Bisan Hall (The University Center) Room 503

The Membership of The New Student Workers Union Voted by an 80% Majority to Authorize a Strike

Now What?

A Strike is Authorized

NewSWU Workers have authorized a strike to demand the following:

  1. Reinstate all suspended student workers, to both full academic standing and full job duties. Cease all unlawful discipline against all student workers who were unjustly arrested.
  2. Stipulate to an accretion election for NewSWU non-academic student workers, and allow us to hold a democratic vote on whether or not to join SENS-UAW Local 7902.

This University cannot function without our work. Once we are officially recognized, we will be able to bargain for a fair contract that protects all student workers and acts as an additional line of defense for student rights in general.

Attend The Membership Meeting: Sunday 5/12 at 2:00

Bisan Hall (The University Center) Room 503

Tomorrow at 2:00, NewSWU members will meet to discuss the prospect of a strike. We will likely make the final decision to call a strike at that meeting, where we will also address any concerns our members may have, discuss our demands, and make a call for volunteers to act as strike captains. Members are highly encouraged to attend in person if they are able to, but a Zoom option will of course be provided. Zoom link.

Strike Fund

A fund has been created independently to support striking student workers and will be available for sign up. There are many factors that impact the fund, such as fundraising capacity and strike participation. But it is very likely that the fund will be able to replace a significant amount of lost income for striking student workers. Sign ups will be collected if the membership body elects to go on strike. For fund updates, follow NewSWU on instagram.

If A Strike Is Called

We recognize this may mean limited access to services that we all use for our work and academics. We recognize that it may impact graduation ceremonies. We carry out the necessary labor for which all student workers deserve to be fairly paid, and we can choose to withhold that labor, but we are committed to minimizing the impact on our valued community. 

We advise all student workers to meet and make a solidarity plan for your workplaces. You and your coworkers should decide how to support students when absolutely necessary (if they will face expulsion, legal issues, or a threat to their immigration status without your help) if we go on strike.

We Continue to Support The Demands of The TNS Gaza Solidarity Encampment

  1. Divest from death: end all financial investments in companies linked to the genocide in Gaza and the apartheid state of Israel.
  2. Protect protestors: immediately reinstate all suspended students, and drop all legal and academic charges against anyone who has engaged in the exercise of their First Amendment rights at The New School, particularly the 45 students who were arrested on May 3rd.
  3. Academic boycott: end all shared academic endeavors with institutions in the apartheid state of Israel.

In Solidarity, and for a free Palestine,

The New Student Workers Union Organizing Committee

Disclaimer: this is not a call for any members of SENS-UAW or any other bargaining unit in Local 7902 to strike in violation of contract provisions. We encourage all supportive members of the Local to canvass with us and support us on the picket line during their time off, while continuing to perform all regular work duties, should a strike be called.

NewSWU is petitioning to be a part of ACT UAW Local 7902, the union of NYU adjuncts and New School part-time faculty, student workers, and health service employees

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