Our Special Lady

In Ontario, Pitbull's are not legally permitted to be owned due to Bill 132 within the Dog Owners' Liability Act (DOLA). Thanks to the generosity of our donors, HSLM was successful in raising part of the necessary funds to provide transportation accommodations for Lady to travel out of the Province of Ontario.

We are absolutely thrilled to let you know that Lady has settled in quite nicely into her new home. She has a full time buddy, named Jax (who is also a Pitbull), to hang out with and play all day. Her new parents are thrilled to have her in their home.

As you know, HSLM does not receive government funding at any level. We solely rely on individual and corporate donations in order to provide loving care to animals in our community, such as Lady.

Please donate today and help us continue to make a difference in the lives of animals in the City of London and the Counties of Elgin, Middlesex & Oxford.

All donations will be eligible for a 2019 tax receipt.

19 New PAW Donors Desperately
Needed Before December 31st!
Members of our PAW (pre-authorized withdrawal) program provide the loyal monthly support the animals count on.

If you are curious as to how PAW Donors make a difference in the lives of animals in your community, simply visit the shelter and take a look around. Without the support of our monthly and quarterly donors, we would simply be unable to provide the extensive veterinary procedures, medications and vaccinations to the 2,000 animals who are cared for by HSLM every year.

You can choose whatever monetary amount (big or small) works for you. The amount will then be deducted safely from your credit card or from your bank account, at the frequency you requested.

It’s that simple to become a partner in animal welfare.

Help us reach our goal of 19 new PAW Donors by December 31st!
HSLM 2020 Calendar

HSLM 2020 calendars are the perfect gift idea for anyone on your shopping list. This year we have partnered with Collins Clothiers and the London Knights for this special edition. 

Purchase yours today for only $20 at HSLM , Collins Clothiers or The London Knights Armoury in Budweiser Gardens.
HSLM 120 Socks

Demonstrate your commitment to the animals in your community in-style
by purchasing and
proudly wearing a pair
of HSLM 120th Anniversary Socks. Available for purchase
Humane Society London & Middlesex
624 Clarke Road, London, ON N5V 3K5
519-451-0630 | administration@hslm.ca | www.hslm.ca