Dear Friend of the SC Bar Foundation,
The South Carolina Bar Foundation saw a strong end to 2022. Your generosity and kindness were on full display and allowed us to assist our grantees in meeting the ever-growing needs of our fellow South Carolinians. We expanded our funding to 40 grantees throughout the state. As the saying goes, a rising tide floats all boats. Your donations are lifting up all of those in need and helping them with legal needs get help which in turn helps all of us as citizens of South Carolina. You can feel good about your donations because at least 84 cents of every dollar go to support our grantees efforts. We would not be able to do any of this without your help. Please know we remain in awe of your generosity.
Although it is only January, the South Carolina Bar Foundation is having an exciting and uplifting 2023! Because of the incredible response to our Cocktails in the Courtyard events in Charleston and Columbia, we are expanding to Greenville and Rock Hill in the coming months. Keep an eye out for details and we look forward to seeing you this spring!
We had the great opportunity to celebrate the life of The Honorable Jasper Cureton by recognizing his service to the legal community with the DuRant award. It was uplifting hearing from his dear friends, Judge Bert Goolsby, Judge Bruce Williams, and his daughter Indira about all that he accomplished as well as just how strong he was in the face of adversity. 
While most people may not be celebrating the rise of interest rates, we are! It has made a dramatic change in our IOLTA revenue which means more funding to help more people. That said, what goes up must come down, so we need to be vigilant and prepared for the market and interest rate swings. You can help us accomplish this by:
  • Participating in the $20 in '23 challenge before December 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. Donate at least $20 through Venmo using @SCBar-Foundation or at
  • Recognizing your friends and family with a gift in their memory or in honor.
  • Checking something off your to do list by turning your donation into recurring gift- weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. You set the amount and frequency and we will do the rest.
  • Donating stock or life insurance to ensure you make a lasting impact.
  • Ensuring a justice legacy by including the SC Bar Foundation in your will or estate plan. If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make tax-free gifts directly from your IRA.
  • Donating annually.
  • Making a pledge and pay monthly, weekly, quarterly or at the end of the year.

  • Telling your colleagues what influences you to support the SC Bar Foundation.
We are looking forward to seeing many of our Greenville friends on April 11th and we are eagerly planning more events around the state throughout 2023!  
We thank you for all you do for the Foundation. If you need more information, contact the SC Bar Foundation or visit
$20 IN '23

One goal of the SC Bar Foundation is to increase the percentage of participation of the SC Bar members. On average only 2% of practicing attorneys donate every year. So for 2023, we are challenging 2,023 SC Bar members to donate a least $20 before the end of the year. If we are successful, we would collectively raise $40,460 to ensure legal access, aid, and education for every SC citizen. That’s a big impact for a small donation, don’t you think?
If you're up for the challenge, here are ways you can submit your $20 donation:

  • Venmo @scbar-foundation
  • Text to give at 803.219.3537
  • Visit
  • Click the link below
"For more than 50 years the SC Bar Foundation has diligently supported thousands of teachers, students, and parents. This past fiscal year, thanks to your generosity, the SC Bar Foundation was able to continue offering high-quality civic and law-related educational materials, classroom volunteers, and financial support to elementary, middle, and high schools throughout the state." 
"Thank you to everyone who supported all of our grantees this past year. If you have never donated, I encourage you to do so this year. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our students, teachers, and help support education throughout South Carolina.”
Hon. Jasper M. Cureton
We are pleased to recognize the late Honorable Jasper M. Cureton, who was named the 2022 Durant Distinguished Public Service Award recipient.

Judge Cureton, the first African American judge to sit on the S.C. Court of Appeals, was described as a trailblazer, mentor, and dear friend by many. Born in Walhalla, Cureton, in 1967, became the first of two African Americans to graduate from the University of South Carolina School of Law. Before becoming a Court of Appeals judge in 1983, he served as Richland County’s master in equity and a 5th Circuit family court judge. He also was a lawyer in the U.S. Army Reserve.

A dedicated public servant, Cureton served in leadership positions in many Midlands organizations, including United Way of the Midlands, the Boy Scouts of America, Big Brothers of Columbia, The Family Service Center, The Nurturing Center, March of Dimes, Legal Services Corporation, Columbia Area Mental Health Center, and the Columbia Community Relations Council.

