LORHN news & updates

September 2023

In This Issue:

Partnership Spotlight

LORHN Community Programs

  • Opioid Awareness
  • Health Insurance Enrollment

Rural Telehealth Updates

National Rural Health Day - November 16th

Rural News Articles

Upcoming Professional Events

Funding Opportunities

Community Resource Guides

Community Meetings

It seems that this year is going by especially quickly…it’s officially fall, ya’ll!!


LORHN remains committed to focusing efforts on our pillars of focus, which are infrastructure, community outreach, access to care, education, technology, and emerging needs/critical health focus area(s). Community Health Workers continue to do community outreach, provide education, and link rural residents to the health care and social services they need. Recently, both of our CHAs became Leaders for the Self-Management Resource Center’s Diabetes and Chronic Diseases Self-Management Programs, and we are so proud of them! We look forward to hosting our first in-person workshops again since the COVID pandemic.


Additionally, we are fully trained and prepared to provide health enrollment assistance for those who may be transitioning off of Medicaid as well as for the upcoming Open Enrollment Period which begins on November 1, 2023. LORHN, your rural health network, stands poised once again to provide unbiased information, support, and assistance. Feel free to reach out if you would like to partner with us on this initiative. We want to be sure we do what we can to address the relatively lower rates of insurance enrollment in our rural communities.


We are very excited to celebrate National Rural Health Day on Thursday, November 16th and hope you have plans to do the same! To help with festivities, we have included a toolkit below that has lots of great resources, fun activities, and useful materials. We are also asking that you consider nominating someone (or even yourself!) as a rural health hero. We have so many incredibly individuals who are doing absolutely amazing work to impact the lives of our rural residents, so please consider this opportunity to recognize them. 


Our Board of Directors and leadership team is always exploring opportunities to expand our work throughout the service area to support emerging and growing needs – let us know how we can help support your organization and community. 

Partner Spotlight: City of South Bay

Our partner spotlight this quarter is the City of South Bay Parks and Recreation Department, specifically Tanner Park. The department’s mission is to serve citizens by providing quality park and recreation facilities and programs to assure that the city continues to be a livable place where all citizens can enjoy a wide range of leisure and recreation opportunities.


Tanner Park graciously shares their recreation space so that LORHN’s Community Health Advocates (CHAs) can meet with the community's "Legends" (seniors) as well as other community members to provide education, support, and linkage with healthcare and various social programs.


LORHN's Community Health Advocates provide continuous support and linkage to community resources to the Seniors at Tanner Park. CHAs meet with South Bay residents on-site weekly to assist with applications for various resources and public programs, such as rent and utilities assistance (LIHEAP), SNAP benefits, and health insurance enrollment. CHAS also offer health education and information about Opioids, substance use, and chronic disease management. LORHN has facilitated Chronic Disease and Diabetes Self-Management workshops at Tanner Park in the past and hopes to begin again in the near future. 

LORHN Community Programs

Opioid Awareness in Rural Western Palm Beach County

#RecoveryMonth is a time to celebrate those in recovery and remind them that there is hope. If you or someone you know may have a substance use disorder, take time to learn how you can support their #recovery: 



LORHN Community Health Advocates (CHAs) continue to provide Opioid education via live or virtual presentations, one-on-one meetings, and educational handouts during outreach.

If you, or a loved one, are in need of support, connect with us today. We are here to help.

Recovery Month Toolkit
Opioid Prevention Handout
**There are no eligibility requirements for the program, it is open to all in Palm Beach County**
Refer clients to our team via Unite Us, phone call (561) 557-9273, or email.
You can also download and share the flyer below.
Important Florida Health Insurance Updates

Now that the COVID Public Health Emergency declaration has ended, thousands of families no longer qualify for Medicaid through the continuous coverage requirement. LORHN is here and available to help by providing information, vetting the different options, and assisting with enrollment.


