Marketing Tips To Stay On Target
We are heading into the homestretch for what I hope has been a great year for you and your business. Have you added staff, new product lines, opened a business or added a Side Hustle? There are so many people taking advantage of this bustling economy that it's hard to keep up with everyone's projects.
So, are you staying on top of the business world around you? Personally, I read numerous publications and trade journals each week. I subscribe to goodness who knows how many eNewsletters. One thing I can say is that in this day in age, the Headline is the key to getting readers to take the next step in reading your material.
When you send out a sales email to your clients, does your subject line read,
See Whats New? Or does it say,
DO NOT Commit These SEO Atrocities? Or better yet, have you added an emoji to catch their attention? The same thing goes for Press Releases, Social Media Posts, Direct Mail and other Sales collateral.
So, put a little extra thought into your headlines and watch your open rates and bank account grow!
Happy Halloween!
~ Allen Jernigan,
OCT 4:
World Animal Day
OCT 5:
World Teachers’ Day
OCT 14:
Columbus Day
OCT 16:
Boss’s Day
OCT 26:
Nat’l Pumpkin Day
OCT 28:
Nat’l Chocolate Day
OCT 29:
Nat’l Cat Day
OCT 31:
Make your next event or holiday party one to remember with these Face Cut-Out banner stands. They also come in full fabric without the face cut-outs Keep in mind this quarterly promo ends Friday, December 20th at noon.
Expires: December 20th @ 12:00 PM
*Print Ready artwork, otherwise art charges apply
WTF Deals are only good on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday of each week. Same deal all month, but only good on W,T,F!
October 31 @ 12:00 PM
*Print Ready artwork, otherwise art charges apply
Greeting/Holiday Cards
10" x 7", 14PT Greeting Cards
with UV on FRONT ONLY,
Scored; Blank Envelopes
Have You Ever Wondered: What Are the Rules for Public Photography?
The ubiquity of camera phones has turned every layperson into a semi-professional photographer, and social media makes it even easier to spread photographs and video over the internet like wildfire. Sometimes, those photos and videos even end up changing the course of history, or
a movement. Still, the rules of photography in public spaces apply whether you’re wielding a $5,000 Leica or an iPhone.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
The Statistics are baffling:
- On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.1
- 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc.2
- 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) and in some cases might not be considered "domestic violence." 1
- 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner.1
- 1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner. Data is unavailable on male victims.1
- 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.1
- 1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.1
Support our local community and
Stand Up To Silence
24 HOUR Domestic Violence HOTLINE: (727) 895-4912 |TTY: (727) 828-1269
OUTSIDE PINELLAS COUNTY: (800) 500-1119 | TTY: (800) 621-4202
7777 131st St., Suite 9
Seminole, FL 33776
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