Summer 2024, No. 2

Photo by Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for EDUimages

A Note from the Executive Director

It will take a comprehensive approach to turn around high levels of chronic absenteeism. Yet many of our schools and districts are scaled for pre-pandemic attendance issues, with one or two people focused on attendance at school and often one person at the district level. Cross-functional teams with people who represent a variety of perspectives and can leverage resources across departments are essential for adopting a comprehensive approach.

Before next school year begins, plan to include responsibility for your engagement and attendance strategy in an ongoing team, or establish a new group. We’ve developed steps on how to organize a team, the key functions and who should be members on our Teams page. 

What does a comprehensive approach look like? First recognize that success is possible! Then, know your challenge, organize your response and align your resources. Learn more from this action plan for states, districts and schools developed by Attendance Works and Everyone Graduates Center and presented at the Every Day Counts Summit at the White House.

In the last weeks of school absenteeism spikes. Engaging and fun activities can motivate children to come to school. Check out the Game Library from Playworks, with hundreds of game ideas and modifications to ensure every student can have fun.

We are thrilled to see media coverage about local efforts that are moving the needle on attendance. Check out the two-part story by NPR reporter Cory Turner documenting how Livingston Unified School District in California is successfully partnering with families to ensure kindergarteners show up to school every day. See The kids missing the most amount of school may surprise you: kindergarteners (Morning Edition) and A California school is addressing chronic absenteeism at the root (All things Considered).

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your hard work and steady focus on students and families. Enjoy your summer break! 


Hedy Chang

Founder and Executive Director

Attendance Awareness Campaign

Mayors and other elected leaders, school boards and superintendents are in a good position to signal the importance of school attendance by declaring that September is Attendance Awareness Month. Contact local media for a photo and post the proclamation to your website. We’ve updated our template Proclamation for 2024. Share it with your networks! 

Register today for AAC webinar #3, on August 7! Creating a Culture of Belonging and Engagement: Principals In Action: 12-1:30pm PT / 3-4:30pm. 

Register for webinar #4, on September 25. Leadership for Sustainability: Superintendents Making a Difference. 

Find the event recording, presentation slides and resource links for all of our webinars on our website.

Attendance Tools

Videos shown at rallies or back-to-school events can message to families and students what they gain by attending regularly. We especially like A Pep Talk to Students on School Attendance, aimed at high school students, from Aggie News Network. For early education students and their families, we get a kick out of Kids' #SchoolEveryday from Children’s Aid. Take a look!

Playworks and the American Academy of Pediatrics teamed up for a special webinar, Supporting Student Mental Health Through Play. Speakers discussed how play-based practices can improve students’ relationship skills, practice problem-solving and self-control in a safe and supportive setting. 

What improves attendance and engagement among American Indian and Alaska Native students, and how do we ensure solutions are grounded in the realities, strengths and historical experiences of their communities? A new brief by Attendance Works, published by WestEd, explores the challenges to regular attendance and specific approaches for AI/AN students.

What Works Spotlight

The National Partnership for Student Success Support Hub has developed a series of brief bright spots highlighting promising strategies within comprehensive approaches used by districts to improve chronic absence.


RaaWee K12 is teaming up with Pivot Attendance to present a free, virtual International Summit on June 7, 2024. Participants will leave with practical tips to implement this upcoming school year and approaches to help sustain momentum after the first few months of school. Register.

District Leadership PD

Would you like to boost your district administrator's ability to build better systems to improve engagement and attendance? Our Professional Leadership Attendance Network (PLAN) offers small groups an opportunity to learn from experts and each other, and organize a clear action plan to engage your district team. Attendance Works will provide input on your plan. Learn more here, or email and

Technical Assistance

Registration is open for our Fall 2024 National E-Learning Series, a three-part training series for educators to learn proven, evidence-based tiered strategies to engage students and promote attendance. All three sessions are eligible for Title 1 and Title 2 funds.

News Highlights

Grit and gain: How Duval Schools looks to curb chronic absenteeism, Jax Today, May 29, 2024

RI House passes chronic absenteeism bill,, May 29, 2024

Rams, Pacsun Donate Washer/Dryers To Combat School Absenteeism, City News Service, May 28, 2024

Why children with disabilities are missing school and losing skills, NPR, May 15, 2024

The Latest on Chronic Absence in Arizona, Read On Arizona, April 17, 2024

We Can't Do It Without You!

Reducing today’s high levels of chronic absence requires a continual focus on engagement, support and the rebuilding of routines. Donate today and help propel the push for a full educational recovery for all kids and youth.

Attendance Works would like to express its deep appreciation to the foundations that are currently funding our work nationally and in communities across the country: Abell Foundation, The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, Heising-Simons Foundation, The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation, Hyde Family Foundation, Kaiser Permanente, The Lemala Fund, Open Society Institute–Baltimore, Overdeck Family Foundation.

About Attendance Works

Attendance Works is non-profit, national and state initiative. Our mission is to advance student success and reduce equity gaps by addressing chronic absence. We aim to ensure that every school in every state not only tracks chronic absence data for its individual students, but also partners with families and community agencies to help those children.


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