Don't wait to enroll - without health insurance you are more likely to:

  • Delay seeking care
  • Get care that does not fit your specific needs
  • Get a late diagnosis of disease
  • Get less care than needed
  • Pay higher amounts for care and even incur medical debt
Download Flyer

Rural Telehealth Updates

Florida Workgroup Meetings

Join the Florida Workgroup on Tuesday, October 17th, 2023. The meeting be hosted by the Agency for Healthcare Administration and will meet at 2727 Mahan Dr., Building 3, Room 1412, in Tallahassee or virtually using the information below.

Meeting URL:


Meeting ID: 438 090 9025

Dial: +1 305 224 1968 US

Join Meeting

Summer 2023 Florida Workgroup - July 29, 2023 (recording)

To view video, please use password: q7L0=*Lh

Telehealth & 2024 Proposed Physician Fee Schedule (PFS)

In July, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced proposed 2024 rule changes to Medicare reimbursements and a request for public comments on the proposed changes. Learn about Medicare’s proposed reimbursement list for telehealth services here. 

Fact Sheet

U.S. Pending Telehealth Legislation & Regulation

Florida Pending Legislation & Regulation

On November 16, 2023, join the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH), the 50 State Offices of Rural Health, and rural health stakeholders across the country in celebration of National Rural Health Day (NRHD)! NRHD is an opportunity to celebrate the #PowerOfRural and bring attention to the incredible efforts of those dedicated to addressing the unique healthcare needs of rural America.

We celebrate our team, network members, community partners, and the great work we do to improve rural health outcomes and lives EVERY DAY!

LORHN and Florida Community Health Centers staff, providing COVID vaccines at the 2023 Hendry Glades Health Fair

Sharon and Bree, LORHN’s AMAZING Community Health Advocates connecting with residents in Pahokee.

LORHN team and other exhibitors at the 2023 Glades Area Breastfeeding Education Resource & Fair

Spotlight A Rural Health Hero
Read Now

Key Messages & Data Points

The Key Messages & Data Points resource is made available each year to educate various stakeholders on the realities of rural through stories and data. Though the statistics and facts presented in this resource do not tell the whole story, they are essential to understand when developing policies and programs that affect the health of rural communities.

  • Rural America offers a beautiful and challenging landscape, requiring unique approaches.
  • Rural America is a great place for mission-minded health professionals to provide individualized care.
  • Rural America is fueling an innovative rural health infrastructure.
Promotional Toolkit

Rural News Articles

How Will Rural Americans Fare During Medicaid Unwinding? Experts Fear They’re on Their Own

KFF Health News

September 20, 2023

Kaiser Family Foundation Medicaid Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker shows that 72% of people who have lost Medicaid coverage since states began the unwinding process this year were disenrolled for procedural reasons, not because officials determined they are no longer eligible for the joint state-federal health insurance program. Experts say those procedural disenrollment's could disproportionately affect rural people.

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Rural hospitals are closing maternity wards. People are seeking options to give birth closer to home

ABC News

September 17, 2023

Fewer than half of rural hospitals in the U.S. have maternity units, which forces pregnant women to travel longer distances for care or face giving birth in an emergency room. It's also prompted government officials and families to scramble for answers. One solution gaining ground is freestanding midwife-led birth centers, but those also often rely on hospitals when serious complications arise.

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Telehealth helps Latino communities in rural areas, but access can still be challenging

American Heart Association

September 26, 2023

To help close the digital gap, the University of California launched ACTIVATE, a public-private, remote patient monitoring program in four community health centers across the valley. Patients with diabetes received a tablet device to upload their health data, a glucometer to check blood sugar and in-person instructions in Spanish. The program also included virtual health coaching sessions twice a month.

Picture: aldomurillo/E+ via Getty Images

Read more

Upcoming Professional Events

2023 CyberShare Summit

October 29-31

Pittsburgh, PA

Bring your technical and nontechnical staff to learn about cybersecurity requirements from government and industry experts at this must-attend gathering. CISA will host a half-day cybersecurity tabletop exercise for all registrants. Attendees will participate in a threat simulation and work collaboratively in small groups to determine action steps and response plans. The summit, like CyberShare itself, is administered by NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association.


