Press Release
May 12, 2022

Contact: Sarah Zagorski
HB 813 Amended and Then Returned to Calendar Without Final Vote
LARTL Applauds Louisiana House for United Front for Moms and Babies
BATON ROUGE--This evening, Louisiana HB 813 was returned to the legislative calendar without a final vote after being amended by Rep. Alan Seabaugh’s amendment that was supported by Louisiana Right to Life. 

Rep. Seabaugh’s amendment deleted the current language of HB 813 in its entirety and substituted it with new language that reaffirms current law that Louisiana would protect babies from abortion when Roe v. Wade is overturned.  The amendment was a replica of Senator Katrina Jackson’s SB 342 that mirrors Louisiana’s Human Life Protection Act in civil code (R.S. 40.1061) into Louisiana’s criminal code. The amendment would follow existing Louisiana law that holds accountable those who perform the abortion rather than the mother. The amendment would also be consistent with current law that addresses abortion separately from birth control and in-vitro fertilization.

After the amendment was passed, Rep. Danny McCormick, author of HB 813, returned the bill to the calendar. Louisiana Right to Life does not expect the bill to receive further consideration this legislative session. 

Benjamin Clapper, Executive Director of Louisiana Right to Life, said the following after HB 813 was considered:

“Louisiana Right to Life applauds the Louisiana House of Representatives for a united stand for life and for moms. While there was no final vote on HB 813 after Rep. McCormick returned the bill to the legislative calendar, the adoption of Rep. Seabaugh’s amendment shows our legislators’ commitment to protecting life when Roe v. Wade is overturned without treating abortion-vulnerable women as criminals."

He concluded, "Now that HB 813 is behind us, we look forward to returning to our work of preparing for the overturn of Roe v. Wade and securing additional resources for alternatives to abortion in Louisiana."