Walking & Biking News & Ideas
We hope you are staying healthy!

Welcome to a New Year and the promise of leaving the pandemic behind soon! A whopping 60% more of us got outside to walk and bike during 2020. As we look forward to resuming our "regular" lives this year, let's make a New Year's resolution to keep going outside as often as possible.

This month's newsletter has lots of great information, including a new video from our Biking Viking on Electric Bikes, a review of Purisma Redwoods Park, updates on the Regnart Trail and Linda Vista Trail, and more. Read on for news you can use!
Guide to Ebikes with the Biking Viking
Ebikes were the hottest personal equipment of 2020, with good reason. They allow even those of us who are not spandex bike riders to bike further, longer, and faster. More than that, they make biking fun. In this video, the Biking Viking discusses how to pick the right ebike for you. Read more...

Speak Up on Commission Appointments

The city will select two new commissioners for the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission on Jan 26, 2021. The Bicycle-Pedestrian Commission sets the direction on walking and biking projects in Cupertino through its advice to the City Council so it is critical that the council appoint commissioners who:
  • Walk or bike regularly within the city so that they have relevant experience to bring to the commission
  • Want to improve walking and biking infrastructure in the city
  • Have not opposed a major walking and biking project in the city in the past 5 years.

Appointing a commissioner who does not meet these criteria in the interest of "a diversity of opinions" goes counter to the fundamental purpose of the commission and makes the commission meaningless. We don't appoint people to the Arts Commission who want less art or to the Parks & Rec Commission who want fewer parks. We should not appoint people to the Bike & Ped Commission who want to limit walking and biking in the city.

There is an unfortunate recent history of residents who have strongly opposed bike ped projects in their neighborhoods then joining the Bike Ped Commission, presumably to kill similar projects from the inside. On the current commission, one of the Commissioners is a leader of the anti-trail group to stop the Regnart Trail; another Commissioner worked actively to stop the Stevens Creek Trail extension north; and a third encouraged the City Council to spend significant funds for personal driveway improvements as part of the McClellan Road project. One of these commissioners was appointed without ever riding a bike and rarely walking in our city.
We need to appoint Bike Ped commissioners who are committed to improving walking and biking infrastructure in Cupertino, and have a demonstrated experience of walking or biking in the city.
You can help. Send one of the emails below to the City Council urging them to appoint commissioners who have both the desire and the relevant experience to improve our city's walking and biking.

Or write one of your own, using some of the suggested language here.
Our Goals for 2021

Walk Bike Cupertino was founded in 2014 to give a voice to residents who walk and bike in our city. We are an all-volunteer group of residents like you. Since our founding, our membership has grown to over 2,500 residents, and our group has had tremendous success working with the city to improve walking and biking infrastructure for all residents.

In the past 4 years, the city has:
  • Created comprehensive community-led bicycle and pedestrian plans
  • Allocated almost $14M to bicycle and pedestrian improvements
  • Captured almost $19M in grants and donations
  • Completed several major projects, with several more big and small projects in progress 
  • Significantly reduced the number of bicycle and pedestrian accidents

There is much more to do. Cupertino still lags behind other cities in being walking and biking friendly. The majority of parents don’t feel safe letting their kids bike to school or play unattended in their neighborhood. Bikers still mingle dangerously with car traffic on busy streets. Pedestrians still walk next to cars and breathe in the fumes. Read more...
Projects to Watch in 2021

The Carmen Bridge Project will need community support to add it to the budget for 2021 if it is to continue progressing to starting a design.
➤ The more difficult (Phase 2) Walk Audit (School) Projects will being prioritized and decisions will be made as to what is built at specific school sites.
➤ The Stevens Creek Blvd. separated lanes Phase 2 (Wolfe to I-85) will begin construction.
Linda Vista Trail, Mary Ave painted bike lanes and Bubb Road separated lanes should be completed by the end of the year.
Regnart Creek Trail should be about 75% complete for construction.
The Junipero Serrra (I-280) Trail will complete design for the central and eastern portions and is expected to go out for construction bids.
The DeAnza intersection with McClellan Road will begin construction late in 2021.
New Electronic Locking Bike Racks at Cupertino City Center
There’s no need to worry anymore about forgetting your bike lock, or whether your lock is strong enough to avoid being cut when visiting our Cupertino Library. Recently installed bike racks by Bikeep have an integral locking system, and lock both front tire and frames with a strong steel tube. The new racks are located in the same locations as the previous bike racks...Read More...
Construction Begins on Linda Vista Trail

