RWD - March Newsletter
Monitor Your Reviews in Google My Business (GMB)
Do a search for [your location] + [your business] on Google and look in the right column. This is your 'Google My Business' information, including a link to see your REVIEWS! Go ahead and read your own reviews.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to respond to these reviews from your customers in a timely and appropriate / professional manner.

RWD has access to most all of your GMB (Google My Business) accounts and I usually receive an email whenever a new review appears.

As a part of my service, I can easily respond to these reviews on your behalf ... if you desire ... in a timely manner. If so, simply send me an email and give me your permission.

I provide this service for a few clients already; I just wanted to open this up for ALL! I usually respond w/ 'Thank you for the kind words ...' or 'Thank you for your nice review ... Let us know if we can be of further service...'

NEVER respond to these reviews in an unprofessional manner as EVERYONE can read these responses ... not just this angry customer!

If you do receive an poor review, respond nicely and just think to yourself ... 'Maybe I need to try to obtain more positive reviews. These are important.'

In the past, I have written about GMB Reviews and their importance for your business. Notice the emphasis on REVIEWS, stars, ‘Write a Review’, ‘View all Google Reviews’? Does this tell you something about how Google views the importance of REVIEWS? Please read my many articles on Google Reviews for more info! Feb 2021 - April 2019 - June 2015 – May 2015 – Nov 2014 – Dec 2013
Keep me informed re: your web site and any COVID-19 statements!