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1st August 2024

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News and comment from

Roy Lilley



What were you doing on the 16th June this year?

I’ll give you some help. It was a Sunday. Father’s Day. You might have been getting ready for a BBQ…

… it didn't rain, so you probably didn’t need the gazebo.

Maybe you went to the supermarket, took the kids to footie, the dog for a walk, did some emails or maybe just vegged out.

Perhaps you visited your Dad… bunch of flowers? Bottle of scotch? You love yer Dad. Since Mum died he hasn’t been managing well. He's in a care home.  

He’s been fretting about having to sell the house to pay for his care… he wants you to have it and sell it… ‘give you and your brother a leg-up, that’s what your Mum would have wanted’.

You give him a hug and tell him all you care about is, he’s happy and looked after. 

As you leave you catch sight of him looking through the window. You wave but he’s not sure who you are and turns away.

He’s not getting any better and the costs are racking up.

That’s Sunday. Different for us all but strangely, the same. Stuff that can only be defined as ‘stuff’ gets done. The rhythm of life syncopates. Why can’t there be two Sundays in a week?

Kuenssberg was on the Beeb. Her guest was Wes Streeting. Here’s what he said;

'One of the things that we've committed to is the cap on care costs, is due to come in. I've wanted to give the system the certainty this side of the election of knowing we're not planning to come in and unpick that and scrap that.

… I’m not interested in tearing something down until we've got something better to put in its place.’

Yup, that’s what he said. You can check it out here.

Fast forward 43 days. Last Monday.

Chancellor Rachel Reeves stood at the Despatch Box in the House of Commons and with a strange, robot-like delivery announced that the adult social care charging reforms, due to be implemented in October 2025, would be cancelled, saving £1.1bn by the end of 2025-26.

Scroll back to July 2010…

… following a commitment by the then coalition government, the independent Commission on Funding of Care and Support, chaired by Andrew Dilnot, was set up to consider sustainable, long-term funding for the social care system. 

The commission reported a year later. Top line; there should be a cap on lifetime contributions of an individual. 

The Care Act 2014 legislated for many of Dilnot's recommendations. Oven-ready ten years ago.

It looks like Wes agreed with that and I agree with Wes… that’s the second time in a week!

Now we are both disappointed. Well, Wes is probably disappointed but unlike Wes I don’t look a fool or a patsy.

Reeves has made choices. 

  • Stopped the hospital refurbishment programme, which might have helped stimulate some economic growth. 
  • Dumped support for bus services, which a lot of working people rely on to get about
  • Cut the fuel allowance for pensioners, other than those on pension credit... there are about 12.6 million pensioners in the UK. Fewer than 1.4 million claim pension credit... it's too complicated to claim...

All in the name of plugging a hole in the nation's finances. A disputed, £20 billion which is approximately 0.77% of the UK's national income.

This is all about politics, not economics. It's all about demonstrating power and pointing fingers.

Reeves somehow found the money for unfunded pay-rises across the public sector. Now, half of the spending "hole" is now public pay, over which she made a choice.

Labour won't put up taxes, now Reeves says they will.

Streeting is either a co-conspirator, or agrees with me... Labour are shysters and scammers.

Life is a test.

To find out what we are; we are tested in many ways. Our beliefs and priorities. Our faith and perhaps our faithfulness. Our patience and our resilience…

... but;

To find out who we are comes down to the choices we make.

This week we’ve learned a lot about who Labour are.  

... don't get old.

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Dr Paul Lambden

Burkitt’s Lymphoma

'... first identified by Denis Burkitt (1911-1993), an Irish Surgeon born in Fermanagh...

... he spent much of his earlier practising years in Uganda, where he noticed that children with 

swollen faces were common.'

News and Other Stuff


>> Faster pay rises for Band 8 and 9s under new framework - Dave West analysis in the HSJ.

>> Foodservice inflation drops for a full year - but month-on-month rises return.

>> The Hewitt review: where are we one year on - pretty much where we started.

>> Patient Safety Commissioner - annual report 2023 to 2024... still wanting to 'see change happen'... mmmm.

>> Social care workforce fund scrapped but Government ‘intends’ future support - Care minister Stephen Kinnock said a fund proposed by the previous government would not go ahead due to ‘fiscal pressures’... he must think he's the only person in the world with a calculator.

Given the size of the issue and the problems it will cause, this is a pretty gutless response. It's time for ADASS to grow a pair and put the boot-in. Spell out what is will mean.

This week we are getting ready for...

The #AskAboutAsthma campaign

... encouraging children and young people (CYP), their families, and those involved in their care, to ensure four simple and effective measures to help them control their asthma:

1. Get an asthma action plan in place

2. Understand how to use inhalers correctly

3. Schedule an asthma review – every year and after every attack

4. Consider air pollution and its impact on lung health

#AskAboutAsthma is back this September for its eighth year, and we want to invite you to be part of it.

European Perspective - July

Roger Steer

'... anyone witnessing the UK and Europe over the last month would be forgiven for thinking that democracy was alive and well. The UK held a General Election on 4 July. The European Parliament held elections in June.' 

5th Edition

New and updated content.

Learn how to navigate the bullies, manipulators and complainers who drive you mad. With example dialogue and techniques, it will help you navigate tricky situations and keep your cool.

The NMC is still generating disastrous headlines. The Council and leadership must understand, they cannot carry on. It is distracting for their staff, will make it impossible to recruit. Registrants can have no confidence they will be treated fairly. All of this ugly behaviour happened on their watch. They are responsible and no one has confidence in them to know how to fix it. Out of loyalty to the organisation they should step aside and allow a clean sweep. Please do the right thing.

⬇️ For more news, scroll down

This is what I'm hearing, unless you know different. In which case, tell me, in confidence.


>> I'm hearing - Lib Dems will Chair Health and Social Care Select Committee. I wonder how they will use the platform to improve social care? I wouldn't fancy Silly-Boy's chances at the first hearing.

More News


>> Trust nears annual deficit - in three months.

>> Microsoft's cloud services are having a bad day - users worldwide reporting difficulty connecting to Azure.

>> Labour’s hospital building review risks patient safety, say NHS bosses - this is a must read if only for the quote from a Trust boss.

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