Walking & Biking News & Ideas
We hope you are staying healthy!

What a year we've had! With the pandemic, we've seen significantly more people walking, running and biking outside than before - according to a NextDoor poll, almost 60% more people are walking in their neighborhood. Local bicycle and pedestrian projects have made some significant progress as well. Read on below to find out what's been happening in your neighborhood and what's coming in 2021, information on the new Wolfe Road I-280 overpass project, great walks through the parks on the west side, city updates, and more!
2020 Bike/Ped Recap:
What a year it's been!

Given the pandemic, it was a very successful year for Cupertino biking and walking improvements. Work was completed on several major projects with more projects ready to start in 2021.  Kudos go to the city staff and council for keeping the 2016 Bike Plan largely on target. In short order, Cupertino will become a role-model community for walking and biking in the Bay Area. The city has been very effective in capturing private and public grant funds to match its capital commitments: VTA Measure B funds, Apple grant money, and the Lowenthal Family land donation for the Linda Vista Trail. The community’s resolve to make it safer and easier to walk and bike is outstanding! Read more..
Major Highlights for 2020

Regnart Creek Trail was fully approved, and is out for construction bids.
Linda Vista Trail is approved and a bid has been accepted. Construction starts beginning of January.
Apple gave $10M+ in money designed for Cupertino bike/ped projects.
McClellan Road separated bike lanes were completeted from the Cupertino library to Monta Vista High School.
Stevens Creek Blvd. separated bike lanes have started construction from Tantau to Wolfe.
➤ Design was completed for the Mary Ave. and Bubb Rd. bike lanes.
School Walk Audit project list was completed, prioritized and Phase 1 begun.
All this progress could only happen through the dedicated, unwavering, and passionate advocacy of walking and biking supporters like you. Thank you.
Together, we made a difference.

On Tuesday, November 17, the City Council voted to advance the Regnart Trail to construction without another vote, assuming the bids come in on budget. No further public funding was allocated to private land improvements. The project was sent out for bids to local construction companies on Friday, December 11. The bids are expected back next month, allowing the city to start the project before the bird nesting season in February. Thank you to everyone that wrote and spoke at the meeting that night. Your voice made the difference to move this project forward. Thank you! (More about this project can be found here.)
New bridge planned at I-280/Wolfe overpass
On December 9, VTA held a community meeting to provide project updates and present the final design for the I-280 and Wolfe Road Interchange project. The new bridge will “reuse as much of the existing infrastructure as possible,” according to Jon Cacciotti, lead Project Manager for HMH, the consulting firm creating the design, though the central portion of the bridge and portions attached to Wolfe Road to the north and south would be completely replaced. The updated bridge will offer significantly improved bicycle and pedestrian access. New bike lanes which are separated from vehicle traffic and located Read more...
Walking Cupertino's West Side Parks
By Byron Rovegno, Walk-Bike Cupertino Boardmember
We’ve lived near Stevens Creek School since 1981. A major draw to the neighborhood was easy access to local open space for walking and the mountains for cycling. When we first moved in, we went mainly walking and hiking in San Antonio Open Space Preserve. Later that decade, we and other residents voted to approve a bond issue by the city to purchase Blackberry Farm from private owners. Today, we are lucky to have many parks within an easy distance: Varian Park (next to Stevens Creek School), McClellan Ranch, Blackberry Farm and Linda Vista Park all within walking distance.

The round trip through Varian Park, Blackberry Farm and McClellan Ranch Preserve will cover about 8,000 steps and once Linda Vista Trail is opened, you’ll likely have your 10,000 steps for the day that is suggested for a healthy life.
To enjoy all of these parks you could park your car at Varian Park, walk through the remnants of the old apricot orchard and then walk south as we do, to Amelia Way and then Crescent Road to Cupertino Road, on to Stevens Creek Blvd and then crossing it at the bottom of the hill to get to Blackberry Farm. Read more...
We at Walk-Bike Cupertino wish you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful new year. May 2021 be better than 2020 for everyone!
  • City News Briefs

Join a Commission to make a real impact on our city! There are open vacancies on most commissions. Commissioners are appointed by the City Council, and the only criteria is that you are a resident. For more information on how to apply, please contact us here, or find out more from the City of Cupertino website here. Applications are being accepted until January 8, 2021 for the upcoming terms.

The County of Santa Clara is under a Stay-at-Home order as of December 3 from the State of California due to spiking numbers of Covid-19 infections and lack of ICU beds in hospitals. All persons are encouraged to wear masks, even when exercising, to reduce the spread of the illness. If you are outside (walking, biking or running) and always at least 6 feet from any person not in your household, you do not have to wear a mask, but must carry one in case you do get closer than 6 feet. More information can be found here. These are more stringent rules than before.
Project Updates
Carmen Bridge
For the Carmen Bridge to move forward, the City Council will need to authorize staff to proceed with creating a design in the FY21-22 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) budget. According to Roger Lee, Cupertino Director of Public Works, “[This will happen] only if staff recommends it as a high priority more..
Regnart Creek Trail
The Cupertino City Council voted unanimously (5-0) on November 17, 2020 to allow the City Staff to commence construction upon receipt of an on-budget contractor bid and not increase the city funding of the private fencing/walls. Almost 50 residents spoke in the meeting and 65+ sent emails to urge the Council to more...
Linda Vista Trail
The LVT Project (Stevens Creek Trail extension) went out to bid on October 19, and received an on-budget contractor bid. It will begin construction right after the New Year and we anticipate a completion date of March 2021. Click here for more on this project.
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We'd love to hear YOUR voice!

Do you know a great walk, ride, run or hike? Want to share an issue about walking, biking, city planning, or interesting idea?

Walk-Bike Cupertino would love to spotlight it in our newsletter and on our website! Articles should be 500 words or less, and should include a picture (at least 3 pictures for hikes). All submissions are subject to approval & editing, and can be used by Walk-Bike Cupertino in future publications. Contact us here.
Happy Walking and Biking,

Your friends at Walk-Bike Cupertino

Find much more, including maps, safety data, and information on all the city projects at: walkbikecupertino.org