Hello Michael,
Florida's legislative session is officially over, and it was disappointing, to say the least...
We had high hopes with a Republican majority in the House and Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis leading the way. It should have been a golden opportunity to secure our elections and protect our children from the radical WOKE agenda.
But, as it turns out, we don't have a Republican majority - we have a RINO majority. It's disheartening to see some Republicans talk the talk on the campaign trail, only to turn their backs on us once they're sworn in. Why does this happen?
It's simple: spineless politicians only need you during election time. Once they're in office, they rely on special interest lobbyists to keep them there. In the process, they compromise our rights and safety without a second thought.
That's why I'm stepping up to run for Representative. My voice, like yours, has not been represented in the legislature for far too long. We need strong, conservative Republican fighters who will stand against the Tallahassee swamp and fight for We The People.
I invite you to join me tomorrow evening for my Meet the Candidate event at Ezell Recreation Center in The Villages. I want to hear your thoughts on Florida's legislative session and how we can improve. No need to RSVP - just come and share your thoughts!