SDI Role Descriptions
Each role description below provides an overview of IEP team member contributions to the process of planning for specially designed instruction.
The SDI Director- Special Education Teacher
The special education teacher is the ‘director’ of designing each student’s specialized instruction. Their caseload consists of students with a variety of unique needs, and they must maintain an organized and consistent procedure for all adults who provide support. Prior to the start of the school year, they develop and distribute an accommodations grid outlining the needs of the students on their caseload to all general education teachers who teach the students with disabilities. They discuss teaming for SDI and establish an agenda and time to co-plan the research-based methods they will use to deliver specially designed instruction. Because they may work with a wide range of educators across the school, they inform teachers which staff members will provide services to each student on their caseload and note the minutes reflected on the IEP.
These structures should be put in place prior to students returning to school. That way, the special educator can immediately begin planning and delivering specially designed instruction and measuring student progress once the school year begins. This structure prepares other members of the IEP team, ‘the cast’, to contribute to the implementation of a well-organized plan.
The SDI Cast- General Education Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Students, Related Service Providers
The general education teacher, paraprofessionals, students, and related service providers are the valuable ‘cast’ members who collaborate with the special education teacher to develop ongoing specially designed instruction. The general education teacher is the content expert, and has the curriculum knowledge to analyze academic tasks, support the creation of student memory devices, and intensify instruction as necessary. Paraprofessionals align their support with the methods used by the general education and special education teachers. They follow the accommodations grid, use visual supports, and implement prompting techniques to promote student independence. The students practice self-determination by identifying their strengths and needs, and establish meaningful social, academic, and transition goals. The related service providers consult and teach essential skills which positively impact progress on academic and functional IEP goals. Their collaboration with the special education teacher, general education teachers, and paraprofessionals is essential for consistently supporting the unique needs of students.
The SDI Crew- School Administrators, School Counselors, Family Members
The committed ‘crew’ ensures the structure is in place for the delivery of specially designed instruction. The administrative team and school counseling staff collaborate on master scheduling and schedule students with disabilities first in the process. They align student class placements with necessary supports to meet specified service minutes on IEPs. Administrators also provide coaching support to co-teachers who are required to provide specially designed instruction. Family members are also an integral part of the ‘crew'. They provide valuable input during the IEP process and support their student in accomplishing goals and generalizing learning at home and community settings.
SDI Resources
All IEP team members serve an important role in the SDI planning process, and many use tools similar to the resources listed below. The Setting the Stage for Specially Designed Instruction Resource Toolkit below is organized by educator role, and includes links to a variety of techniques and tools. We encourage you to browse the toolkit to gather fresh ideas that will support you and your team when preparing for specially designed instruction.