www.thehrteam.com | 410-381-9700
December 2020
Eileen's Lesson
Happy holidays! This time of year, I am always reminded of toys. Many (many) years ago, I was tasked with giving a presentation on dressing professionally.
I decided that I wanted a visual aid and that a Barbie doll would be the ideal prop.

At the time, I did not own a barbie, have children, and there was no Google to search for a toy store. So I asked a neighbor with children where I could buy a Barbie. He told me that there was a Toys R Us in Baltimore, just off of Route 40. Since there was no GPS at the time, he told me to take Route 29 north to Route 40 east.

So one Saturday, my hubby and I went on a field trip to Baltimore to find Toys R Us. We got on Route 40 east and then saw a billboard on the other side of the road that said, “Toys R Us One Mile West.” Oh no, we thought, we must have missed it, as the sign said it was one mile west of us. So, we made a U-turn and proceeded to look for Toys R Us, but we didn’t see it. We then made another U-turn, found ourselves back at the billboard, made another U-turn, and tried again. After a few U-turns, we decided to pull over to a side street near the billboard. That is when we realized that the billboard wasn’t giving us directions because we immediately saw the Toys R Us at One Mile West Shopping Center.

How many times have we all found ourselves going in circles to realize that we need to stop, take a break, and relook at the situation? Therefore, during these trying times, my gift to you this year is the gift of permission to pause, take a breath, and look around because you might just find what you are looking for!

Oh, and that presentation was a huge hit. To this day, people still say to me, Eileen, remember that presentation when you brought Ken and Barbie? It was the best.

If you find yourself in need of help, give us a call.

Check out this month's announcements &
HR tips & log onto our blog for more info!
The HR Team Provides Management Coaching and Guidance

When your people are contributing at their highest levels, your organization is destined for growth and prosperity. By the same token, when one team member is struggling, your entire organization is at risk. Finding ways to support and develop your employees is one of the smartest moves you can make.
Key Considerations for Inclement Weather Policies

It’s a good time to re-evaluate business policies that may now be defunct. As the unpredictability of winter approaches, it’s important to consider what inclement weather policies should look like in this new remote landscape.

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Fighting Hunger this Holiday Season
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, 50 million people are facing hunger in the U.S. — including more than 17 million children. Hunger knows no boundaries — it touches every community in the U.S., including our own.

So this year, in keeping with the spirit of the holidays and in the place of corporate gifts, The HR Team is proud to support three national, regional, and local organizations in need of donations:

Industry News You Can Use
How to Prepare for a Post-COVID-19 World

For many, the hardest part of this pandemic is the uncertainty it brings. We don't know when it will exactly end and how much damage it'll do before that happens. But it is important to remember that it will end and people will return to work.

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We're Available for Webinar Presentations & Interviews!
A lot of business owners and executives have questions right now. If your organization needs help navigating these questions, let us know.
Have questions about HR Outsourcing?
Log on or give us a call: 410-381-9700
With our full outsourcing solution, The HR Team seamlessly becomes your HR department. You’ll receive ongoing support tailored to suit your business’ specific needs with dependable strategic and tactical services you can rely on. If you haven’t given serious thought to outsourcing, the range of tasks that can be offloaded to us might surprise you.
Please note our office will be closed for the holidays: 12/24/2020-1/1/2021