15th Annual Rural Tobacco Summit

October 25, 2023

Lake City, FL

This annual summit is designed to help spread up-to-date information on the ever-changing tobacco industry and information on best practices for tobacco control and treatment with a focus on rural communities. All healthcare professionals, CHWs, community health educators, teachers, healthcare professional students, and tobacco specialists are invited! Topics include: cancer & tobacco, motivational interviewing, policy and prevention, and youth and vaping.

Up to 5.0 CE hours available.


Dental Health IS Public Health

Regional Convening Series

October 11 - Tampa

October 27 - Oviedo

November 3 - Miami

Join the Florida Oral Health Alliance for our upcoming panel discussions on oral health access. The panel discussions will feature local providers and stakeholders as they discuss trends in oral health, local barriers to care, and potential solutions. Learn what's being done to address these issues and how you can get involved! Dental and other medical providers, public health professionals, community based organizations, advocates, and anyone interested in improving access to oral health is invited to participate.

Lunch will be provided. Registration required.

Learn More

The Continuum of HIV Care in Rural and Underserved Communities: Strategies for Addressing Treatment Disparities in the Southeast US (2-Part Series)

October 20, 2023 12:30 - 2:30

October 27, 2023 12:00 - 2:00


This activity is designed for primary care clinicians, nurses, pharmacists, and social workers/case managers, and other members of the healthcare team who serve patients in rural and underserved areas in the Southeast.


Each session confers up to two hours of Continuing Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy, or Social Work credit (AMA/ANCC/APCE).

This is a two-part series: please register for both sessions.

2 hours CME provided.


Project ECHO Health Literacy Series

October 04, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT


United Healthcare Community Plan partnered with the Florida Rural Health Association to offer a multi-session webinar series that prepares providers and community educators for evaluating the health literacy needs of different audiences, choosing instructional strategies, and evaluating success. Sessions will cover health literacy and health equity, health insurance literacy, rural health provider education, and community health workers' best practices.


Moms in Crisis: Maternal Mental Health and the U.S. Maternal Mortality Crisis

Oct 5, 2023 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM EDT


Mental health conditions are the MOST COMMON complication of pregnancy and childbirth, and the LEADING CAUSE of

maternal mortality. Learn about maternal mental health conditions, including how to talk about these issues with pregnant and

postpartum people.


And the Hurt Goes On… The Intersections of intimate Partner Violence and Health

November 15, 2023 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm


This webinar series for doulas, nurses, community health workers, and other perinatal health professionals will review the basics of trauma, intimate partner violence, and trauma-informed care. Learners will receive information and resources to best support perinatal patients with a history of trauma.


Health Equity Conference

May 6-7, 2024

New Orleans, La.

Join NRHA and hundreds of rural health leaders from across the country down in the bayou to help raise the standard for rural health with over 80 innovative, practical, and cost-saving sessions and much more.


Funding Opportunities

Sign up for LORHN's bi-weekly distribution of the GrantStation Insider Content e-newsletter or view LORHN's GrantStation Insider Content e-newsletter archive page for previous funding opportunities.

Funding for Individual & Family Assistance

Florida Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program

Loan repayment assistance for nursing personnel who agree to serve in areas of Florida where there are critical nursing shortages. Deadline December 1, 2023

The Lawrence Foundation Grant

The Lawrence Foundation is a private family foundation focused on making grants to support environmental, human services, and other causes. They make both program and operating grants and do not have any geographical restrictions on our grants. Deadlines: April 30 and October 31 annually

Glades Electric Charitable Trust, Inc. (Glades, Hendry, Highlands, and Okeechobee)

Almost 70 percent of Glades Electric Cooperative members participate in Operation Round-Up, which helps people in GEC's service area who have exhausted normal avenues of financial assistance. The fund is for deserving individuals and organizations. If you know of people who need and deserve assistance and live within the Glades Electric service area (Glades, Hendry, Highlands, and Okeechobee counties), encourage or help them to complete an application. 

