Toddler Two has been learning about books. We got the book Library Mouse by Daniel Kirk from the library and read it to the children. This book is about a mouse who lives in a children’s library. Sam the mouse likes to read and decides to write books and leaves his books in the library to be found by children. At the end of the book the mouse has encouraged library patrons to write their own books.

We placed simple folded four page books in the art area. We introduced them as books like Sam the Library Mouse used to make his books. The children started using the folded books for their artwork. Many books were illustrated by the children. First we mainly saw scribbles. We talked about how pictures are on every page of a book. 

As children continued to illustrate their books, we introduced the idea that stories and books have a beginning a middle and an end. We referenced these ideas as we read books in our classroom. We empowered the children by asking about their pictures and stories. As each child was able to articulate information about the pictures or story they were asked if they wanted the words written in the book. By offering to write and asking permission before writing in the books child retain control of their work, while observing that writing is related to words and thoughts that they generate.

This book has sparked so much activity in our room, perhaps we will have set the stage for a budding author or illustrator.