To everyone who crossed the finish line in Boston on Monday, YOU are so important to our sport and community! Your dedication and passion can bring you anywhere you want to go! Big congrats!
—Nell Rojas, 10th place & top American

Congratulations to all of the finishers of the Boston Marathon! 26.2 miles is a very long way and whether you completed it at the pace that you wanted or not, you should be very proud of getting all the way to Boylston St. Every time I go to a race, especially Boston, I am always blown away by the level of hard work and dedication amateurs put in on top of your additional life responsibilities. I can assure you, I am not nearly tough enough to squeeze in miles before and after a full-time job. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful and relaxing week following Marathon Monday and I can't wait to see all of you out in Hopkinton in the future.
—Scott Fauble, 7th place & top American