Vestry will allow her to take an active role in the good work already in progress.

She actively volunteers in many of St. Philip's Guilds and is a member of the ECW.


She has executive business management skillsets that can be leveraged to do God's work and to continue to work on her spiritual growth daily through prayer. She is a business owner of Flexable Business Concepts and Solutions.


Kimon is married to Adolphus Walker and they have two Children, Roderick and Eric Walker. 

Her hobbies are spending time with family and friends, mentoring, staying healthy through diet and exercise.

Rev. Deacon David Curtis Three Challenges

We had a wonderful visit last Sunday with Rev. Deacon David Curtis! He left us with three questions to carry with us in Lent.

  1. When does God call you God's Beloved child?
  2. Where is the Spirit sending you?
  3. What is the message that God is giving to you to proclaim?

This Lent, may you carry these three questions with you. And, more importantly, this Lent beyond may each of us listen for God's voice on the wind. May we feel the tug of the Spirit to get up and out, and may we go where that Spirit lead us. And when we get there, may we boldly proclaim the message that God has written on our very hearts. Because, my brothers and sisters and siblings, this is how we will change the world! This is how we will bring about the Kingdom of God. This is how we will see the Soon and Very Soon. May we live to see such a joyful day as that! Amen.

Lenten Forums and Special Sundays during Lent

The Second Sunday in Lent, Feb. 25, 2024 at 9:30 am

One Service Only

Mark your calendar now! We invite all members of St. Philip’s to attend this meeting to hear about the status of the church, to go over our financials, and to vote for our new Vestry members.

The Third Sunday in Lent, March 3, 2024

Vestry Commissioning at both services.

8:00 & 10:30 am

ECW Open House - Celebration of Women's History Month

Mark your calendar now! The celebration will be held after the 10:30 am worship service in the Ruth E. Little Parish Hall.

The Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 10, 2024

Girl Scout Sunday,10:30 am service

All current and past Girl Scouts welcome.

Coffee Hour Reception in honor of the

Girl Scouts following the 10:30am service.

“The motivating force in Girl Scouting is spiritual.” —Preamble, Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA At the heart of Girl Scouting are many of the same values most faiths hold: ⚬ Supporting girls ⚬ Making our world a better place ⚬ Building compassionate leaders

Girl Scout Sunday celebrates the powerful ties between Girl Scouting and faith. Girl Scouts are encouraged to connect their faith to the Girl Scout Law and earn the religious recognitions of their faith. Let’s honor the Girl Scouts and adult volunteers who give their time and talents in service of others.

The Fifth Sunday in Lent, March 17, 2024

Guest Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Sarah Kye Price

Rev. Price is the guest speaker at the 8 and 10:30 am service. Join us after the 10:30 am worship service for a Lenten Forum: Faith Journeys - Discovering and Pursuing God's Call

The Rev. Price is the Vocations Minister for the Diocese of Virginia. In this role she manages the ordination process, stewarding the Commission on Ministry’s canonical responsibilities to “design and [oversee] the ongoing process for recruitment, discernment, formation for ministry, and the assessment of readiness therefore.”

She is a blended vocational priest, professor, and social worker with a heart for preparing people to serve the church and the world. She is grateful for her call to diocesan staff to accompany others in the ministry of vocational discernment and formation.

Lenten Soup and Study

Delve into the Word of God while enjoying a warm bowl of soup. The Season of Lent calls us to fast and pray. One way of doing this as a community is to gather to share a simple meal of soup and bread as a reminder of our common journey through Lent. During the season of Lent, we are called not only individually but as a parish community to conversion. Through this Lenten practice we try to be like Jesus, who fasted, who shared meals with friends, who prayed and taught us how to pray.

During Lent we will meet February 29th; March 7th, 14th and 21st at 7pm in the Ruth Little Parish Hall with a Zoom option as well.

We will discover a Practice of Prayer using the book "Seek and You Will Find" by Rhonda Mawhood Lee. A limited number of books will be available for purchase from the church office. It may also be purchased from Church Publishing and Amazon. 

Rhonda Mawhood Lee explores practices from the Lord's Prayer to praying with the psalms and in song, from the eucharist and the rosary to "moving" prayers offered when walking a labyrinth, doodling, baking, or devoting another activity to God. Scripture and tradition show us that when we seek God through prayer, we will find, by grace, the One who has already reached out to us in love. Seek and You Will Find is a comforting, challenging, and instructive companion in your quest to develop the relationship God deeply desires with you.

TRANSPORTATION WEEKLY TO ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH during Wednesdays in Lent at 12Noon. If you would like to attend any of the Lent series at St. Paul’s, please call the Parish Office at 804-321-1266 to reserve your seat on the church bus or sign up below on any or all the series. (bus capacity at 15persons) You must be at the church no later than 11:30 am.

Lunch Cost is $10, you must pre-order LUNCH the Wednesday before the series.

  • February 28    Rev’d Marlene E. Forrest, St. Philip’s Episcopal

Lunch CH: Beef Short Rib or Cheese Soufflé and Pound Cake

(Sorry, Deadline for Lunch Order Expired 2/21/24)

  • March 6          Rev’d Floretta Barbee-Watkins, Lead Presbyter of the Presbytery of the James 

Lunch Choice: Pulled Pork Bowl or Cheese Soufflé and Pound Cake

Order Lunch Here

March 13        Rev’d Amy Starr Redwine, First Presbyterian Church

Taragon Chicken Salad or Cheese Soufflé and Pound Cake

Order Lunch Here

  • March 20        Rev’d Lance Watson, St. Paul’s Baptist Church

Lunch Choice: Chicken Pot Pie or Cheese Soufflé and Pound Cake

Order Lunch Here

Transportation Sign-Up Below:

Episcopal (Only 3 seats on the bus available)


Baptism at St. Philip's

The Great Easter Vigil, March 30, 7pm

If you are interested in getting baptized on Saturday, The Great Easter Vigil, March 30th at 7pm, you must attend four required baptism classes on February 26, March 4, 11, and 18 at 7pm on Zoom. Contact our Parish Administrator Diem, and she will keep you up to date in the process.

