Spring has sprung!

“Did you hear that?” Listen, it’s the sound of birds chirping. And with the arrival of spring is the thought of sunny days, buds sprouting, flowers popping out of the ground and bugs. Spring is a child’s paradise of discovery.

In keeping with UCDC’s child centered philosophy, Preschool One supports the children’s interest and provide opportunities for children to learn through play throughout their day in and out of the classroom.

During group time, we read books, sing songs and play games about the change in the weather, how plants start from a seed, and what a plant needs to grow. And talk how bugs and worms can be helpers in the garden.

Throughout our classroom, the children can fill their curiosity whether is in the sensory table that is filled with flowers, twigs and bugs, playing in the flower shop in the dramatic play area, exploring seeds at the light table, using flowers at the art table to make blossom prints, looking at picture books with a friend or rinsing a milk carton out to plant sunflower seeds.

With each visit to the playground, the children in Preschool One have a chance to explore the changes in the garden and water plants, check new growth in the herb patch, observe butterflies fluttering in the Woolly Pockets, watch a trail of ants on the brick wall and squish sand and water in between their fingers at the mud kitchen.

Spring brings a new beginning and new curiosity in a child’s life. Where children learn through play and play to learn.