In a few months, residents will get to enjoy a great new connection of the Stevens Creek Trail to Linda Vista Park.
Construction Bids in for Regnart Creek Trail

The Regnart Creek Trail was sent out for bid on December 18, 2020, with the associated private land fence work bid requests sent out several days later. Nine construction companies have responded with a bid for the trail, with bids closing early in January. There were no bids submitted for the fencing work. The Public Works Department is now moving forward with the bid process. Read more...

Say Hello to our New WBC Board Members
Helene Davis
Helene grew up in Cupertino and attended local schools – Regnart, Kennedy, and Monta Vista. She was active in the PTA and AYSO while her two daughters went through the same schools. Helene is a former Cupertino Parks and Recreation Commissioner, Past President of the Rotary Club of Cupertino, and is currently an advisory board member of the Cupertino Historical Society and President of the Cupertino Copertino Sister Cities Association. In her free time she enjoys road biking and hiking Read more...
Joel Wolf
Joel and his wife are 35 year residents of Cupertino. His son and daughter attended Lincoln, Kennedy and Monta Vista High Schools. Joel has been long-distance road cycling for over 40 years. For the past 15 years, he has commuted to Menlo Park (sometimes with the help of his electric bike) where he works as a consulting Civil Engineer. Joel is a firm believer that a developed cycling and pedestrian infrastructure can greatly enhance the quality of life in Cupertino. His outside interests include hiking, gardening and camping.
Trail Review: Purisima Creek Redwoods Preserve

By Jian He, Walk-Bike Cupertino Board Member
On the first Saturday morning in 2021, my family of four hiked with another family of four in the Purisima Creek Redwoods Preserve. We were ski-buddies for the past 8 years, but this winter holiday we could not go skiing due to the Tahoe COVID-19 lockdown, so we decided to hike together wearing masks and staying 6 feet apart in a redwood forest. The Purisima Creek Redwoods Preserve is one of the 24 Open Space Preserves in the Midpeninsula region, and it offers 24 miles of trails overlooking the Half Moon Bay. You can click the image below to visit the website of Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District. 
We started our adventure at the main entrance near North Ridge trailhead located at 13184 Skyline Blvd, Redwood City, which is only 35 mins drive in light traffic from Cupertino. It was slightly raining with 100% humidity. This added more fun elements... Read More...
Caltrans Seeking Resident Input on Their Pedestrian and Bike Plans

Caltrans is working on an Active Transportation Plan to improve pedestrian and bike infrastructure in the Bay Area. Their draft Pedestrian Plan is ready for public review and feedback.

Caltrans is also evaluating the implementation of bike highways in the Bay Area and is looking for input from Bay Area bicyclists through their Bike Highway Study website.

What is a Bike Highway?
A bike highway is a high-quality, uninterrupted, long-distance bikeway created to reduce barriers to destinations that people want to travel to and from, especially places which may normally be difficult to bike to.
It's important that residents complete both surveys to help Caltrans better plan for biking and walking in the Bay Area.

  • Complete the Pedestrian and Bike Plan Survey here
  • Complete the Bike Highway survey here.
Learn Biking Skills From Home
SVBC monthly virtual biking classes

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please encourage your friends or family to sign up too!
Sign up link: https://bit.ly/WBCJoinUs
Walk-Bike Cupertino never shares or sells any personal information.
We'd love to hear YOUR voice!

Do you know a great walk, ride, run or hike? Want to share an issue about walking, biking, city planning, or interesting idea?

Walk-Bike Cupertino would love to spotlight it in our newsletter and on our website! Articles should be 500 words or less, and should include a picture (at least 3 pictures for hikes). All submissions are subject to approval & editing, and can be used by Walk-Bike Cupertino in future publications. Contact us here.
Happy Walking and Biking,

Your friends at Walk-Bike Cupertino

Find much more, including maps, safety data, and information on all the city projects at: walkbikecupertino.org