Walking & Biking News & Ideas
We hope you are staying healthy!

The rain has really come in, and if you are anything like us, you are getting out whenever the skies clear! This month we've got a great trail review for wet weather, news on what's happening with the Stevens Creek Corridor project, a personal story on DOLAs for park-goers and dog walkers, what's happening statewide in our legislature to make walking and biking easier, and much more news and information for you. We hope you stay dry out there!
Stevens Creek Corridor Study
Study promises big changes and more connectivity
The Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor Study was started to develop transit and mobility solutions for this corridor all the way from De Anza College to Diridon Station and from there to San Jose Airport. 

The study was initially focused on transit alone. The goal of the study was to identify a rapid transit mode of transportation which would be faster than car or bus, cheaper than most other mass transit, and quicker to build. Some of the ideas being considered were a monorail, automated passenger vehicles on a fixed guideway, and self-driving pod vehicles, either elevated or at street level. 

In 2021, the scope of the study was broadened to include vehicles, bike, and pedestrian modes of transportation for a more holistic plan for the corridor. 
Walk-Bike Cupertino is pleased that the project scope has been broadened to include pedestrians and cyclists. We will continue to advocate for a corridor plan that includes safe and convenient walking and biking infrastructure.  Read More...
Next Steps
The consultants who will be leading the project (Iteris and Winter Consulting) have outlined a three-step process over 19 months, beginning this year. There are plans for community outreach during both the Project Initiation and Vision Statement steps.
It is critical to include in this Corridor Study a protected and continuous cycling corridor from De Anza College to Diridon Station so that cyclists can commute to home, work, schools, and shops quickly and safely.
Good local walks...even when it rains
by Jian He, WBC newsletter editor
Rain, rain, rain
Our weekly hiking group could not meet regularly since the rain kept coming down. Indoor activities like playing Ping-Pong, running on machines, or doing yoga still helped us keep exercising, but we missed the fresh air in the woods, wild animals in the fields, and the time to catch up with each other. After some short walks, we soon discovered that holding an umbrella while walking on the paved path in local parks including the Blackberry Farm is a great alternative. If you like climbing hills while exploring nature, an even better option is hiking on the Mora Trail, a paved hiking and biking path in Rancho San Antonio Preserve. more...
Blackberry Farm
Like most city parks, all the major pathways are paved for pedestrians and bicyclists in the Blackberry Farm. The Stevens Creek Trail goes through the orange grove in Blackberry Farm, connecting to the Linda Vista Trail, read more...

Mora Trail 
The Mora Trail is located inside the Rancho San Antonio Preserve. It’s easily found by following the paved bike path from Parking Lot 5 or 6 to the Lower Meadow Trail. After walking 0.8 miles, you will see a large tree stump read more...

Below are just a few of the beautiful sights you can see on a rainy walk!
2022 California Active Transportation Bills
See what changes affect us locally
by Jennifer Shearin, WBC newsletter editor
The California legislature leaned hard in 2022 into making our state a more cyclist and pedestrian friendly state, though missed a few opportunities that we hope will come back again. Below are some of the more noteworthy state transportation bills passed in 2022 which are likely to affect our local community.
The story of Poppy...
and how DOLAs saved her
by Louise Saadati
Poppy is a six year old shihpoo (half shihzu and half poodle). She is 12 pounds and very adorable and loving.

HOWEVER….during 2020 when Poppy was only three she found Covid isolation was making her bark incessantly at dogs and people she encountered or sensed walking by the house.

I had to step in to help! I did this by taking Poppy to a dog park for much-needed socialization.
Poppy soon had a wonderful social life at the dog park and didn't need to bark so much. I found benefits for myself, too. I was socially isolated with COVID precautions, but found a wonderful social life while talking with the kind folks who brought their dogs. 

Poppy needs a DOLA (Dogs off Leash Area) for little dogs

Folks who have dogs and care about them enough to take them to a dog park for a social life are overwhelmingly friendly, kind and approachable people. Read more...
Would you like to have your dog have space to enjoy playtime off leash in YOUR neighborhood park? Contact WBC at info@walkbikecupertino.org and we’ll be happy to work with you toward getting a DOLA trial at your park.
Rebuild of McClellan Ranch Bridge:
Let's get a trail connection
The bridge over Stevens Creek at McClellan Ranch Park is nearly 100 years old and is due for replacement. Though it would be easy to just replace what is there, Cupertino has an opportunity to improve the bridge by adding a bicycle-pedestrian underpass. This underpass would add a safe off-road connection to the Linda Vista Trail, as the current connection requires crossing McClellan Road at a nearby crosswalk. Read more...
The designated crosswalk across McClellan is on a curve and up a hill from the trails and current bridge.
Cupertino has an opportunity to improve the bridge by adding a bicycle-pedestrian underpass.
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We'd love to hear YOUR voice!

Do you know a great walk, ride, run or hike? Want to share an issue about walking, biking, city planning, or interesting idea?

Walk-Bike Cupertino would love to spotlight it in our newsletter and on our website! Articles should be 500 words or less, and should include a picture (at least 3 pictures for hikes). All submissions are subject to approval & editing, and can be used by Walk-Bike Cupertino in future publications. Contact us here.
Happy Walking and Biking,

Your friends at Walk-Bike Cupertino

Find much more, including maps, safety data, and information on all the city projects at: walkbikecupertino.org