2019 Winter Newsletter
To our amazing donors and supportersā€¦
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Janette Fennell, President & Founder
Amber Rollins, Director
Tara LaMonte, Associate Director, and her energetic crew (Liam, Orion, Olivia and Ian!)
Without the incredible support of our donors, none of what we do would be possible. YOU are the heroes that make it possible for the KidsAndCars.org team to work tirelessly protecting children every day. It is with great pride that we accept your generous gifts throughout the year and put them to work saving precious little lives.

For those who have given monetary donations, thank you!
For those who have given of your time and talents, thank you!
For those who have shared your painful stories, thank you!
For those who educate families using our materials, thank you!
For those who share our content on social media, thank you!

Thank you for your passion and dedication to children. While we wish to recognize each of you by name, we respect that some may wish to remain anonymous, but you know who you are and we love you and are eternally grateful for you! 
2018 Worst Year Ever for Child Hot Car Deaths
Our hearts are heavy. Last year tied with 2010 as the worst year in U.S. history for child hot car deaths with a total of 49 children who died (+ 2 additional fatalities that are pending autopsy results).

The devastating 2018 death toll has increased the yearly U.S. average from 37 to 38 child hot car deaths. We have to do better! Our children are counting on us. Every single hot car tragedy is 100% preventable!

As we push for technology as a solution to hot car tragedies, please share our ā€œ Look Before You Lock ā€ safety tips and NEW education materials within your networks. Most people truly believe this will never happen to them and that is exactly why it continues to happen year after year at alarming rates.
Education Materials Available at the Online Store 
KidsAndCars.org added several NEW education materials to our online store . Our new clings and magnets are very effective giveaways to use to help raise awareness in your communities about the dangers children face in and around motor vehicles. They are great to hand out with an informational resource like the "Look Before You Lock" cards or the information brochures.
Safety message magnets (3.5ā€ x 5ā€)
resqmeā„¢ tool has a window breaker and seat belt cutter for emergency situations.
'Look Before You Lock' cards help educate parents about how to prevent child hot car deaths.
Safe Kids Kansas Honors KidsAndCars.org
KidsAndCars.org was the recipient of the 2018 Safe Kids Kansas Outstanding Coalition Award for helping pass a Good Samaritan law in the state of Kansas (see below for more info about the new law). We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful and passionate group of child safety advocates to work closely with in the state of Kansas.
Good Samaritan State Laws Passed in 2018
Legislation in  Kansas Idaho  and  Utah  has recently become law that provides immunity from civil liability for citizens who intervene to rescue a person or animal from a hot car. The laws are intended to encourage bystanders to act to rescue a child or animal in distress. Is your state one of the 21 to that provides Good Samaritanā€™s protection? Find out here .
KidsAndCars.org and our Kansas safety advocate partners hosted a press event announcing the Kansas Good Samaritan law going into effect. (6/25/18)
A Few More Highlights from 2018

The KidsAndCars.org team and volunteers participate in a variety of community safety events, fundraisers, speaking engagements, conferences, etc. throughout the year. Below is a peak at some of the crew working hard to educate and raise awareness on how to protect children in and around vehicles in 2018.
Lifesavers National Transportation Safety Conference in San Antonio, TX (4/23/18)
The family of Alec Nelson at the annual Alec's Run fundraising event in New York (4/28/18)
Consumer Federation of America celebrates 50 years of consumer advocacy in Washington, DC (6/21/2018)
KidsAndCars.org President & Founder, Janette Fennell at Pet Night on Capitol Hill (9/6/18)
Midwest Lock and Key added 'Look Before You Lock' safety messaging to their company vans and committed to unlocking any vehicle with a child trapped inside free of charge in their community! (10/29/18)
KidsAndCars.org Director, Amber Rollins with survivor advocate, Tania San Miguel-Bounds on her visit to KidsAndCars.org headquarters (12/13/18)
SAVE THE DATE: National Heatstroke Prevention Day
Please join us on 4/16/2019, for National Heatstroke Prevention Day, and share posts on social media to bring awareness to hot car tragedies and how they can be prevented.

Please ā€˜Likeā€™ (or ā€˜Loveā€™) KidsAndCars.org on Facebook and follow us on Twitter so you can share our posts throughout the day to help raise awareness with your followers.
MUST Read or Watch:
Victoria McKenzie, The Crime Report, Aug. 21, 2018

USA TODAY NETWORK Anna Groves, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, July 17, 2018

Fox and Friends, June 23, 2018

Fatherly.com, May 14, 2018

Congrats to Susan Koeppen for her Emmy-winning feature on frontovers:
Susan Koeppen, CBS, May 8, 2017

Read 2018 News Releases from KidsAndCars.org HERE