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August 2024 eNews

A Community of Volunteers Serving Veterans, Military, and their Families

You’re invited to our virtual pre-convention committee meetings     

ALA virtual pre-convention committee meetings are happening now through Aug. 20. Any Auxiliary member at any level can attend these meetings, but not everyone can vote.

Dates, times, and registration can be found here. Did you miss a meeting? Recordings are available here.

The purpose of these meetings: to transact business pertinent to individual committees such as announcement of award recipients, consideration of assigned resolutions and/or amendments to Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules; to review program accomplishments; and to provide representatives an opportunity to exchange ideas.

We’re heading to New Orleans soon for ALA’s biggest event!

Final preparations are underway for the ALA’s 103rd National Convention in New Orleans! To help you prepare to join us, you can find convention information on our website, including hotel and transportation details, the agenda, breakout sessions, States Dinner, American Legion Family Night at the WWII Museum, and more! Go here to learn about the members running for 2024-2025 ALA national office.

If you are headed to New Orleans, share pictures🤳 📸  with us! Tag National Headquarters @ALAforVeterans and use the hashtags #AuxCon24 and #AmericanLegionAuxiliary.

For those of you who can’t make it but want to interact with general session happenings, follow our livestream at and social media @ALAforVeterans.

Just a couple of days left to order!

American Legion Flag & Emblem Sales is hosting a limited-edition sale on ALA branded products. These one-time only items are only available to order until Aug. 19! Just like anything else you purchase from Emblem Sales, proceeds go back to American Legion Family programs.


These made-to-order products feature brands like Nike, Lululemon, Under Armour, and Adidas. Everything is decorated in the USA, and the items will be created and shipped after the sale ends.


Use this exclusive link to order before you miss out! These items would make great holiday gifts!


*Please note: This sale is being hosted by Emblem Sales, but you will be taken to a vendor site to order the products.

Attention, Junior members! You can design the next ALA Juniors T-shirt

Calling all ALA Juniors ages 8-17! Do you love attending our national Junior meetings? Do you love the fabulous T-shirts you receive at these events? Now is your chance to design the next ALA Juniors T-shirt! Submissions must be received by Aug. 29 at 5 p.m. Eastern.


Instructions and contest rules can be found here.

Attention: ALA members and Juniors

Save the date for the 2024-2025 ALA Mission Trainings and national Junior meetings. These fun and interactive one-day conferences will be held in five locations this year:


  • Nov. 16: Nashville, Tenn.
  • Nov. 16: Denver, Colo.
  • Jan. 25: Des Moines, Iowa
  • Feb. 1: Las Vegas, Nev.
  • Feb. 1: Boston, Mass.

Follow our ALA social media to be the first to find out when registration opens!

Fundraising 4-1-1

August is “Make a Will” month. Having a will is a fundamental aspect of estate planning that allows you to control the distribution of your assets, protect your loved ones, and ensure your wishes are carried out after your death. To learn more about your legacy giving options, visit

Congratulations to the grant award recipients from the American Legion Auxiliary Foundation’s grant review in July. The ALA Foundation awarded one grant totaling $10,000. Do you want to be the next grant awardee? Learn more.

In times of hardship, the American Legion Auxiliary stands dedicated to providing support to members in need through the Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF). Since the establishment of AEF, the ALA has distributed over $6 million to more than 6,500 members, making a tangible impact on eligible members facing significant setbacks due to acts of nature or personal crises. To sustain this vital assistance, the ALA relies on this generous community. Contributing to AEF ensures the spirit of solidarity remains strong, creating a better tomorrow for fellow Auxiliary members in their times of need. To give online, visit:

The Wall of Heroes gives ALA National Convention attendees the chance to honor a hero in their life by donating to the ALA Foundation in their honor. Donors write the names of their honoree on a paper star and adhere it to the Wall of Heroes installation, sponsored by AmWins Group Benefits LLC.


Not going to convention? You can still participate by making a gift to the ALA Foundation. With your help, the Wall of Heroes can extend its reach from an on-site fundraising initiative to a nationwide show of support for veterans and military personnel. Your support is a reminder of our shared commitment to veterans, military, and their families.


To make your gift, text HERO to 1-844-940-3450 or donate online here

Good to know

A great marketing resource. Hosting a back-to-school event? Do you have a booth at a local festival? Spread the word about the American Legion Auxiliary by handing out coloring books. You can order or download ALA-themed coloring books from our website. These easy-to-use publications are a great way to spread awareness of the ALA and our important mission to families in your community.


American Legion Auxiliary 2025 dues are now available to pay. Renew your annual membership dues in three easy ways: by phone, online, or mail. Go to, call (317) 569-4570, or mail in your renewal notice.


December is months away, but it’s not too early to start planning for Wreaths Across America Day! You can become a sponsorship group or sponsor a wreath for the Dec. 14 event. Learn more.

Request to join our official ALA program and committee groups on Facebook

Discover what your fellow ALA members are saying in the committee Facebook groups! These easy-to-access forums provide an arena for organic discussion about your local programs or services and present the opportunity to cultivate brand awareness. Find the list of groups here.
On the ALA Blog

Texas unit retires American flags with dignity

The American flag is a symbol of freedom, justice, and sacrifice that our veterans and servicemembers fought so hard for. American Legion Auxiliary Unit 430 in Odessa, Texas, believes that even the most tattered and torn American flag can serve one final purpose. Learn how they retire American flags with dignity.

Kentucky units design helping hand baskets for local children and youth

Department of Kentucky Children & Youth Chair Karen Goodlett really wanted to build teamwork within units, while also coming together to work toward a great cause that would benefit children and youth in Kentucky. The idea? A statewide challenge where every unit in Kentucky would design an original custom basket filled with school supplies to be donated to area family resource centers. Read more on the ALA blog.

Save the date!

Aug. 7-20 – Virtual ALA pre-convention committee meetings

Aug. 15-20 – American Legion Baseball World Series

Aug. 14 – Navajo Code Talkers Day

Aug. 18-22 – American Legion Legacy Run

Aug. 23-29 – ALA’s 103rd National Convention in New Orleans

What does your membership mean to you?

“I’ve been a member since 1978. I love serving our veterans and our community. It has enriched my life beyond what I could have imagined when I joined.”

— Jennie Maune, Indiana

Legion Family News

Be the One how-to videos


The American Legion has created Be the One videos that include information on how to respond to, and help, veterans in crisis and bring awareness to veteran suicide. The videos and more resources are available at


Additional Be the One branded resources include a sample press release, sample speech, social media graphics, and customizable brochures.


Donate blood at National Convention


The American Legion is hosting a blood drive on Aug. 23 and Aug. 26 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Exhibit Hall E of the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Walk-ins are welcome, but you can also pre-schedule. Those who donate will receive a free T-shirt. Learn more.

ALA Membership
Where does your department stand in Auxiliary membership? Click here to log in and view the latest reports.

Legion Family Merchandise

Show your support by buying from

American Legion Flag & Emblem Sales.

Shop now

The American Legion Legislative Center

The ALA supports the legislative agenda of The American Legion.

Get involved.

In the spirit of Service Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace, and security.
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