Hello Michael,

The foundation of our electoral process lies in the integrity of our voter rolls and how our ballots are printed and mailed.

My goal is to ensure that the management of voter rolls and the printing of ballots is all done in-house, bringing with it greater accountability, minimized risk of errors, and a secure foundation for our elections.

All 67 Florida Supervisors of Elections outsource voter roll maintenance, management, and the printing and mailing of ballots. Here are my two main concerns:

1.) All voter roll maintenance and management is outsourced to a single company, VR Systems. We cannot guarantee that registrants that not longer belong on the voter rolls are being removed, exacerbating the opportunity for cheating and fraud.

2.) There is no way to provide a secure chain of custody of the ballots when a limited number of print shops print all of the ballots for all of the Supervisors of Elections in Florida.

My proposal would guarantee that the Supervisors of Elections print ballots internally and oversee voter roll maintenance themselves. It's time to take a stand to ensure our elections are as fair, transparent, and secure as possible.

We need your support to make this vision a reality. Please take a moment to sign our official petition calling for the ban on outsourcing of voter roll maintenance and management in Florida!


Your signature represents your voice, your support, and your commitment to secure elections in Florida. By signing, you stand with us in our call for legislation prohibiting the outsourcing of voter roll maintenance and management and mandating that all ballots are printed and mailed in-house.

When elected, I will propose legislation that bans the outsourcing of voter roll management by county Supervisors of Elections and will include the mandatory printing of ballots in-house. The Supervisors of Elections must manage their voter rolls and print ballots in-house in order to ensure that every Florida voter's voice is heard at the ballot box.

Here's what my legislation will achieve:

  • Accountability: By managing voter rolls internally, we can hold our election officials directly accountable for the accuracy and integrity of our voter rolls.

  • Error Reduction: Managing voter rolls in-house reduces the risk of errors and inaccuracies that could compromise the integrity of our elections.

  • Security: Printing ballots internally ensures greater control over the ballot production process, enhancing the security of our elections.


Our electoral process has been compromised, and it is on We The People to ensure that our voices are being heard.

Share this petition with your friends and family to amplify our message and bring about necessary changes to how our elections are conducted and managed.

In liberty and with gratitude,

Mike Levine

Candidate for State Representative

Florida House District 26

P.S. My campaign fundraising deadline is this Saturday, September 30th, at 11:59 PM. Help me reach my fundraising goal and send a strong message to the corrupt political establishment by clicking here and making an URGENT Florida-First donation today! >>>