www.thehrteam.com | 410-381-9700
July 2021
Eileen's Lesson
Happy summer!
Communications are a great thing when they work.
We often think a conversation is the most simple and direct route to communicate our message. However, sometimes, that isn’t always the case.
A number of years ago, my son came up to me and told me about a video he watched at a friend’s house. He said that it was really funny, and wanted to show me. I asked him where it was, and he said (at least I thought he said) “U2”. U2? I didn’t know they made funny music videos. Nonetheless, I went to the U2 website and my son was not pleased. Let’s just say, he was a bit frustrated. A week or so passes and my son comes home with a post-it note, on it was www.youtube.com
Has that ever happened to you? Sometimes, communications in families, companies, organizations, you name it, can simply break down, and we need an intermediary to help smooth things along. Obviously, they are not as easily solved with a post-it note, but you would be surprised how an outside perspective can help smooth things along. 
As always, The HR Team is here to help you with the myriad of people issues that occur in the workplace. So feel free to contact us to discuss.

The HR Team's Lisa Boss and Dwan Keith recently shared the certification process and teachings for their DEI certification from the University of South Florida at Tampa. This is one example of how our team incorporates continuing education and knowledge share.
Check out this month's announcements &
HR tips & log onto our blog for more info!
Succession Planning | Five Tips for Creating Plans

While not necessarily responsible for the creation of the succession plan, human resources is usually responsible for the process to create the plan, much of its implementation, and its ultimate success.

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Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace

Superior productivity? Financial gain? Technical proficiency? They can all be part of success on the job but the foundation actually lies in something else. Interpersonal skills, or social skills, enable us to work with all types of people.

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Business News You Can Use
Protecting Workers: Guidance on Mitigating and Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in the Workplace

On June 10th, OSHA updated its employer guidance to include:
  • Protections for unvaccinated and otherwise at-risk workers
  • Encourage COVID-19 vaccination
  • Links to guidance with the most up-to-date content

Confronting Vaccine Misinformation in the Workplace

Vaccine conspiracies can cause disturbances in the workplace, especially if employees are sharing misinformation or condemning employees who have chosen to get vaccinated.

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When Something Doesn't Work, See an Opportunity Instead

Things in life don't always work out the way that you want them to. Sometimes it's small snags or setbacks. In other cases disaster can strike - such as the COVID pandemic - and can put you into a state of feeling trapped, lost, and scared.

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With our full outsourcing solution, The HR Team seamlessly becomes your HR department. You’ll receive ongoing support tailored to suit your business’ specific needs with dependable strategic and tactical services you can rely on. If you haven’t given serious thought to outsourcing, the range of tasks that can be offloaded to us might surprise you.