Educate, Innovate & Connect at
America's Premier Community Banking School
Enrollment is Now Open for the 72nd Annual School Session!

July 16-28, 2023 | University of Colorado | Boulder, CO
Curriculum Tailored to Preparing Tomorrow's Community Bank Leaders
As America's Premier Community Banking School, it is our duty to prepare tomorrow's community bank leaders - a mission we don't take lightly.

GSBC's rigorous 25-month curriculum:

  • Provides the essentials from which a solid education is built
  • Builds leaders who make differences in their banks and communities
  • Fosters readiness by providing tools to think critically and and act innovatively when it is required
Projects That Deliver Value to Your Bank
It is an honor to be sent to GSBC by your institution. GSBC students get the opportunity to bring innovative ideas and approaches back to their organizations through the six intersession projects.
Connect BEFORE You Arrive
Each new student is assigned to a peer group of 10-12 fellow students, a process facilitated by GSBC pre session. These groups accelerate relationship building and enhance the learning experience for students even before setting foot on campus.
The GSBC experience will sell out. Early enrollment is advised.
America's Premier
Community Banking School
For details and enrollment information, visit