Judge Cureton was honored posthumously at the 2023 SC Bar Convention Plenary Luncheon by his friends and colleagues, Judge Bruce Williams and Judge Bert Goolsby who spoke to his character as a legal influence and great friend. His daughter, Indira Cureton-Cummings, received the award on his behalf.

The DuRant Distinguished Public Service Award was created in memory of Charlton DuRant, a well-known Manning attorney who served as a state senator and special associate justice of the S.C. Supreme Court. Today, this award is one of the most prestigious statewide honors that members of the Bar can bestow on a fellow attorney. Annually, recipients are nominated and selected by their professional peers. Selection criteria include meritorious service to the law and the community. To learn more about this award and see a full list of past recipients, click here.

Judge Bruce Williams welcoming guests at SC Bar Convention's Plenary Luncheon
Judge Bert Goolsby sharing anecdotes from his friendship with Judge Cureton
Indira Cureton-Cummings with SC Bar Foundation president, Lisa Cotten
Cocktails in the Courtyard Greenville
The SC Bar Foundation looks forward to bringing their signature event, Cocktails in the Courtyard, to the upstate! After the warm reception we've felt in Charleston and Columbia, we are excited to spend an evening with our Upstate Bar members on Tues., April 11th beginning at 5:30 p.m.

Enjoy an evening of live jazz, cocktails, and delicious bites as we get to know our partners in Greenville, Spartanburg, and Pickens. We know you will enjoy this opportunity to form new connections and see old friends. You do not want to miss it!

This event is a fundraiser for the SC Bar Foundation and its proceeds will benefit our 40 vetted grantees. Your attendance is an opportunity to show your support in ensuring legal rights for every South Carolininan.

We can't wait to see you there!

Please note: Tickets will not be sold at the door.

If you are interested in sponsoring this event,
email Melissa for more information.

Cocktails in the Courtyard

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Late Spring 2023

Rock Hill
Late Summer 2023

October 24, 2023

Grantee Feature
Project R.E.S.T., formerly called Safe Homes Rape Crisis Coalition
Project R.E.S.T. is a non-profit organization in downtown Spartanburg. For over 30 years, they have provided victims of domestic violence and sexual assault with a 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter, individual as well as group therapy, community education and court advocacy. In June 2022, they changed their name from Safe Homes Rape Crisis Coalition to Project R.E.S.T. to reflect their objectives to Restore, Empower, Support, and Transform the lives of victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Spartanburg, Union, and Cherokee counties.

One of the major functions of their advocates is to provide victims with technical assistance and support with obtaining an Order of Protection. To make order of protections more accessible, the South Carolina Court Administration has created Order of Protection forms for victims to use without the assistance of an attorney. However, even with “do-it yourself” forms, going through the court process is a daunting task to someone in crisis and in fear for their physical safety and the safety of their children. For years, their advocates have been trusted by victims seeking assistance with an Order of Protection form. As more attorney-led domestic violence agencies have increased, it has become evident that an advocate’s technical assistance to victims, without the supervision of an attorney, could be interpreted as the unauthorized practice of law. While there is no state law that defines the unauthorized practice of law in South Carolina, our Supreme Court has been deciding the issue of unauthorized practice of law on a case-by-case basis. In re Duncan, 83 S.C. 186, 189 65 S.E. 210 (1909) the court opined that preparation of pleadings is the practice of law. Under SC Law, a person who engages in the practice of law is guilty of a felony punishable up to $5,000 or no more than five years. This penalty is per offense.

To protect their victim advocates, Project R.E.S.T. hired a part-time attorney in June of 2020. As of that date, each victim seeking an Order of Protection has received a free legal consultation. During the consultation, the attorney reviews the drafts of the Order of Protections forms prepared by the advocates and advises on the court process. Order of Protection consultations often extend beyond the scope of an Order of Protection and go into discussing more long-term family court relief sought by the victim such as divorce, separate support and maintenance, and custody actions. The 45-minute-to-hour-long consultations can often serve as the road map victims desperately need as they take their first steps towards a life free from fear and violence. Since June 2020, their part-time attorney has consulted with over 700 victims in Spartanburg, Union, and Cherokee counties.

