www.thehrteam.com | 410-381-9700

February 2023


Eileen’s Lesson

As you may know, I'm a pretty avid runner. Well, a few years ago, a friend and I entered a 5k.


It was a casual neighborhood event, and we were going along pretty zippy. We were very proud of ourselves as we kept a healthy pace climbing a big hill.

But then we looked to our right and saw a man pushing a double stroller passing us at double our pace. How crazy is that?

Many times this happens to internal managers. You may think things are going pretty well and on track; that is, until an outside person comes in with a different perspective and lets you know that things are not what they seem.

If you need an outside-in perspective, contact The HR Team.


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Check out this month's announcements &
HR tips & log onto our blog for more info!

Is HR Outsourcing Right for You? Five Essential Things to Consider

As beneficial as HR outsourcing can be, it's not right for every organization. It can take the pressure off small in-house teams and provide much-needed expertise, but some responsibilities should remain in-house. Knowing what and when to outsource is the tricky part.

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Five HR Trends for 2023 You Should be Watching

Work-life balance. Employee engagement. Flexible work models. Diversity, equity, and inclusion. In today's business environment, factors like these are making and breaking companies in every industry. The human equation is alive and well, and it's taking precedence in workplaces across the U.S.

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Eileen Levitt, CEO of The HR TEAM, Presents AT VIP Grow and Earns National Center Instructor Honors | citybiz

The Veteran Institute for Procurement (VIP) invited Eileen Levitt, CEO of The HR Team, to present at the January 2023 VIP GROW session. Taught by subject matter experts from industry and government, VIP offers five (5) accelerator training programs for owners, principals, and C‐level executives of VOSB/SDVOSBs that specifically address the complexities of federal procurement.

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We're Looking for More Great People to Join Our Team!

The HR Team, renowned for delivering elite HR support services for strategic and tactical client needs, is seeking highly-motivated, experienced Human Resources Managers to serve clients in the DC metro area. Team members enjoy a fun, dynamic environment that blends a variety of work with the stability of a regular paycheck. The extreme flexibility of full-time or part-time positions is available.

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Office Space for Lease!

Contact Abby Glassberg for More Info
Business News You Can Use

Can bots discriminate? It's a big question as companies use AI for hiring

AI may be the hiring tool of the future, but it could come with the old relics of discrimination. With almost all big employers in the United States now using artificial intelligence and automation in their hiring processes, the agency that enforces federal anti-discrimination laws is considering some urgent questions: How can you prevent discrimination in hiring when the discrimination is being perpetuated by a machine?

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Have questions about HR Outsourcing?
Log on or give us a call: 410-381-9700
With our full outsourcing solution, The HR Team seamlessly becomes your HR department. You’ll receive ongoing support tailored to suit your business's specific needs with dependable strategic and tactical services you can rely on. If you haven’t given serious thought to outsourcing, the range of tasks that can be offloaded to us might surprise you.
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