Monday August 8, 2022
Your Weekly Update On All Things Crypto
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U.S Economy Continues To Struggle With Recession on the Horizon...
According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the United States economy has shrunk once again in the year's second quarter, causing many to believe that a recession could indeed be inevitable. GDP, a broad yet crucial indicator of economic activity, decreased by nearly 1% year on year from April to June.

Cardanos Vasil Hardfork Postponed...
Cardanos Vasil hardfork has been postponed yet again after having failed to launch last month. ADAs price has remained more or less the same despite the announcement.

Dubai Police Dropping A Second Round Of NFTs...
As the UAE continues to become a hub for all things related to crypto and blockchain, Dubai Police will reportedly be dropping a second round of NFTs due to the fact that digital assets align with their interests in areas such as communication, security and innovation.

Ripple Enters Agreement With FOMO Pay...
Ripple has entered into an agreement with FOMO Pay, one of Singapore's leading payment institutions. By leveraging Ripple's ODL (On-Demand Liquidity) technology along with obtaining constant access to liquidity for both Euro and USD, FOMO Pay will be able to vastly improve its treasury payments.

Blockchain Futurist Conference

Bitcoin Has Found Positive Short-Term Momentum, Back Above 50-day Moving Average
ETH/BTC Rallies Back To Significant Resistance Pre-Merge
This SHOULD Have Been MAJOR News + Metaverse Classes & THE MARKET IS SAVED!
SEC Hearing: What This Means For Crypto! The Good & BAD!!

GOOD BITCOIN NEWS! Bullish on Crypto Again??

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