While they have been able to successfully protect their advocates from engaging in the unauthorized practice of law, Project R.E.S.T. is recognizing that most of the victims need more than the technical support they provide. Victims need court representation to protect their rights during these proceedings. In most instances, the evidentiary hearing required to obtain an Order of Protection is often the first of many court actions between the victim and abuser. Without the assistance of counsel, victims may be subject to unintended consequences in their subsequent court matters such as a divorce or custody action. They have been striving to meet the needs of each victim in the Upstate through their part-time staff attorney as well as through the referrals, partnerships, and collaborations established with other SC Bar Foundation grantees such as of SC Legal Services, SC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (SCCADVASA) and SC Victim Assistance Network (SCVAN). However, as intimate partner violence in South Carolina continues to increase, so does the need for these types of services. This year, they hope to secure additional funding to contract more local attorneys in the Upstate to meet the increasing legal needs of domestic violence victims. Your donations and continued support of the SC Bar Foundation can aid in achieving this goal.

For more information about Project R.E.S.T., or to volunteer, visit their website.
Donor Feature
McConoughey Law Firm, LLC
"I support the SC Bar Foundation because of the great work they do to support other organizations that provide much-needed legal services to the people of South Carolina. I can support several different organizations all in one place, including those that I volunteer with now, like the Upstate Mediation Center in Greenville, or ones that I have worked with in the past, like the Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation in Charleston. I know that my donations help the SC Bar Foundation provide funding consistency to those other groups, which allows them to focus their time on helping those in need."
Become a recurring donor today. Visit our website or contact us for more information! Together we can grant legal access and education to all!
Board Member Feature
Genesis Health Care, Inc
What initially led you to become involved with the SCBF?
I was interested in learning more about the SC Bar Foundation, so I applied to the former Ambassador Program which allowed young lawyers to serve as "liaisons" between the SC Bar Foundation and the SC Bar's Young Lawyers Division. I was accepted and began attending board meetings where I learned so much about the SC Bar Foundation that I knew I wanted to serve on the board one day. I attended every board meeting as an Ambassador and served on the grants committee where I had the opportunity to review grant applications and interview grantees. At the end of my first year as an Ambassador, I was nominated to serve on the board by Bev Carroll, who was a long-serving member of the board and who I had the pleasure of working with on the grants committee. I will be forever grateful to her for nomination to serve on the board!

What is your hope for the SC Bar Foundation in the next five years?
My hope for the SC Bar Foundation is that we increase the amount of funds granted and number of grantees awarded. One way we can do that is by having increased participation from the SC Bar members. My hope is that in five years, we are able to increase participation from members of the SC Bar, which would allow us to provide even more grants. 

What aspect of the SC Bar Foundation do you think most SC Bar members don’t know?
I don't think most SC Bar members realize the number of law-related organizations that we are able to award grants to from all across the state of South Carolina. The SC Bar Foundation's reach is truly statewide! For many of our grantees, a grant from the SC Bar Foundation is one of the few, if not only, funding sources available for it to fulfill its mission.    

Do you have any exciting vacations planned for the rest of this year or 2023?
A trip to the mountains this spring and lots of trips to the beach this summer! 

What is the best advice you have ever received from a legal mentor?  
The best advice that I have ever received from a legal mentor was to hold my head up high, be confident in my abilities, but also remain humble and give back to others when I can.  

What’s your coffee order?
I love dark roast coffee with Stevia and almond or oat milk in the morning. However, my special morning treat is the Honey Almond Milk Flat White from Starbucks, usually a grande or venti.

Do you show up for an appointment 10 before, right on time, or maybe a few after? 
Definitely at least 10 minutes before! 

Tiffany, thank you for contributing to the leadership of our organization for the past five years! Your impact has certainly helped improve the lives of SC residents!

The South Carolina Bar Foundation is now accepting grant applications for the upcoming fiscal year. The fiscal year is from July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024. Our mission at the SC Bar Foundation is to promote justice by funding legal access and education with the goal of providing grants to non-profit organizations that support those in need in South Carolina. In order to be eligible for funding, the grant request must meet at least one of the criteria listed:

  1. Civil Legal Services
  2. Law Related Education
  3. Administration of Justice
  4. Provide services that meet the above criteria in Horry County

The grant application deadline is Friday, March 3 at 5 p.m. For the application information and more detailed instructions, please click the link below.

We are proud to support the incredible work our grantees is doing. To learn more about each one, visit our Grantees Page.

950 Taylor Street
Columbia, SC 29202
Phone: 803.765-0517