Press Release
May 6, 2022

Contact: Angie Thomas, J.D.
Louisiana Right to Life Official Statement on Abolition of Abortion Act
LARTL Opposes HB 813, Inconsistent with Mission to Protect Moms and Babies
BATON ROUGE – Louisiana Right to Life (LARTL) has always protected both babies and mothers from the violence and exploitation of abortion. 

Our longstanding policy is that abortion-vulnerable women should not be treated as criminals. Instead, we should hold accountable the individuals performing the abortion or selling or providing the chemical abortion drugs. HB 813, the Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act, is not consistent with this policy of Louisiana Right to Life.

Additionally, Louisiana law through our 2006 Human Life Protection Act, is clear that babies will be protected from the violence of abortion when Roe v. Wade is overturned. Louisiana does not need HB 813 to protect babies from abortion.

Because HB 813 does not exempt women from criminalization and is unnecessary to protect the life of babies from abortion, Louisiana Right to Life does not support HB 813.
