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Dozens of Entrepreneurs, Mentors, Farmers, Investors, Students, Community Leaders…Three Incredible Days!
The demand for innovation for climate, water, and workforce challenges is calling for Southern California’s first AgTech incubator. We want to put AgTech within reach in Escondido.

This pilot has the opportunity to foster the thousands of startups in the agriculture sector with resources like:

  • Coworking space and investor meeting space
  • Incubator to bring in valuable employment opportunities
  • And eventually wet labs and test kitchens
The City of Escondido and Fresh Brewed Tech are partnering to bring the AgTech community together, at Escondido’s potential AgTech incubator!

By bringing together farmers, technologists, community leaders, engineers, and more, we hope to better understand today’s agriculture and food system problems and build solutions together with our local customers for the world.
The meeting place of agriculture and technology, AgTech is innovation that builds upon our best agricultural practices while using every next-frontier technology available to us.

AgTech includes economic opportunities like:

  • Science of plants/crops and livestock
  • Adding value to the agricultural production chain
  • Soil improvement, equipment, sensors
  • Improvement of sustainability practices
100+ Attendees
Collaborate with some of San Diego’s top AgTech entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders
Progress an Idea
Pitch, recruit, and build a team to advance an AgTech idea over three days
Expert Advice
Receive help from facilitators and mentors on how to validate an idea
Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
With idea, validation, and first customer data, learn how to craft a minimum valuable product
Pitch Competition
Prepare and pitch to a panel of industry judges where you’ll receive feedback and potential follow on meetings
Cash Prizes
$10,000+ cash and prizes awarded to teams based on progress and feedback from judges
Who Should Attend
  • Farmers
  • Employers
  • Technologists
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Developers
  • Innovators and more…
Why You Should Attend
  • To advance your innovative idea into a business
  • To help connect and grow the AgTech ecosystem, right in the City of Escondido.
  • To see the new potential Escondido AgTech Incubator
  • To meet mentors, investors, possible co-founders, and employees
What You Should Be Prepared For
  • Be prepared to lead a team with your idea or join a team where you believe in their idea
  • Be prepared to test assumptions and learn to ask questions
  • Be ready to work on your idea from Friday to Sunday in a team environment
Day 1
AgTech Community Social & Hackathon Kickoff
Friday, Oct. 21
3 – 9 p.m.

  • Everyone in the community can attend Friday!
  • Community social/networking, with food and drink
  • Keynote/talk
  • Presentation of ideas by attendees and group up into teams
  • Orientation on how to progress your idea over the course of the weekend
Day 2
Let’s Get Down To Business
Saturday, Oct. 22
 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

  • Breakfast for teams and mentors, intros by mentors
  • A talk on how to do customer development 
  • Teams go out and get feedback from customer development (2-4 hours)
  • Lunch
  • Come back to analyze results and mentor office hours
  • Analyze learnings, build an early prototype
  • Start putting together presentations and pitch practice
Day 3
Show Us What You’ve Got!
Sunday, Oct. 23
8 a.m. – 3 p.m.

  • Breakfast
  • Put together slides, more mentor office hours
  • Pitch competition presentation with judges, scoring, and prizes ($10,000+)
  • Lunch/social/networking
Jennifer Schoeneck
Deputy Director of Economic Development | CITY OF ESCONDIDO
Direct: 760-839-4631 | business@escondido.org | www.escondido.org
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