Our new playground has been a great invitation for exploring, learning and outdoor play at UCDC. It has provided a few new interests for our student-centered curriculum and play-based philosophy. In Preschool 4, we plan weekly lessons based on our students’ current interests to further enhance their natural curiosity and explorations while building upon prior learning experiences.

A recent interest in our class was rabbits…big and small. One morning, a teacher and a student came across a rabbit’s nest (burrow) located next to the bike trail. Instantly, it sparked the child’s interest. Exciting news travels fast! The next day another student lifted the nest to take a peek inside and to their surprise it was full of baby rabbits (kits). 

In less than a week, a few baby kits were hopping around the playground while the rabbit theme hopped across the curriculum in our classroom to offer multiple activities & play experiences directed by the continued interest of our students. Here’s just a few: 

  • Read & listened to books to improve literacy and learn more facts about rabbits
  • Explored patterns (AB, AAB and ABC) with tri-colored felt bunnies
  • Re-enacted a story (sequencing) with our “Peter Rabbit” Literacy Basket
  • Predicted “How long would it take the kits to leave the nest?” (less than a week)
  • Developed language and sharing skills in our Two-Person area 
  • Increased fine-motor skills by tracing, cutting and coloring bunny masks for dramatic play
  • Built homes/habitats for bunnies with our big blocks (problem-solving/team work)  
  • Painted bunny-inspired art while experimenting with mixing watercolors

“Let nature be your teacher.” – William Wordsworth