By & for those affected by Parkinson’s disease

July 2024

From the Board

Did You Know?

PD Active maintains an extensive archive of past events and classes on our website. If you miss an event like last month’s popular webinar by Dr. Laurie Mischley, or want to go back to last year’s talk on the Gut Microbiome, you can access it on our Past Events page. If you miss a zoom class or want some extra Tai Chi or yoga practice, you can see recorded classes on our PD Active Youtube Channel. We can’t do all this without you. Please consider becoming a monthly donor to sustain all our classes and programs. Donate here.

Programs and Events

An Introduction to Parkinson’s Disease for Spanish Speakers — Introducción a la Enfermedad de Parkinson para Hispanohablantes

With Dr. Marta San Luciano (UCSF)

Date: Saturday, July 13

Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm

On Zoom.

Dr. San Luciano will talk about the fundamentals of Parkinson’s, from its characteristic symptoms to its treatments. She will explore how it impacts daily life and how to address the challenges posed by this neurodegenerative disease. There will be time to ask questions.

Dra. San Luciano profundizará en los fundamentos del Parkinson, desde sus síntomas característicos hasta sus tratamientos. Explorará cómo afecta la vida diaria y cómo abordar los desafíos que plantea esta enfermedad neurodegenerativa. Habrá tiempo para preguntas y respuestas.

More information here.

Register here.

PD Active depends on donations to bring programs like these to our members. We remain grateful for your contributions.


July Special Yoga Series — Improving Energy and Vitality

Living Well With Parkinson’s, with Vickie Russell Bell

Dates: Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, and 29

Time: 4:00 – 5:15 pm

Livestream and recordings

To register, contact

Low energy, fatigue, and exhaustion are common problems. Yoga can be very supportive. 5-15 minutes of daily practice can increase energy & vitality over time.

Yoga newcomers and yoga practitioners of all levels are welcome. This is a 4 week series. Each class will build on the prior week’s lesson.


Staying Safe in the Hospital — Virtual Ask the Experts Round Table 

With Helena Fox

Date: Tuesday, August 13

Time: 5:30pm

On Zoom

People with PD are at a higher risk of hospitalization and face many challenges while in the hospital. It is important for all people with Parkinson’s to be aware of the risks, prepare ahead, and know how to advocate for their needs while in the hospital.

More information here.

Register here.

In Person! The Basal Ganglia in Movement and Cognition: Implications for Parkinson’s Disease

with Dr. Richard Ivry

Date: Saturday, September 7, 2024

Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm

UC Berkeley Campus

More information coming soon.


Lifestyle Modifications as Therapeutic Strategy

with Dr. Laurie Mischley

Dr. Mischley shared a lot of fascinating information in her talk on June 8. If you missed it, or need to see it again to catch all the details, you can find it on our Past Events page.


Participate in a Trial

UCSF & Neu Health — New Technology Testing

Participate in testing digital resources to manage neurological conditions. Neu Health is developing an easy-to-use smartphone app and clinician dashboard, to offer personalized care to help you and your clinician. Participation involves engaging with the app, as well as four online meetings for providing feedback and sharing experiences. To participate, you must have a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease, mild to moderate stage, and have daily access to a smartphone (iPhone 6S and newer [iOS 14.1+] or Android 7+) and have home internet and Wi-Fi. $150 compensation. 

If you are interested email with subject line "US Focus Group".

Thank You to our Recent Donors

New Monthly Donors

Susan Rood

Margaret Rossoff


Grant Bennett

Marcia Billings

David Coombs

Teri Jewell

Robb Lazarus and Yong Bai

Todd & Tamara Morrish

Susan Rood

Hari Subramaniam

Wendy Toland

Donations in Honor Of

Jerry Derblich – in honor of Alexis M. Milea

Laura Russell – in honor of Laurie Mischley

Lydia Johnson – in honor of Herb Heinz and Ed Bolen

Donations in Memory Of

Daniel Jarmel – in memory of Lee Shapiro