www.thehrteam.com | 410-381-9700
February 2021
Eileen's Lesson
A while back I took an Amtrak train from BWI to New Jersey to visit a relative in the hospital. On the train, I spoke to a woman for a bit.
At some point during the conversation, I mentioned my husband and children. Suddenly, she looked at me in shock and asked me how old I was. I told her that I was about to turn 40. She then told me that she thought I was substantially younger, a college student actually, and that I was older than she was. 

Funny, isn’t it? We make assumptions about people based on their external appearance, and those assumptions many times are not accurate. It can lead us to think we are imparting wisdom to a younger person on a train. In the workplace, it can lead to making poor and in many cases dangerous hiring decisions.

Before you venture into hiring, you may want to give us a call to make sure your hiring practices are in tip-top shape.

Check out this month's announcements &
HR tips & log onto our blog for more info!
Why Age Discrimination Continues to Exist

Tom Brady did it again. He led the Buccaneers to victory and won a record 7th Super Bowl, soundly defeating rising star Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs. Many underestimated Brady, a 43-year-old veteran, assuming he was simply too old.

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Seven Secrets to Hosting a Successful Virtual Career

It's an excellent opportunity to reach top talent anywhere in the world, any time. In the virtual environment, you can even access those elusive candidates who are currently employed or who wish to maintain their privacy.

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Business News You Can Use
Preventing and Managing Burnout During a Pandemic

While we continue to adapt to life during a pandemic, we all are still facing an increase in stress and anxiety which can lead to burnout.

According to a Gallup poll conducted in September 2020, remote workers are now experiencing higher burnout rates than on-site workers. Another study in the United Kingdom revealed that nearly 60% of employees are experiencing burnout with 41% of respondents reporting that their leader’s management style was a contributor.

Maryland Department of Labor Detected Over 156,000 Potentially Fraudulent Unemployment Claims Filed Since January

With the record number of unemployment insurance claims filed and the additional federal benefits available during the COVID-19 pandemic, states across the nation have continued to see bad actors and fraudsters using illegally obtained data to file fraudulent unemployment insurance claims.

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With our full outsourcing solution, The HR Team seamlessly becomes your HR department. You’ll receive ongoing support tailored to suit your business’ specific needs with dependable strategic and tactical services you can rely on. If you haven’t given serious thought to outsourcing, the range of tasks that can be offloaded to us might surprise you.