In this issue:
- Ready for School Kits
- National Poetry Month
- Ben Franklin & Engineering for Good
- Preserving Democracy
- Upcoming Events
- Featured Game and App
Ready for School Kits
IdahoPTV Education has put together 700 Ready for School kits and we've started delivering them to schools around Idaho for kids starting school in 2022.
Inside the Ready for School kits:
book The Night Before Kindergarten
- wipe-and-write sheets for learning letters, numbers, and shapes
- tri-grip crayons
- pencils
- scissors
- activity cards for learning shape recognition and counting
- and school readiness guidelines from the Idaho Board of Education.
April is National Poetry Month

Wednesday, April 20: Ben Franklin + Citizen Science: Sharing Stories of Collective Impact . PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs is joining forces with PBS Books and SciStarter for a FREE, interactive event, to discuss Ken Burns' new documentary and the importance of STEM storytelling.
Benjamin Franklin & Engineering for Good
Think you know who Benjamin Franklin was?
The brand new Ken Burns in the Classroom collection—inspired by the new four-hour PBS documentary that premiered in April—offers you and your students an overview of his impact, legacy, and compelling, but complicated, life story.
In this specific lesson for grades 5 to 12, students participate in their own “engineering for good” design challenge after learning the science behind Benjamin Franklin's famous kite experiment. All lessons on PBS LearningMedia are always free!
IdahoPTV in Your Neighborhood
Laurie Wilmore is a Librarian in Menan, Idaho, with 19 years of library experience. She sees IdahoPTV as a necessary resource in her community.
Idaho Public Television’s Storytime in a Box program has been very successful at her library. “We have had great feedback from patrons,” says Willmore.
“Busy parents don’t have time to plan these things, but if they are planned for you it’s easier to teach at home,” she says. “It’s beneficial to the whole community because it brings families to the library, and then they take the lessons elsewhere, to scouts, to their classrooms.”
Thursday, April 21
If you'd like us to come to your school or library event, contact Trisha Mick.
Fri., April 22, & Sat., April 23

Wed., April 27, 8pm Zoom
Parent Talk: Educators discuss actions parents, caregivers, & childcare providers can take to prepare kids for their first year of school. More info.
Saturday, April 29
Idaho State Museum, 610 Julia Davis Drive, Boise.
Fri. and Sat., April 29-30

Friday, May 6, 10am-12pm, 1-3pm
Join IdahoPTV Education on the Glenns Ferry Community Resource Bus in Hammett on May 6, 10am to 12pm, and in Kings Hill from 1pm to 3pm.
Grades K-5
Players explore the different ways
that seeds are dispersed.
Grades K-5
Inspire your child to discover what the “stuff” in his or her world is made of.