The Agricultural and Labor Program, Inc. (ALPI) (Collier, Glades, Hendry, Highlands, Martin, Polk and St. Lucie)

All applicants applying for services must have a total household income of no more than 150% Federal Poverty guidelines; be responsible for paying their home heating or cooling bills; and be a U.S. citizen, qualified alien, or permanent resident of the U.S. Programs are available for individuals, children, and families.

Palm Beach County Community Services Department

Eligible Palm Beach Country residents can apply for financial and other support services, including rental and relocation assistance, utility assistance, home repair programs, homeless services, indigent cremation program, senior services, veteran services, and Ryan White services.

Affordable Connectivity Program

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program that replaces the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB Program) to help low-income households pay for internet service and connected devices. Only one monthly service discount and one device discount is allowed per household. To receive the connected device discount, consumers need to enroll in the ACP with a participating provider that offers connected devices (Note: not all internet companies offer device discounts.) The internet company will provide a discount to the consumer.

State & National Grants

FL Commerce - Rural Infrastructure Fund

The purpose of the Rural Infrastructure Fund (RIF) Grant is to facilitate the planning, preparing and financing of infrastructure projects in rural communities which will encourage job creation, capital investment and the strengthening and diversification of rural economies. Interested applicants must REGISTER to request a personalized link to the online FY 2023-2024 RIF Application Portal. Each application to be submitted must be requested separately. Deadline: November 6, 2023

Southeast Rural Community Assistance Loan Fund Program

Community development loans to local governments, public service authorities, user associations, nonprofit organizations, and other community entities for the development and/or construction of large-scale community projects. Deadline: ongoing basis

Telecommunications Infrastructure Loans and Loan Guarantees

USDA Telecommunications Infrastructure Loans and Loan Guarantees provide financing for telephone and broadband infrastructure in rural areas. Funds may be used to finance broadband-capable telecommunications services, including improvements, expansions, construction, acquisitions, and refinancing. Applications accepted year-round


Learn about Federal Grant forecasted, posted, and archived grants available via various Federal Government Programs. Grants Learning Center provides information about eligibility, writing, reporting, policies, systems, and more.

LORHN Community Resource Guides

Knowing where to start looking for help for yourself, a friend, family member, or client can be overwhelming. LORHN has developed a community resource guide for each community of our service area. Every guide includes phone numbers for various county services as well as local medical services, senior services, medical and social support services, food, housing and utilities, pregnancy and childcare, mental health services, and employment services.

Click each geographic area below to download the community guide, please share them.

Notice something missing? Let us know!

Community Meetings

Hendry & Glades

Community Collaborative Meetings

Contact: Lisa Sands

1st Friday of each month

8:30 am - 11:30 am


Community Collaborative Council (CCC)

Contact: Jeff Howard

4th Tuesday of each month

10:00 am - 11:00 am

Western Palm Beach


Contact: Marcia Bahia

3rd Tuesday of each month

9:00 am - 10:45 am

Martin County

InterAgency Coalition

Contact: Chelsey Matheson

2nd Wednesday of each month

8:30 am - 10:00 am

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Lake Okeechobee Rural Health Network, Inc. (LORHN) was formed in 1994 as a non-profit corporation designed to provide for the special and specific health-related needs of the residents, visitors, and businesses in the Lake Okeechobee area; with extended services to Glades, Hendry, Okeechobee, Western Martin, and Western Palm Beach counties.

LORHN was established through Florida legislation (Statute 381.0406) and is one of nine local rural health networks covering the state of Florida. As per Florida statute, the goal of the networks shall be to ensure that quality health care is available and efficiently delivered to all persons in rural areas. Our vision is to promote/provide for the special and specific health needs of the residents, visitors, and businesses in the Lake Okeechobee area.