Dear Friends of Witness to Love,

We want to share with you a few date night options that you can enjoy from home and a story of devotion, love and sacrifice. This story has a direct connection to Witness to Love and began in Vendee, France a long time ago...

This story is a MUST for every Catholic couple. We invite you to listen to a talk we gave at the Fullness of Truth Conference in San Antonio when we returned from France. We hope you enjoy this trip to France where we retrace the story of our family and what it means for Catholic couples today! If you enjoy this talk and want to learn more about this story and how you can help share the story just respond to this email.

This (see picture above) is Witness to Love! If we could send a Valentine card to everyone this is what would be on it - the joy that the covenant of Marriage brings when it is rooted in the Heart of Chris. This is what we are all about! A Witness to Love Pastor shared with us a picture of one of his newly married couples who incorporated the the Vendee Heart into their wedding day.
"Dieu Le Roi" or "God is King" are the words below the heart crowned with the cross. This Valentine's Day is a great time to discuss with your Beloved, "Is God the King of our Marriage and our Family?". If other things have been crowding God out as the priority in your family life then take some time to listen to our talk and ask the Vendee Martyrs to pray for your marriage!
Every year WTL hosts a gathering in Louisiana for all Louisiana couples and clergy. Check out this year's event and register online.
National Marriage Week is an exciting time of year and we are grateful for all the ways we have been able to celebrate and participate. We will be sharing those interviews with you in the next newsletter. On page 30 in the C21 Anniversary issue you can read one of our favorite WTL stories.

In Gratitude for you,

Ryan and Mary Rose Verret
The Witness to Love Team
& the Board of Witness to Love

P.S. If you aren't already a monthly supporter of Witness to Love please consider "paying it forward" for the thousands of mentors and engaged couples who are building up the next generation of Catholic families! Sign up here.
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