





BronxNet & Evans Vanderburgh Public Library


Mother Earth just went over the 2.0 degrees barrier. We are in serious trouble - while the planet gets hotter and recurrent extreme weather events become normal, many in the US seem to be hunkering down on the values and culture of practice that birthed this crisis. While gleefully padding themselves on the back for their "innovative green tech fixes," they are in every way the keepers of the past and a threat to our future existence.

Who gets to live and who gets to die isn't just being determined in the barbaric wars we are protesting, but at international tables like the COP- all while the federal government is turning just transition opportunities into shiny, extractive pathways blinged out with carbon capture and other trendy false solutions. Carbon capture will not reduce emissions, but will, again, turn our communities into sacrifice zones in the interests of indulging greedy corporate polluters. From takings to trinkets, it seems like a good time to reflect on Thanksgiving. 

In this season of gratitude, we thank our ancestors for grounding us in traditions and values that honor people and the planet. This month, UPROSE celebrates Indigenous Peoples Month and Puerto Rican Heritage Month recognizing the resistance, and invaluable contributions of these communities to our shared narrative. Their story - a story of generational extraction of land, labor, colonialism, enslavement is so much the story of Thanksgiving. It is playing itself out right now, as you read this Thanksgiving newsletter.

In this spirit, we share the concept of 'Thankstaking' – While we value coming together in gratitude, we also recognize that traditional celebrations have overlooked significant losses, especially among indigenous peoples. 'Thankstaking' is an opportunity to honor our collective strength and resilience, and to remember those who are not with us, and those we are losing because environmental racism is also an act of violence.

UPROSE stands in solidarity with global peace efforts, particularly highlighting the pressing need for a ceasefire in Gaza. Understanding conflict as not only a human tragedy but also a critical climate justice issue, we know wars and militarization exacerbate environmental degradation and are barriers to climate goals.

This month, consider drawing inspiration from Indigenous wisdom and celebrate Puerto Rican heritage, while actively seeking paths toward peace and mutual respect. We view climate justice as integral to global peace efforts, recognizing that real harmony includes the health of our people and the planet.

In this season of reflection, remember we have the collective power to transform our gratitude into action that ensures a world that honors and protects every member of our global community. 

We are grateful to the diverse, loving and transformational community that makes it possible for us to get up every morning, head to work ready to roll up our sleeves and hold the work of revolutionary love. We are grateful that we are "in good company," that we have you, and together we are the frontline.

En Solidaridad,

Elizabeth and the UPROSE team



Meet Brooklyn's Black Panther, Charles Barron! Engaging & insightful community talk. Don't miss out – Join us on December 15th!

Charles Barron is Brooklyn's eminent Black Panther- beloved for his lifelong, unwavering commitment to social justice and building community power. Born in New York City, Barron's early years were shaped by the civil rights movement, leading him to join the Black Panthers, an experience that profoundly influenced his advocacy for racial and economic equality. His transition into politics as a New York City Council member and later a New York State Assemblyman was marked by this activist spirit. Throughout his career, Barron has been a vocal advocate for issues impacting marginalized communities, including police reform, education equity, and affordable housing. His tenure in public office is distinguished by a steadfast dedication to the principles of fairness and community upliftment, echoing his Black Panther roots.

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Comprehensive Approach to Transportation Reform Emphasized at Press Conference

UPROSE team members: Nebraska Hernandez, Sylvia Riveros, Esperanza Lima, and Kevin Garcia of NYC-EJA.


In a press conference held November 15, 2023 at City Hall, the interconnected nature of transportation reform with broader societal issues was highlighted. "This is not just a transportation issue β€” it’s a climate issue, a labor issue, a human rights issue," declared NYC Council Member Alexa AvilΓ©s, underscoring the multifaceted implications of transportation policies of Bill 708-A on truck route in particular.


NY Renews Rally Calls for Action: Making Corporate Climate Polluters Pay

Also on November 15, 2023, marked a significant moment as NYRenews united to amplify voices at the NY Renews Rally. Under the banner of #ClimateJobsJustice, the rally was a resounding call for transformative environmental change. The collective #TeamClimateJustice is advocating for green union jobs, clean air, affordable utility costs, and genuine, community-led climate justice solutions.

Central to the rally's agenda is the push for the #ClimateChangeSuperfundAct, a bold initiative aimed at holding corporate climate polluters accountable for their impact on the environment. This act is seen as a crucial step in ensuring that those who contribute most significantly to climate change are responsible for funding the solutions. The energy and commitment at the rally highlight a growing movement towards environmental responsibility and social justiceBill 708-A.


Climate Justice Now!

Movement building for a climate justice future! Excited to share moments from the "Climate Justice Now!" event on November 10, 2023 hosted by UPROSE in collaboration with the Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute (CCCADI). Powerful discussions, inspiring activism, and communities united for#environmentaljustice.

Photos by SurrealFilmNYC


Last week on November 8, 2023, UPROSE hosted the Environmental Justice Forum with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and facilitated a pivotal dialogue on sustainable ocean energy and community impact. We're charting a course for a greener, sustainable, and equitable future. #EnvironmentalJustice #JustTransition


NYC DOT came to Sunset Park

The most ambitious proposals for 3rd Avenue street safety improvements and BQE transformation, left and right respectively.


NYC DOT came to Sunset Park on November 2nd and 6th to talk about proposals stemming from its 3rd Avenue Traffic Study and BQE Vision Process, respectively. Unfortunately, the proposals are insufficient to achieve the climate and environmental justice residents have demanded. UPROSE supports the longstanding community need for improved street safety and accessible transportation β€” such as shorter, protected crosswalks, accessible medians, safe bike lanes, and more β€” along the Gowanus Expressway. However, we are working with El Puente in Williamsburg, NYC-EJA, and more than a dozen other Brooklyn organizations to call for an equitable, comprehensive redevelopment of the BQE that substantially addresses the multiple, ongoing harms Sunset Park residents and others along the corridor face: polluting truck traffic, lack of pedestrian and cyclist street safety, excessive noise, and climate resilience. Sylvia, our Climate Justice Organizer, designed an excellent mini-zine about what A People's BQE must account for:


Are you frustrated with NYC DOT's plans? Want them to do more? Contact us at transportationjustice@uprose.org to learn more and get involved.


Thank you for diving deep into UPROSE's September newsletter and making it all the way to the end. Now, for a touch of fun – Could you help us name our spiritual avatar featured below? Share your ideas at info@uprose.org.

Credit: Leon Fu, a 2023

ο»ΏUPROSE Climate Justice Intern.

Credit: Leon Fu, a 2023

ο»ΏUPROSE Climate Justice Intern.


UPROSE is an intergenerational, multi-racial, nationally-recognized, women of color-led, grassroots organization that promotes sustainability and resiliency through community organizing, education, leadership development and cultural/artistic expression in Brooklyn, New York.

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