Walking & Biking News & Ideas
We hope you are staying healthy!

We are very proud to share the great news that Walk-Bike Cupertino (WBC) has received the 2021 STAR Award Nonprofit of the Year. A big "thank you!" goes to the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce for this great honor.

Read below for some interesting news in our area, including how Los Altos officials are reviewing cyclists’ concerns about the Foothill Expressway, and how Cupertino City recently increased the fence costs for the Regnart Creek Trail by a staggering $1.2 million dollars. Cupertino Safe Routes to School is organizing Summer Bike Challenges to encourage more people to bike around our beautiful city, and in our featured article we'll tell you how WBC members of all ages have been enjoying biking and walking with friends locally.

We hope you will enjoy this newsletter and find more opportunities to walk, bike, stay fit and keep connected!
2021 STAR Awards: Walk-Bike Cupertino
Honored as Non-Profit of the Year
by Rick Kitson, Director of Communication, Cupertino Chamber of Commerce
Every year, since 1957, the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce has recognized the outstanding people, organizations, and businesses in our community. The last 12 months have been full of remarkable challenges. It is our honor to acknowledge a few of the exceptional people in our community that have helped us meet those challenges.

Council Votes to increase Regnart Trail
fence budget by $1.2 million
Cost of fencing now almost cost of trail itself
In an unanimous decision, the Cupertino City Council on June 1 voted to increase the budget for the private-land fencing for the Regnart Creek Trail by an additional $1.2 million. This brings the cost of the fencing to almost 2 million dollars, a huge and unprecedented amount for private land improvements. Unlike the trail itself, which will be paid for by Measure B state grant funding, local taxpayers will foot the almost $2M bill for these fences.

Building the fencing will also delay the opening of the trail. Originally slated to open December 2021 per Public Works reports in 2020, the trail has now been delayed by an additional eight months to...

Summer Biking Challenges with Friends

by Jian He, Walk-Bike Cupertino Board Member
Since my participation in the SVBC Bike-To-Wherever-Day in May, I have been inspired to bike more often, sometimes for exercises, and sometimes for errands.

A few weeks ago, I shared my biking experiences with a friend, and she became very interested in biking too. She also read about Cupertino’s Summer Bike Challenges, and suggested we bike together with more friends to participate in the “Group Ride” challenge. Since we three friends got to know each other through volunteering for the Kennedy Middle School (KMS) PTA... Read more
More fun activities coming soon to Cupertino!

The annual Cupertino Bike Fest is on September 25 9am -1pm in the City Center parking lot, with great activities and fun for the whole family including a rodeo, rides, demos and more! More info here.

Registration is now open for middle school bike classes--get your child ready to bike to school safely and easily. More info here.
Joy of Walking with Young Children

by Helen Wiant 

It’s never too soon to get outside and walk with your toddler! Shortly after my granddaughter learned how to walk, our favorite activity became strolling around the block in the neighborhood. What a great way to learn to enjoy walking and have quality time together!

There are so many possible topics of conversation while walking together — colors, flowers, bees, birds, butterflies, leaves, seeds, trees – and wonderful opportunities to have fun in nature – stomping through leaves in the fall, splashing in puddles in the winter... Read more
Trail Review: Byrne Reserve Hiking Trail

by Daniel Ding 

If you’re looking for a short, easy, and peaceful hiking trail, Byrne Reserve is a must. Byrne Reserve is located at Los Altos Hills and is perfect for friends, families, and even pets. It’s a round trip about 3 miles with rolling hills. Next time you want to go hiking somewhere, please try the Byrne Reserve. You won’t regret it. 

There are two entrances for the Reserve. There is one at the Artemas Ginzton Pathway on Moody Road and one at the Westwind Community Barn Town on Altamont road. I normally take the Community Barn as the entrance... Read more
Los Altos officials hear cyclists’ Foothill Expressway concerns

This article is written by Bruce Barton and published by Los Altos Town Crier on July 8th, 2021 . Many bicyclists in Cupertino use the Foothill Expressway, so we post this article here to bring more attention to these safety issues.

Los Altos officials and local cyclists want to see Santa Clara County quickly address what they say are safety hazards created by the new Foothill Expressway expansion project. County officials responded by proposing a workshop. Read more
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We'd love to hear YOUR voice!

Do you know a great walk, ride, run or hike? Want to share an issue about walking, biking, city planning, or interesting idea?

Walk-Bike Cupertino would love to spotlight it in our newsletter and on our website! Articles should be 500 words or less, and should include a picture (at least 3 pictures for hikes). All submissions are subject to approval & editing, and can be used by Walk-Bike Cupertino in future publications. Contact us here.
Happy Walking and Biking,

Your friends at Walk-Bike Cupertino

Find much more, including maps, safety data, and information on all the city projects at: walkbikecupertino.org