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The 4Pillars of myWW+
Food Activity Mindset Sleep
Food Meal planning
Activity Ways to fit in fitness
Mindset • Manage your to-do's
Sleep Prioritizing your sleep
This Week's Message From DebW!
Voice of WW Philadelphia and General Manager
September 15, 2021
Hello WW Philadelphia Members and Friends,

WW has been an enormous gift to me, and it all began because I knew it to be a safe and healthy weight-loss plan. I was willing to work the fees into my household budget and sit in the second or third row about four seats in every Thursday evening. I didn’t think about – OH! I’d be lighter if I attended an early morning meeting, it wasn’t an option and maybe knowing my real weight after 5 pm instead of my dehydrated, hungry weight at 8 am was a good thing.

One gift I learned about myself, and others have shared with me multiple times is when we become a little more disciplined about food portions and choices, our lives operate in a little better order in general. I know the word disciplined is a strong word and maybe one that does not ring true with all but if being at a natural healthy weight was natural for me, I would have never been overweight. For me, it takes a little discipline. I mentioned portions before choices because portions are an enormously important factor in success and believe it or not a bushel of broccoli doesn’t undo the consumption of a pan of brownies. 

I talk to people about how food isn’t bad or even bad for you. Food is necessary for life and to live long healthy lives, we need to approach food with respect. Two kinds of respect, respect for our bodies and respect for food.

Remember an older family member repeating a saying that was said to them, “clean your plate because there are starving children in _______.” I don’t really think that comment was made to teach us to overeat. It was said to inform us of being mindful of the portion our body really needed and not to take more than it needed. We were being asked to be respectful of food and not waste.

When I’m out and want to plan an indulgence, I’ll ask for a smaller serving than the typical serving. Food purveyors sometimes point out to me, it’s the same price. That’s correct but the half-sized portion of the large one is what I truly want, and I’ll be really satisfied and happy with myself for fitting it into my day. And, before you recommend it, I’m TERRIBLE at taking the rest home for tomorrow. If it is one of those foods, I can’t have the ‘rest of it’ anywhere around me.

I remember when those little bite-sized, individually wrapped candy bars came out. I looked at the bag in the grocery store (I have no idea why I was in the candy aisle), I calculated the Points and thought to myself, “I can handle these.” Later that week on a Saturday afternoon, darling husband is looking for the bag…of course, it’s gone. I couldn’t handle them in the house, and I had no business having them in the house. The bigger question is, “WHY DID IT TAKE DARLING HUSBAND DAYS TO LOOK FOR THE CANDY?”

Member, learn thyself. Every week at every workshop you’ll hear ideas that work for someone. The thing to remember is not all ideas are good for you. That doesn’t make the idea bad, it means what works for some, doesn’t work for everyone.

Our lives in and out of WW are full of little gifts of knowledge, know which gift is good for you and should be embraced in your life, is the secret to it all.

Have an amazing week and stay well,

General Manager
⭐️ Meet Our WWPHL Staff ⭐️
Weekly, we feature a staff member of Weight Watchers of Philadelphia. These are the people who make our getting healthy journeys more effective, exciting ... more fun! They motivate, support, enrich and encourage us every pound of the way with their heartfelt dedication.

Like Cindy, this week's featured WW Coach, every Coach has been a WW Member, reached goal, and is a Lifetime Member. After an in-depth training program, Cindy and the other WW Coaches work with others whose shoes they were once in!
Hi There!

I was asked to say a little about myself, so I thought I'd start with the reason I came to Weight Watchers in the first place. It was basically due to due to health issues. High blood pressure. High Cholesterol numbers. I really didn't even feel good in my own skin.

After I became a Weight Watchers member, I realized I'm capable of much more than I give myself credit for. I realized if I do three things, I'm capable of more than I ever thought. 1. Staying focused on my WHY. We call our reason ...our real, true, deep-down reason, we took that final step to lose weight and get healthy our "WHY". Unless you know that, you'll have a hard road ahead. WW helped me discover mine. 2. Stick with the structure of WW --it's a great plan I can live with and helped give me success. 3. I always like to acknowledge the grace of God, as well...................................... Coach Cindy
..............................................................................................................Ephrata & Lancaster

I was also asked what I'd like every member to know...I want every Member to know, You are worth it. Prioritize your health and wellness and don't be afraid to ask for help. WW is sustainable for a lifetime and we don't have to be perfect! We can indulge and still maintain.

And my final question was what I appreciate about WW Members I coach. It is their discipline, their ability to laugh at themselves, and their openness. As they learn something new each week, they try to implement new ideas with a growth mindset. They become more receptive to change. I also appreciate friendships that develop.

I like to tell my Members, "Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes".
The Annual
Battle of the Badges Competition!

The 2021 Battle of the Badges is on!
The WW Philadelphia sponsored contest
between the Philadelphia Police and Fire Departments September 12th – December 18th

WW Philadelphia is honored to award $10,000.00
to the Hero Thrill Show

The Mission of the Hero Thrill Show is to pay for college tuition, books, room, and board of children of Philadelphia Police Officers and Firefighters killed or seriously injured in the line of duty.

The award will be donated in the name of the department
having the highest percentage of weight loss.

WW Philadelphia is proud to sponsor this event

Helping Our Heroes Get Healthier and
Benefiting the Children
Of Their Fallen Brothers and Sisters.

Here's what you get weekly as a WW Member

  1. myWW+ Personal Assessment
  2. In-studio In-person Wellness Check-in Once Weekly
  3. Unlimited In-person Workshops throughout the week, with one-on-one coaching, and inspiration from our WW Community
  4. Unlimited Virtual Workshops like having Workshops in our home... We don't even have to put our shoes on to attend --just Zoom in!
  5. Weekly Menu Plan with Recipe Cards and Grocery List
  6. Weekly Members-Only Newsletter Up to the minute news on myWW+ 4 Pillars: Eating, Activity, Mindset, and Sleep
Super Low SmartPoints Chips & Dips
Whether you’re craving Mexican or Mediterranean, impress your guests with these easy to make dips. Just wait till you tell them you made the chips, too!
Start with raw veggies or DIY chips:
And dig into any of these SmartPoints-friendly dips:
Personalized Virtual Workshops
Offered every week in addition to daily Virtual Workshops
Mondays 7 pm:
Lifetime Over Goal

This Virtual Workshop
is exclusively for
Lifetime Members
with 5+ lbs to lose

Get back to goal with WW Weekly Personalized Virtual Workshop. Be motivated by your Coach, a Lifetime Member At Goal, and Members in the group! Make 'one day' become today!
Wednesdays 7 pm:
Lose 100+ Pounds

This Virtual Workshop
is exclusively for
with 100+ lbs to lose

Coached by a WW Lifetime Member who lost over 100 lbs and trained to share the plan as it will work for you. Along with your Coach, Members will be like-minded and goal-oriented like you!

Ursala lost 122 lbs
Thought for the week
The most important time in the world
is the time you make for yourself.
© 2021 Weight Watchers of Philadelphia is a franchise of WW International, Inc. The WW Logo, Weight Watchers, myWW+, SmartPoints, FitPoints, Points, and Wellness that Works are trademarks of WW International, Inc. ©2021 WW International, Inc. All rights reserved.