Email Parish Administrator

Did Someone Say Girl Scout Cookies?

Did someone say cookies? A well-known component of Girl Scouts is the cookie program, the largest girl-run business in the world. Did you know that when you purchase cookies, you are supporting our girls in "learning by earning"? They learn five essential skills: goal-setting, money management, people skills, decision-making, and business ethics. Here are ways to order and support these young entrepreneurs:

Please Fill out the Girl Scouts Cookie Order Form, located on the bulletin board in the Atrium or use the link: Girl Scouts Digital Cookie Order Link

When placing your order online, please be sure to check the box at the bottom of the page to avoid shipping fees.

This Week at St. Philip's Church

Monday, February 26

7:00 p.m. N.A. Meeting


Tuesday, February 27

6:30 p.m. Girl Scouts


Wednesday, February 28

12:00 p.m. Circle of Love


Thursday, February 29

6:30 p.m. Vestry Meeting

Friday, March 1


Saturday, March 2


Sunday, March 3; The Third Sunday in Lent; Vestry Commissioning/ ECW Open House- Celebration of Women's History Month

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist/Rite I; Vestry Commissioning

9:00 a.m. Bible Study

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist/Rite I; Vestry Commissioning

11:45 a.m. ECW Open House - Celebration of Women's History Month

Earn for St. Philip's at Kroger

We participate in the Kroger Community Rewards program. Every time you shop, St. Philip's receives a donation based on how much you spend.

St. Philip's code is GT673.

Learn more and sign up here.

Online Giving

Questions? Contact Parish Office: or


Thank you for donating to St. Philip's!


Scan - QR Code Make your gift as the plate is passed, by scanning the QR code.

· Online Giving or PayPal - Go to our website and click GIVE

· Text - Text GIVE to (833) 959-2287

· Check - Send to PO Box 27492, Richmond VA 23261

· Online Banking & Electronic checks - Set up payment with our bank

Other Ways to Donate to St. Philip's

Check - Send to PO Box 27492, Richmond VA 23261

Credit Card or Bank Account - Click here

Visit our Website

Sunday Services are held weekly at 8 and 10:30 am

The 10:30 service will continue to be livestreamed on Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube. Please note our new Zoom link for the 10:30 am service.

A few guidelines:

  • Masks are recommended.

We ask if you are not feeling well, please stay home and follow along with our online service at 10:30 a.m.

If you have any further questions, please reach out to the office at (804) 321-1266 or We look forward to seeing you at St. Philip’s!

By Computer:

Our website

Click Virtual Prayer Services on Facebook:

Our Facebook page

Wednesday Noon Prayer

Dial-in number: (978) 990-5000

Access code: 870051 #

All are welcome!

Prayer List

Please keep these members of our community in your prayers: 

Cynthia Bentley, Mary Carter, Yvonne Carter, Alex Corbett, Rosa Chance, Presiding Bishop Curry, Simone DeJean, Ibrahim Elbalola, Lorraine Fasset, Rueben Greene, William Harris, Yolanda Haynes, Ester Hyatt, Bill James, Robinette Miller, Lela Morris, Robert Myers, Hortense Powell, Nancy Shadt, Anice Saunders, Mary Saunders, Barbara Forrest Thompson, Clementine Washington, Wendall White and Shirley Williams.

For those serving in the military, we ask you to bless the members of our armed forces. Give them courage, hope and strength.

Jasmin Buster and Isiah Seabrook

Prayer List Update Many names were added to our prayer list. While we are happy to continue praying for these people we want to check if they are still in a state of needing additional prayers. Names will remain on the prayer list for 3 weeks. If you would like a name to remain on the list longer, please notify Diem Miller.

Rev. Marlene works Monday-Thursday. She can be reached by phone

(804) 356-8216 or email



Monday - Thursday, 9 am - 4 pm

Friday, 9 am - 1 pm

If you have a pastoral care need or an emergency and cannot reach Rev. Marlene directly, contact the Senior Warden, Melissa Greene

(804) 658-9250 or click here to Email Sr. Warden


To schedule a meeting with Rev. Marlene, please call Diem Miller in the office at 804-321-1266

Vestry Members, Staff, and Ministry Areas

SENIOR WARDEN: Melissa Greene



TREASURER: Vickie Seymour

REGISTER: Carolyn Lanier

ASST. REGISTER: Sarah McDermott


Carol Arrington-Sims

Tim Brown

Alan Foster, Sr.

Moses Golatt

Joy Lee

Nathaniel Lewis

To learn about a specific ministry or associated programs, please contact the vestry liaison for more information.


Community Engagement

Pastoral Care


Rev. Marlene E. Forrest, Rector

Diem Miller, Office Manager

MINISTER OF MUSIC: Dr. Willis L. Barnett


VERGER: Nathaniel Lewis

SEXTON: Richard LeTang

St. Philip's Episcopal Church

(804) 321-1266

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